Handsome Writer 19

He listened to Ahn Young in a heartbeat and saw the ten modes of tentacle monsters.


1. Tentacle Monster Activation

2. Screw vibration

3. Clitoris Focus Attack

4. Backdoor Opening

5. Piston Workout

6. Simultaneous front and back insertion

7. Shiohuki Mode

8. Moisture Supplement

9. Lick the cow's tongue

10. Fall of the Fallen Object

‘Wow, what a magnet function. ’

[As you can see, there are 10 different modes of tentacle monster. Select the corresponding mode to allow remote operation within 3 meters.]

"Hmm, is that so? ’

He examined the democracy from the tentacle like a gauze in his panties. She looks uncomfortable as if she's wearing a diaper, turning her back on her butt.

"Hehe, let's test democracy's patience. ’

He pressed "tentacle monster" first. As he clicks on the smart watch, his awkward democratic pupils rapidly enlarge.

“· · Suck! ”

“Huh? Democracy? What's the matter?"

“Oh, no. Suddenly I'm feeling a little... ”

“Does your stomach hurt? Was that dinner any less digestive? ”

“Teacher, are you all right? ”

He pressed the button and pretended he didn't know anything. But the democracy sensed that he had tampered with something. A damp and cold object that was pretending to be gummy bears met him and began to wriggle like a living thing.

What, what? What's going on in there? What did the master give me? ’

Democracy managed to prevent her from noticing her graduate comrade Im An Young.

Democracy, which is also an undergraduate assistant, had a good reputation among graduate students. I couldn't break the image I had worked so hard for in one moment.

“Oh, it's no big deal. ”

“If you're not feeling well, go back to the bathroom. ”

“Well, should I? ”

A democracy tries to get up and run, but suddenly someone steps on it. Under the table, he shakes his paw across the cheek.

Where do you think you're going?

The expression.

Democracy took its place again because it had the courage to disobey orders.

“Well, I'll just endure it. I think it's gonna be okay. Don't mind me. Keep talking. ”

“Really? Oh, my God. Where were we? ”

“Meet the editor in charge. ”

“Do you have any ideas? ”

“Well · · · ·. Before I do, I'd like to ask you a few questions. ”

“What? I'll tell you as much as I know. ”

“You said on the Internet you could make a lot of money. ”


“But how much do I need to spend to make that much money? ”

“Hmm · · · ·, you mean writing speed? ”


Ahn Young snapped his chin for a moment and thought about it.

The combination speed and quantity was difficult to answer because each author had a personal difference. She replied, reminiscing about the experiences of writers she had ever known.

“In short, the genre is Snacculture Market. ”

“Yes, I know what you mean. ”

“The production and consumption of content is very fast, so the trends change quickly and it's easy to back off. I mean, readers can't wait. ”

“I see.”

“That's why famous writers play almost every day. ”

“Every day? How much a day? ”

“It's roughly 13.4 pages in typeface, so you have to write about a volume a month. ”

“You want me to film a book a month? ”

The lesson was spectacular.

Most writers don't write a single book a year.

There are authors who have written only one book in their lifetime.

What do you mean, one a month?

He shakes his head.

“You're guaranteeing the income you mentioned earlier by using that amount? ”

“Yes, because fast rehearsal speed is the key to maintaining poison or holding the reader. ”

“Hmm · · ·. ”

‘Somehow I said it's weird to make a lot of money in writing · · · It's like a job where you change your arms and make money? ’

[Obviously, it's enormous. One a month. By the way, I know that Lee Chan-nam's father writes a piece a year.]

‘That's normal. If you're a normal novelist, this is ridiculous. It's like giving up everyday life. ’

“So it's not that hard to work through school? ”

“Well, that's why there are so many full-time writers. It's hard to concentrate when you're working or studying. But wouldn't it be a good opportunity to try? ”

I was troubled by the lesson.

