393. Defragmentation31

He snorted in his panties and took a deep breath whether he resisted or not. The panties emitted a pungent odor that was unacceptable to words with a stinky ammonia aroma.

‘Well, that's fantastic. Is that what panties smell like all day long? ’

When he snorted, Hye Mi almost looked like she was going to cry.

“Aha, brother · · · ·. ”

“Can I have a taste? ”

“Don't you ever do that! I'm gonna be pissed, man! ”

Hye Mi laid down a grudge, but that did not stop the lesson.

The lesson of flipping the panties to the side brought the bottom of the tongue without any fuss.



‘It's sour.’

“Jungwoo! Enough!”

After hearing the truth for a long time, he felt like he had gone back in time. He was a brilliant researcher in his 40s. In fact, his life was almost like the double of Lee Do-hoon.

‘By the way, the child is very young. If I had given it to him then, he would have worshipped and eaten. ’

“You sucked mine, so I'm returning the favor. ”

“You don't have to do that. It's all right. It's all right. Stop! ”



Hye Mi's cry was also like reading the Lord in front of an exciting lesson.

He keeps licking his tongue like a frog. The irritating affection that swept the trunk of the robot all over the tongue, Hye-mi cried like she was about to shed a tear.

“Huang, you really are a bad person! ”

“I'm going to wipe it off because you spill too much water. I'm afraid I'm gonna throw away all the sheets. ”

“W-what? How am I supposed to put up with that? ”

“Ah, here we go again. I'll be out all day. Rather.”

He stops speaking, and suddenly sticks his finger into the rattling hole.



“We have to stop him.”



Unlike what he said, the lesson of plugging the hole started with a piston vagina, poking your fingers back and forth. More like pumping the water inside, rather than filling a hole.

“Ahhh, oh, brother · · · Ahh! ”

Hye Mi struggled when she sucked with her mouth, and I kept quiet whether I was happy when the prank started.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh! ”

You're very sensitive. You're not kidding me. ’

[Yeah, I think the vocal chords are inside the vagina.]

‘I'm curious, but this time I want to attack without a window. Anyway, inside? ’

He used all the skills he had practiced.

In addition to the hook captain scratching the spot, he extended the hole widely by inserting fingers and turning in a circle. With the love of learning, Hye Mi groaned that the motel had to leave. If there was someone in the next room, they would have overheard you with your ears against the wall.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, brother · · · aah! ”


“Isn't that great? More than you did with your boyfriend? ”

“Why do you keep asking me that? Ah, ah, ah. ”

“Because I want to hear your answer. ”

“I don't know. I won't tell you.”

“You're exercising your right to remain silent? ”

The lesson was a close call.

I moved more vigorously as if I was going to listen to the answer.

As his hand moves faster, fluid protrudes from all sides of the sheet.


“Like this?”

“Ahhhhh, ah, ah, ah, oh, brother! ”

“Aren't you going to answer me? ”

“Ahhhh, ah, ah, ah! ”

“If you answer me, I'll stop. Am I your boyfriend?”

“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, that's enough. ”

When Hye-mi finally endured, he finally stopped playing with his hands and lowered his pants. The half-buried object appears intact and rises up like a spring.

“You have to plug this in yourself to get an answer? ”

I was troubled when I saw the lesson that Hye Mi was trying to insert.

“Oh, brother! Condoms!"

“Condoms? I don't use them. ”

“Poetry, no! I'll never do it without a condom! ”

Hye-mi was adamantly refusing. She specialized in nursing and was extremely sensitive to contraception.

“What's in the motel doesn't suit me. ”

“You can just go out and get it! ”

“I'm annoyed. I've already taken off my pants. ”

“I've never done it without a condom! ”

“With your boyfriend? ”

“Of course!”

He smiles bloody. It was zero chance of getting pregnant because the "Great Legacy" option was on anyway.

“That's great. I can do things that even boyfriends can't. ”

“Ahhh, no! ”

Hye Mi desperately retreated the bridge, but the object was already touching the bottom hole. Reaching forward, my head sank into the slippery hole.


