390. Defragmentation 28

* * *

Mi-hyun was once called a black rose.

The name ‘rose’ is naturally given to the name of the eldest, and because of its strong and cool nature, the prefix 'black’ is said to be attached.

Of course, this was only a dishonorable nickname obtained by the black nipples, for which it was surface.

Melanin pigmentation has been her trauma ever since she was a child. Even when I was a virgin, I was amazed at it.

And of course, there were no black women with nipples.

Yes, it is.

She splashes even the vagina.

Black beans on black beans, which were graded according to the color of their penises, were a deadly weakness for her in the entertainment industry. Especially the black main area caused men to have an unpleasant imagination.

That's a lot of rubbish.

You're not sneaking up on her, are you?

You remind me of my wife · · ·.

Despite numerous prejudices and misunderstandings, she survived.

Her comrades who debuted with her were not able to repay her, so she survived as if she were watching, being sold to the province, to the island, and taken from her body and money to the west columns.

Her inferiority drives more flogging, eventually leading up to her baby mama in her late 20s. This was due to the sex skills honed to overcome weaknesses.

The successors sometimes asked her.

Why are you so desperate?

Is there a reason you're raising money like a villain?

You could've just asked for a favor and laundered your identity.

Most entertainment professionals have no intention of doing this in their lifetime. The person who jumped because he liked it, and most of the time he couldn't avoid it. Even if you start to doubt, it's hard to stop when you can't go for a year or two, and most of you live disconnected from the past.

But Mi-hyun was proud of his work.

I'm going to be the best hostess in the country.



Fallen woman.

Although there are many words that underestimate the entertainment woman, she was not ashamed of the 'hostess’ profession.

A good singer is fun to be a singer, and a good cook makes people happy by cooking. So what can a good sex woman do?

People said they were doing things to make money easily. You just need to lie down and spread your legs. Do not insult sacred physical labor anymore.

But I wanted to question Mi-hyun.

If it looks that easy, try it.

I'll bet you I can't last another day or an hour and run.

A hostess is a job of selling laughter before selling her body.

It is a place of rest for men who are tired of work and inflamed by family life.

They are psychotherapists, thoughtful listeners, and sometimes sweet mothers, sometimes hot sisters, resolve guest sexual fantasies.

I had to bend my pride dozens of times a day and put dirty things in my mouth. Even on the day my closest friend died in the accident, I sold a smile and sold my body. When others shed tears, she cried in a bot.

It's hard to understand how hard it is without going through anything. Mi-hyun thought that people despised prostitutes so much.

This is ridiculous, right? Hang in there for a year. I'm going to be sick or something, and I'm going to die.

Mi-hyun took pride in calling herself a professional.

A veteran who survived many years in the harsh entertainment industry.

Among the pros, Black Bo Rose stared at him like he was devouring lessons. She intends to spend her whole life studying.

‘You'll see. I'll chew your balls off because they're cheap and cheap and boring. ’

* * *

“Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh! ”

Everyone has a plan.

Until I hit something big.

“Ha-ha-ha! Ah-ah! ”

Rose comes at you with confidence, but she can't be your opponent in the end. She and I had our differences in the beginning.

A criminal cannot defeat a natural genius.

Especially if that genius tries.

“You, too much! How can you be so young? ”

“Haven't you heard that age is just a number? ”

“Still, the difference in experience is · · ·. ”

“I'm not good with experiences. Honestly, there's not a man who's changed more women than I have lately. ”


Rose overlooked one thing.

That I was mistaken for a normal college student.

But over the last few months, I've been more obsessed with sex than anyone else. Starting with the convenience store mother, the leafy march led to a sister who eventually abandoned all the sisters in one family.

If she's a pro, I'm a pro.

She got paid to have sex, but I tripped girls with nothing.

That's the difference between bowls.

Pow, pow, pow!

I pushed Rose against the wall.

With her chest pressed against the wall, she sighs and vomits whenever the big water hits her.

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Aww.”

“Don't hold back. You don't have to put up with it. You're my guest today. ”

“Oh, no. Pride for us, too. ”

“That's pride talking. Don't you know yet?”

One of Rose's legs rests on her shoulder. She stands on one leg like a ballerina. You slam the solidified object from the ground into her wide-open hole.


“I'm the big guy! ”


“Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! ”

Rose lies flat on the floor screaming.

With a sigh, your chest heavily rises and falls.

Her black hole is dripping with vaporous, soupy semen.


[Congratulations, Master! Mission accomplished! What a fight. I can't believe you sent three men to the same room as a tent.]

‘Hmph. These aren't the right tents, anyway. ’


‘They will sell with a sign as a tent, but will they have to take a bite? A real tent wouldn't be so bad. ’

[Is it?]

‘It's worth watching, but that's just it. There's no depth. No notation. ’

[Ahh · · ·.]

‘There's got to be a good first class somewhere. We can't get cocky until we take them down. ’

[You are our master. You don't even notice the moment of victory. I'm more than happy to see it grow every day.]

“Oh, what a mess, by the way. ”

The room was bombed.

Three women groaning, possums and bottles scattered all over the place were like debris.

“Hmm. Too much fun? ”

I put on my clothes and organized my surroundings appropriately, and Jasmine suddenly asked me.

“Who the hell are you? ”


“You're a hog player, aren't you? ”


She crouches on the floor, still frowning.

