381. Defragmentation19

For your convenience, he nicknamed the three of you Tenph.

The leader in the provocative Siroo outfit is' Siroo ’.

The woman with the giant tits is a cow.

Finally, he named his partner Skinny.

‘It's easy to memorize it with a nickname, since you can almost say it with a fake name anyway. ’

Skinny slammed into the cup with his teachings.

“Do you go to the night a lot? ”



“No, it's been a long time. ”

I can't even remember coming before I was born, so I wasn't really lying to him. But Skinny didn't believe it.

“Hmm, that sounds like a lie. ”

I was going to say no, but I had a different idea.

‘These women are here to relieve some of the stress anyway. There's nothing good about a fresh pot of tea. Yes, of course. ’

“So it's been a long time for this night. ”

“What? Haha, that's funny. I knew it. ”

Skinny had a little bit of a hangover from the start. Moreover, after taking a straight shot of smoked spirits, I kept leaning toward him to see if his spirits were getting stronger.

“I'm very stressed out about my studies. ”

“You don't look like you're going to study well. Aren't you always busy meeting girls? ”

“Where do you want to meet? ”


Skinny revealed a lot of curiosity.

It seemed like a preference for sexual jokes.

“Then what are you doing here? ”

“Well? What should I do to have fun with men and women meeting? ”

“Tell me. I'm dying to know. ”

“Does it go barefoot, is it? ”

Skinny folds his arms around you as he makes a sneaky move. Her soft chest presses against her elbows and gives a clumsy feel.

"Oh, you see the way he just came in? ’

“Ahh, tell me quickly. I'm naive. I don't know anything. ”

Skinny is cute and charming. The act of mating with the cheeky red face shook the man's guard.

Then Sisru, who was watching him on the other side, shouted cynically.

“Funny. Jasmine, you can't trust a whore to be a virgin for believing you're naive. ”

“Sister, really! ”

“What? You found out about your job anyway. Why are you being so rude? ”

“You can't help real life. ”

“Have you ever helped me with anything? Bitch, I barely stopped the dollar interest the other day. ”

“Hey, sis. Come on!"

Sisru talks. He would, too. She was also known as the "baby madam" class within the tent. She continued to stare at the lesson as if her partner wasn't good enough.

“Hey, buck up. ”


“So who else is here besides you, the healthy one? ”

“Sister, if I take it off too, it will be fine · · ·. ”

The Shah student interrupts, but Sisru pushes him away as if annoying.

“Go home and take your clothes off, because you're throwing away your eyes. By the way, how would you like to have your funeral? ”

“Flag ceremony?”

“Yes. My sister is in a bad mood, but I want to give her some allowance. ”


Sisru continues to stare at him, and the skinny squeals. However, Sirius said that he didn't care.

“Did you have a partner here to play with? Why are you being so childish? ”

“I called dibs first. ”

“Can't I have something delicious back? ”

He was unable to concentrate on a blatant conversation.

They were real.

"Yes, this is what a pro should look like. ’

He jumps to his feet.

“Good thing I didn't have enough allowance. What about the flagging ceremony? ”

“What? I thought you looked naive, but surprisingly hot. ”

Sisru opens a clutch bag that looks like a luxury and suddenly picks up a bunch of cash. Significant thickness at first glance.

Everyone opened their eyes, and Sisru opened a cashier's sheet at the end of the table. Sisru, who raised cash in a row as if she were expanding her debt, said toward the lesson.

“You want this? ”

“Does anyone here hate money? ”

“Then pull it out more often. You can keep it as far as you like. ”

"Ugh, what the hell is this? ’

He was embarrassed, but smiled as faintly as he could.

“Will you take that? ”


Taun opened the gap between dense bills.

“This much, I don't know if I can reach it. ”

“What? Hahahaha! ”

Sisru grabbed the boat and said something unusual to him.