Hye Mi fell asleep under the pressure of a hard head.

The incoming boulder fills the wet hole while slipping.

“Oppa!!! ”

“I'll never pee inside. Trust me, I've never made a mistake. ”

He extends his lower back and crashes into the object.


At that moment, a leg that was tightly closed like a clam was flared. As the great object of discipline settled to the end, my butt flew and my heart trembled greatly.

‘Ugh, this tastes good. That's a good squeeze. I like kids, too. ’

“Ahhh, Hak, Hak! ”

He developed the round trip movement as slowly as possible to give him time to adapt to the object. At first, Hye Mi, who was crying and screaming, started to taste big (?).

“Oh, ow. ”

“How's that? Not bad at all often, huh? ”

“Ze, can't you really pee inside? ”

“Why would I do that? I'm scared, too. ”

The doctrine of reassuring Hye Mi slowly sped up and fell facedown. He hugged both palon hymies and plunged his waist vertically into a standing position on the summit.

Soft, soft.

“Ah, ah, oh, brother! ”

“What do you think? You feel like you're not wearing a condom? ”

“I don't know. ”

“It's always better to just do it. You don't know the taste yet. ”

“Yeah, but I'm scared! ”

“How can you be afraid of this and spend one night? ”

“Ha, because I want to. ”

Hye-mi answered with a crawling voice.


Hye Mi nodded her head instead of answering with a saggy face.

“Couldn't you be more satisfied solving it yourself? ”

“Can you compare? Haak, oh, brother! ”

“Well, if you know the taste of meat, you will never leave bed bugs. · · ”

He changed his posture and laid his body down. Then he spread his feet straight, hugging one leg and pushing it without compassion.

Pow, pow, pow!

“Haang, ah, Yi, what is this? ”

“I don't have a name. It's more like a sidebar if you keep it separate. ”

“I've never done anything like this before. ”

“You've never flanked before? You said your boyfriend was a good liar. ”

“He's good at it too · · · mainly from the top. ”

“Then we're not there yet. You have a colorful posture.Do you insist on one thing? Tsk, tsk.”

Taun who was shoving the object turned his body upside down this time.

It was a variation of the dorsal position resting on the floor with your legs straight and your body resting on top of it.

“This must be the first time you've done this, too. ”

“Haha, yes. First time.”

“How do you feel? ”

“I'm not sure yet. ”

“Not bad, right? ”

“Haha, Joe, good. I feel weird · · ·. ”

Hye Mi's firm butt is a cushion and bounces back at her piston training. Because I was lying on my stomach completely on the floor, I didn't have enough depth to insert than usual, but I squeezed my left and right legs together.

He squeezed his chest with both hands and poked the hole without rest. Hye Mi sighed as if she was going to be distracted by the endless stimulus.

“Haha, oh, you're so good. ”

“You're good?”

“Yes, I've never felt this way before. It tickles underneath the membrane. ”

“Better than your boyfriend, right? ”

“Yes, much more than my boyfriend. ”

Hye-mi finally admitted it.

In fact, it was not comparable from the weight class.

The trademark object of Dean and the physical emission of over 180 muscle texture demonstrated a compulsion that the dizzy men could not even imitate.

He literally bombed a woman. At the same time, I stole the heat with delicate technique. In addition, his hidden organ is a thick mouth that perfectly shoots at the opponent's taste.

“You're going to hit me like this today, and then you're going to hit your boyfriend again? ”

“Ugh, well, don't say that. ”

“That's right. Just like when your boyfriend Hugh came out of the closet, nothing else happened. ”


“So what do we do? Now that you've tasted mine, your boyfriend's gonna wilt. Are you sure about this?”


The disciple touched Hye-mi's guilt as much as he insisted. Surprisingly, every time she did, she got even more excited. Maybe Hye Mi enjoyed the sense of cheating on her military boyfriend more than the sex itself.