Ahn Young continued to persuade such lessons, and while the two of them were doing so, Democracy was gasping for breath.

"Huff-puff! What the hell, what kind of machine moves so dirty?" ’

Like motors and power units, democracy was about to die in a barrel of unseen objects that would provoke their holes. The panties were already wet, and I could barely stand the groaning.

Then he glances at the smart watch and triggers another mode.

This time it was screw vibration mode.


“Ugh, ugh!! ”

The democracy, which was barely holding on, shouted in a sudden state of mind in a changed mode. The sound was too loud and I looked at the democracy as well as other guests who were drinking coffee around me.

“What's the matter? Are you okay, democracy?”

“Ah-ah-ah-ah, yeah. Sudden abdominal pain · · ·. ”

“You really can't. Do you want me to go to the pharmacy and get some medicine? ”

“Ugh, yeah. Can you do that for me? That, too. ”

The democrat whispered in his ear toward Ahn Young, and Ahn Young nodded as if he knew.

“Hey, girl. You shouldn't have said that. I'll be right back.”

“Oh, thank you. ”

“I can go. ”

As soon as Ahn-young stepped forward, he was detained.

“No, there's only one thing women can do. I'll be back soon. Please take care of the democracy. It's a lot to take in. ”


After Ahn Young left the coffee shop, he paused the machine for a while.

The sighing democracy only calmed down the trembling body.

“What did An-young ask you to buy from the pharmacy? ”

“Birds, menstrual cramps. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Me again. I'm pretty good at it. ”

“Joo, Owner, but this is too irritating · · ·. ”

“Why? You're being punished. Have you forgotten?”

“Yeah, but I'm going to get caught. ”

“If they find out, you're finished. She comes into a dirty coffee shop and sticks a cordless dildo in it. ”

“Hee, hee. ”

“I'm sure it's not a mess down there. ”

“Yes · · ·. ”

He searched for another mode, looking at the face of suffering democracy.

I think I've had enough. Should I give it a good poke? ’

When he runs the piston motion mode, the shape of the rattlesnake tentacle begins to change like a man's penis. The democracy was stunned by the feeling of digging deep inside, and he twisted his panties with both hands.

“Oh, no! ”

“Why not? You already asked for a face. ”

As the tentacle monster initiates the piston movement, democracy falls over the bulging couch.

“Huh, school, school, state, owner, this is a substitute. ”

“Amazing, isn't it? It's so popular in foreign countries. Don't you think you're actually getting hit by a person? ”

“Ha, ha, ha, ha! ”

The democracy quickly shut up again in case people stare at it. She was about to flip her eyeballs over with a powerful tentacle insert.

“Ahh, haaang, master, please. ”

“Please what? Ah, one hole isn't enough? You want me to open it in the back?”

“Ugh, that, that! ”

When he switched to rear opening mode, the tentacle monster that was poking his vagina changed direction, and this time he targeted the butthole of democracy. Like a willful creature, the creature stretches its own thin tentacles, digging a tightly closed hole in the buttocks of democracy.

“Hustle! There, there! ”

With a slippery creature twitching its butthole, the eyes of democracy were opened.

She shakes the whale at the sight of begging for instruction.

“Lord, Lord, this is me, please! ”

“Why? You look very happy. ”

“Please! I'll listen to you now. I will never disobey you! Please, just there. ”

A democracy begs for lessons, but Ahn Young quickly returns with a package of medicine.

“Huff-puff, luckily there's a pharmacy across the street. Oh, look at him! Are you sweating? ”

Ahn Young was surprised at the state of democracy that had become exhausted for a short while.

“Honey, how long have you been like this? ”

“I don't know. It just got worse in a minute. ”

He shrugs.

“Democracy. Are you okay? Shouldn't you be in the E.R.? ”

“Oh, no. I'm not feeling well. ”

“It's not that bad. Was that a bad thing for you? ”

Women with very severe menstrual cramps were sometimes taken to the emergency room in pain that was like tearing their stomach. An-young assumed that the democracy that had been turned into a reflection was probably the case.