“Hey, it's not enough. Do you guys have any cash? ”

“I heard you shot him today. ”

“I only have the cards. ”

“Gosh, go away. ”

Sisru said to him,

“You hear that? I mean, I suck at cash when it comes out of the bills, Cole? ”

"Ugh, a calmly twisted face! ’

To be honest, his legs were twitching. With Rossi's help, there was an insurmountable force in front of you, even if you used skills.

Thought it was a big hit, but the opposing Pokémon drinks more.

Then the Abbot who was watching went out.

“Here you go, ladies. What are you gonna do when you get naked all of a sudden? Pillar, you sit down, too, man. Why are you standing there? ”

“Is his name a pillar? Is it true?”

“It's not very rustic, is it? ”

“Phew. What's a pillar? What pillar?”

“It's always an angry pillar. ”

“Hahahahaha! They're hilarious. A pillar of fire.”

“Khh. Shouldn't we cool off the anger? ”

“Hey, no more flagging ceremonies, and you sit next to me. ”

Sisru tapped the side of the couch.

Then the Shah student made a tear, and Skinny, who was originally his partner, opened his eyes.

“Sister, I called first. ”

“What if I do? Aren't you sitting where you want to be? He's not up and down. ”

“Then you should have picked it first. Why are you stealing my partner? ”

“Hey, okay, okay. Don't pay me back for Mycroft. Okay?”

“Hmph, that's it. I don't have a week's worth of money to pay you back. ”

“Save up that money, bitch! ”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became harsh.

The two of them were competing for lessons.

He turned his head to think he would fail to achieve his achievements.

“How about this? ”


“First, take my hand. ”

He reaches out to Sisru.

As if you were encouraging a lady to dance.

“See, she's picking on me? ”

“Get up. ”

“Why? Want to dance? Thick as a whistle?”

However, he ignored Sisru's words and pulled her to the side of the first seat. Then Skinny to the left of him, and Sisru to the right of him.

“That's fair, right? ”

“Hahahaha! You're greedier than you look. You think you can handle both of us at the same time? ”

“What can't I do? And two balls. ”

Sisru collapses, grabbing her navel in the jokes of Dean.

The sullen skinny also smiled.

The Abbot was fortunate that the meeting was not fathomed as a base for Taun, and the cows watched as exciting as watching interesting sights.

Only the Shah student was unhappy in the room.

Suddenly, he was taken away by his partner, but he couldn't help but sniff a drink in front of him.

The Abbot focused on the partner next to him as the situation calmed down, and the lesson on both sides of the woman had to take on both neurological wars with her whole body.

“Sister, I have no intention of conceding in advance. ”

“Who said that? Choices go to shit anyway. ”

“Hoho. My sister was a great actress, don't you think she'll be eaten by kids these days? ”

“I'm still in my 20s, bitch. ”

“If 29 on this floor, isn't it time to prepare for retirement? ”

“This is for real or for real. ”

“Come on. Don't fight. ”

He stopped them both.

He swiftly rolls the liquor over a beer and makes a bomb.

“Have a drink and make up. ”

“Huh, I don't like it. My sister put up with me first. ”

“I like it. If you put it in your mouth instead. ”

Sisru was definitely one step ahead of the Tooling Skinny. She takes advantage of the opportunity to steal his lips.

Are you watching Rossi? This is me! "

[· · · · · ·.]

Of course, Rossi didn't say a word to get there.

The excitement lessons put the bombshell in his mouth and turned his head to look at Sisru. Sisru closes her eyes and sticks out her lips.

"Ah, can it be that easy? Stealing a woman's lips is easier than stealing a kid's snot-nosed money! ’

He approaches to kiss Sisru, and Skinny, sitting next to him, hugs him in the back and says,



“Don't kiss her. I'll make it tastier. ”

Sirius raises his eyes at Skinny's hindrance.

“What are you interrupting? I thought you didn't drink. ”

“I told you not to drink, didn't I tell you not to drink from the pillars? ”

Suddenly, she tucks her hands into her armpits and pulls her chest together. As the breasts of the voluminous skinny shimmered to the center, deep goals were beaten beneath the round.

“Don't you want to follow the pillar here? ”

"Khhh! Chest states! ’

After learning to stop, Sisru, who was watching, shouted.