‘Poor guy, poor guy. ’

[What can I do? It's the two of you. By the way, it's a pity that you didn't get the job or the mission involved.]

Is that not what happened last time? I think there was some kind of flirting with the boyfriend. ’

[‘I loved my friend's friend. "You mean it. Unfortunately, I have a prerequisite that you should know each other." It's just the wind.]

Any missions related to Night One Night? ’

[I don't know about the conditions under which the mission is active. It can change as much as GM likes. Even if there was another one, it's not for the current owner.]

How can you be so sure? ’

[You are the King of the Sewers after all. The mission difficulty will also be adjusted accordingly. Honestly, my lord, you can hunt all you want for a night on the road. Mission difficulty is too low to be ruled out in the first place.]

‘Hmm · · · ·. Leveling up wasn't all that good. Somehow I think my points are getting stronger. ’

[Correct. Rewards earned per mission will increase proportionately instead. Didn't you get 3,000 points in a row earlier?]

1,600, to be exact. Spent 1,400 points to clear the mission. ’

[No profit without investment, no matter what the owner says.]

‘Yeah, it's almost time, by the way. I think I almost ran out of juice to fuck five people in one night. The limit is approaching.'

He pulled Hye Mi's waist and made her into an upside down position for the finish.

“I'm going to go a little harder from now on. ”

“Heheheh, heh, it's still hard enough. ”

Hye Mi was very nervous in OTL. Blood begins to flow from the crown's fingertips, holding onto her sharp, love-handled handle firmly.

Urgh! It's the Lord of the Last Fling tonight! ’

The rapid rise in erectile stiffness caused the object to become rigid without origin. Hye Mi was astonished at the end and was surprised by the dangers of the more powerful object.

Uh, how does it get any harder? ’

Lesson to create the grass erector starts slowly.

Pull your arms out and back out.


Hye Mi heavily breathed in one shot.


“Going deep. Hold on tight."

The fallen Hye-mi grabs the sheet like a cat.

Bang again!

Whenever he crashed with power, his whole body's organs fluttered. Her lower chest flutters freely, and her full-bottomed butt flesh vibrates.

‘Ugh, I think my uterus is bursting. Oh, my God. ’



Bang, bang!

Lesson slowly speeds up.

Bang, bang, bang!

“Ugh, oh, brother. ”

Thump, thump, thump!

Incredible rhythm.

The fallout of the doctrine had already reached its height.

Furthermore, there was no hesitation on the retreat.

Like a storm when driven, like a mountain when pulled back.

Sometimes heavy, sometimes explosive.

A simple tapping motion sublimated to the hardship of the art.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! ”

When he beat the drum, he poured out a sobbing voice like a spear. The perfect harmony between the two makes Harmony, and the inside of the motel is strung up.

‘Nonsense. I've never had sex like this before. Boyfriend was nothing. If your boyfriend is a worm, Jung Woo is a dragon, Dragon! ’

Hye Mi finally came to the moment when the dragon spoke.

Suddenly, a fast-paced turn of events draws him into the last sputter.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!


Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!

“Go, go, go! ”

“Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-ah-arrrrrrrrrrr. ”

When he raised his hand that held his waist at the moment of launch, Hye Mi bounced forward and slid onto the iron-duck bed. And her back plate shoots the thick, bulletproof semen out of him.



“Huff, huff! ”

Hye Mi sighed as she lay on her stomach.

The last rush, truly, was a movement beyond man.

I thought if there was a sex god, it would be this guy.

“Hey, Jungwoo. ”

“You want a bath?”

“Well, I can't reach a finger. ”

“Yes. I'll wash first, then. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

As he enters the shower, hemi falls asleep enjoying the horror of orgasm.

When she woke up this morning, the lesson was gone.

Instead, there was a note on the side table.

Make happy memories. Have an affair and be good to your boyfriend.

“Ahh · · ·. ”

It was a one-night stand, but I didn't seem to forget him for a lifetime.


Angry Fire Column