“No, really. You'll be fine if you take your medicine. ”

While the democracy struggles, he presses another button.

He knew that the more trouble a democracy was in, the more excited he was. It was natural for women to be harassed.

"You'll have to bear with this, now it's back and forth! ’

Insert front and back.

A mode in which the tentacle monster's torso is deformed like a long sausage and bent like a horse's heel, simultaneously attacking the back and back.

The democracy suddenly kicks off the race as he activates the mode.


“Mi, democracy! ”

“Heh, heh, heh! ”

The democracy poured out a great deal of moaning, forgetting that it was a big coffee shop. I didn't know Ahn Young very well, but she was already drenched with runny saliva underneath the couch.

“I can't! I'm a student. The democracy must have been in too much cramps. ”

He acted out of his wits.

“Assistant teacher? So what do we do? ”

“Take a ride at the nearest hospital. I'll go get the democratic car started. ”


An-young took the car keys out of the bag of democracy and ran to the parking lot. He caught a couch and a tumbling democracy, and bowed his head to the store guests and retreated.

“I'm sorry, a person suddenly collapsed. ”


“I'm sorry, excuse me. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

He leaps on democracy and whispers in silence.

“Look at this. Wet pants. ”

He stabs his finger under his butt in a democratic posture. The more the democracy clings to him, and catches his breath.

“Lord, I can't take it anymore. Come on, Master. ”

“Shh. She's watching. Let's get in the car first. ”

Soon as he went out to the parking lot, Ahn Young opened the back door of the chase that stopped the car.

“Take her here. ”

“Yes, yes! ”

He pushed democracy into the back seat and sat down with him. An-young quickly grabbed the wheel and stepped on Excel.

She was very nervous when she was driving. It was because he had never driven a road before, except when he was trained three years ago.

Ahn Young, who was heading out to the road, asked him in a hurry.

“Ho, do you know how to drive a pupil? ”

“Oh · · · I don't have a license. ”

“Him, right? All right, I'll try to drive as safely as I can. ”

An-young realized that she had to drive the car somehow under the circumstances and focused on driving. Already a beginner's posture, with his sight shot in front of him and no time to look at the room mirror.

He looks at her and says to the democrat who fell in the back seat.

“Assistant teacher. Just cut off my knee and lie down. I'd rather lie down. ”

In front of his worried voice, Ahn Young was relieved.

‘Thank God. If I hadn't just learned my lesson, it would have been a big deal. Where's the hospital with the E.R.? ’

While Ahn Young was struggling with unfamiliar driving, the lesson of letting democracy lie on her lap was holding her head and rubbing the object.

After realizing that Ahn Young couldn't afford to look back, he lightly unzipped the object and pulled it out. Then he was bitten by a bean in the mouth of a democracy.

Suck it.

When he gave the order with his eyes, the democracy that was already very excited put the object in his mouth without hesitation.

‘Ugh, this is my first time with Pella in the backseat. ’

At that time, the car was big and I felt the body floating upward.


“I'm sorry! It's a speed bump. It hasn't slowed down. Are you okay? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

“What's your democracy? ”

“I feel better than before. ”

“Thank goodness.”

But in fact, the democracy was close to vomiting.

While being shocked by the protective chin, the object of the doctrine stabbed deep in the breast.


After democracy was in vain, he put his finger to his mouth, covering his mouth full of large objects, and said, "Shh." It meant never to be exposed.

He grabbed the head of democracy and stuck it in his groin, asking Ahn Young.

“How much longer is the hospital? ”

“I-I don't know the way, so I'm going to the general hospital. It's going to take about 10 minutes. ”

“Yes. Please go as safely as possible. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

As Ahn Young continued to focus on driving, his hands began to reach out toward the skirt of democracy.


Angry Fire Column