“Where do you draw souls without breasts? ”

“It's bigger than you. ”

“Do you want to take a look? ”

“With what?"

“Can't a pillar just touch it and measure it? ”


In the end, he breathed spirits.

A booze poured out from the front of two women, and it poured onto the face of a Shah student who was staring at him with jealous eyes.


“Oh my gosh. ”

“Are you okay?"

The student who was struck by a booze bolt suddenly wanted to cry but got slapped. He wipes the liquor off his face with his trembling hands.

“Brother, I'm sorry. I don't know.”

“Oh, it's okay. I didn't mean to. ”

“You don't look so good. ”

“Yeah, go wash up in the bathroom. ”

The two women's words were more like a blessing than a consolation.

I don't want to see your face. Get rid of it.

The Shah student went to the bathroom with a crying face.

‘Fuck, it's not working. But we have to be patient. When are we gonna see those girls again at night? The numbers have to match anyway. ’

He thought only 3 vs. 3 people.

He argued about the doctrine until now, but he firmly believed that one would eventually come to him. In fact, they were both beautiful like celebrities, so they didn't care who became partners.

Soon after the Shah student disappeared into a crowded bathroom, he became inconsiderate. Sirius said again.

“Make sure you say it. Which one's the bigger one? ”

“For real? ”

“Then why don't you fake it? ”

“No, you don't know if it's mulberry or not when you touch it on your clothes. ”

I thought about it.

‘By this time, we'll just be leaving. If the opponent is a beast, I'm a beast. ’

Sirius laughed as he thought.

She seems to enjoy the extraordinary behaviour of her lessons.

“Excellent. The mulberry ones have to be filtered, don't they? ”

“Why are you talking to me? I'm not mulberry. ”

“Sounds fun. Count me in. ”

I even interrupted the cows who were the Abbot's partner.

Cows that boasted breasts as big were naturally women who were full of heart.

“Ivy, you're out. ”

“Yeah. Where's the big one? ”

“What, just by themselves. ”

“The column, quickly. Me first.”

Sisru pulls his two hands and tucks them under his clothes. Feeling the soft flesh, his hands gradually climb up.

The Abbot who watched quietly swallowed the saliva for that moment.

Are you really touching me? He's on the stairs. Oh, I envy you. '

He pulls a tight brassiere wire, opens the gap, and wraps his hands around Sisru's chest.

“Ugh! A car. ”

“Hold still. I have to measure exactly. ”


‘Oh, it's warm. Your breasts are huge. ’

Sisru's breasts were nothing compared to cows, but C cups were still over. He deliberately touched and measured the size of his breasts.

“Ouch! Don't you think you're getting too wet? ”

Sisru screams as if to see and hear Skinny.

Her eyes flip over as she looks at it.

“Hey! Stop pulling it! You've counted enough!”

He had no choice but to take his hand.

His fingers are bent as if they were wrapped around a loaf of bread.

“This much. I'll just remember that. ”

“Me too. ”

Suddenly, a furious skinny tucks his hand behind his back and releases the brassiere. Soon, her nipples protrude from above the sticky cotton.

“Oh! Jasmine Nova? ”

“This is the best I can do to win. Come on, measure it. ”

“Very well. As fair as possible. ”

He slowly put his hand under his clothes, resisting his lips from twitching.

You want to play a little game? ’

He pretended to grab his chest and twisted the tap with his fingers.


“Oh, a mistake. ”

“What, you're feeling Jasmine? ”

“Shut up, Ivy. ”

“Oh, I wish someone would touch me. ”

“Then me, too. ”

The Abbot came up with a curiosity, but he picked up a cow called Ivy.

“What? Who asked you to do that? ”

“Oh, no, I'm just kidding. ”

“That's not a very funny joke, is it? ”

After the Shah student, the Abbot's expression became more and more distorted.

Suddenly, I felt disgusted by the lessons that attracted the attention of all ten-pro women.

‘Cause that's what he really emphasizes, Timple. ’


Angry Fire Column