“How can you not be a player? ”

“Let's say you're a professional amateur. There are some weirdos in the world. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Jasmine bites her stubborn lips.

A face with a lot of self-esteem and a lot of defeat.

I consoled her by clearing out the fallen bottle.

“Don't be too proud. But it was great, so the back room. ”

“Yi, don't mistake this for the end. ”


“There are a lot more people out there than we are. Not even for you, not for her. ”

That woman?

Suddenly I was curious.

“Who's that? ”

“Yes, in our industry, it's a legend. ”

“Memory · · · ·. ”

Well, I've seen a few of the common people, and none of them are whores.

“Come as much as you want. I won't lose. ”

“· · · Arrogant. ”

“Cocky is my charm, but you don't know it yet. ”

I looked at the clock.

It's time for the item to wear out.

Whether you're a moderator, a Shah student, or a team in a booth, one team will come soon.

You must have accomplished something. The Night was no longer a fool. After clearing up, I told the tents I was starting to regain consciousness.

“There's a group out there waiting. I'll go out. ”

“Ugh · · ·. ”

“That beast. ”

“Hey, pillar! ”


Rose pulls something out of the clutch and throws it at me. A business card with a red rose on it.

“Come to our store sometime. Let's fight again in the Home Ground. ”

I answered with a roughly crumpled business card.

“I see. ”

* * *

Learned out of the room turned on his phone to check the open chat room.

“Come on? When did BMW go out again? ”

BMW, who was pulling a second-hand foreign car, left the room a long time ago. Moreover, there was no communication after he locked his room. The Abbot and the Shah student didn't say anything.

“Could it be a pulse? ”

Temporarily determined parties always end in a daze. Pieces become mortal over time, whether they accomplish their purpose or fail.

The lessons that followed the Solo homerun to the Three-home Run were no longer foolish in the sculpture. Moreover, the room was a mess, so it was obvious that if I stayed here, the other members would be apprehended.

“What · · · ·. I achieved my goal. ”

He left the open chat room following BMW's precedent.

I won't be reunited with them again.

I tried to put my phone in my arms, but a text arrived.

Hye Mi: Jung Woo, I'm leaving now.

The lesson reminded me of Hye-mi who had just forgotten.

The first nurse college student to book.

A person who seems to have achieved something by seducing her purely with her abilities without using her skills.

You're going home?

Hye Mi: Yes. Then we should go home. Where are we going?

"Look at her? It's slipping away."

He kept texting while going out to night.

Lesson: I was just leaving too · ·. Do you want to do your dissertation if you go out?

Hae Mi: A dissection? Hmm · · · ·. Alone?

Teaching: Yes. Do you have any friends?

Hye Mi: Yes.

Then get your friends a cab first. I'll wait for you outside.

Hye Mi: Is that right?

He smiled in disgust. Somehow, I felt frustrated by Hye Mi's actions.

‘Obviously, it doesn't feel like a job for women. ’

[Are you going to do it again?]

‘What are you talking about? I'm just going to eat real food. I'm starving. ’

[The owner never only eats food. · ·]

‘Hey, I have my limits, too. I'm not squeezing right now. ’

[Are you sure? I got back half the energy I spent on prosthetics.]


It turned out that the Wise Man's time was not longer than I expected for him to pose. I lost my hunger, but it was due to my physical blood, and I was not severely lacking in lust.

Hye-mi: Hyung. Can you hold on a second? Taxi's not as bad as I thought.

Take your time. I'm gonna have a cigarette.

He saw men burning cigarettes around the entrance of the night. After all, it was a crowd full of loathsome people, rather than being injured internally.

‘Well, I guess I'm a loser for being here. I blew a three-run on a brick and mortar home run. ’

At that moment, I heard the man's words in my ears.

“Hey, did you hear that? ”


“I heard that Gumiho lives in this night. ”

“What are you talking about? Are you drunk?”

“No, no. I heard the story across the street. ”

This is what the man said.

The insanely sexy woman comes alone at night, always picking someone up and taking them to the motel.

“So, what, you took a kidney? An organ trafficking ring?”

“No, that's not it. I mean, the people who slept with her are going to rip each other apart. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Some say there are dozens of white hairs in one day. ”

“Shit, I got hooked on an Internet sled somewhere. ”

“For real? Not one or two experienced people. ”

“So, what did she look like? He's got nine tails. ”

“No, that's not it, but the witness said it was strange. ”


“Yeah. Some say she's tall and thin, some say she's a small, little girl, some say she's a nurse, some say she's a high school teacher, some say she's a big business secretary. There are many different jobs.”

“Are you doing some kind of makeover? ”

“I said! ”

“What a urban legend. Wake up, man. You got internal injuries in your room, and you look like shit. Let's just go get some bean sprouts. ”

“Hey, hold on. Try to hunt a little bit while you're here. I'm afraid I can't go on like this. ”

“Oh my, will you be a hunter in a backyard that can't even book? I'm out of here. I'm just going to the parlor for the fucking room money. ”

“Hey, hey! Let's just do it once.”

He listened to them and asked Rossi.

Gumiho, is there really such a thing? ’

[· · · · · ·.]

Rosie, are you asleep? ’

[Oh, no. Thinking about something else for a while.]

‘What are you thinking. Is there really a Gumiho? ’

[No. In the past, there were occasional spirits, but I heard that as I moved into modern society, I hid my tracks. I'm starting to think it's rather gruesome.]



Angry Fire Column