358. Sisters 58

It was only 10 minutes before he left the Theater Room.

It was a refreshing expression because it was immediately after I pulled it out. The colony, who was waiting nervously outside the door, twitched and taunted as he learned.

“You look pretty satisfied, huh? ”

“Huh? You've been out here the whole time? I was waiting for you to come back when you left. ”

He had just changed his clothes. Seeing his trousers sinking calmly, the colony felt even worse.

"You son of a bitch. You fuck someone else's woman without permission. ’

“No. I think it's your first time today, too, and I'm embarrassed to interrupt. ”

“Do you mind if I go now? I'm exhausted from my garage. I can't even tell who I am. ”

What, did you pick me up something to eat and fall off? This son of a bitch really thinks he's an asshole! ’

The colony is excited by Taunting him. I was more confused than I was about stealing their sex scenes, but the mechanic was his mistress. As long as he didn't know that, he couldn't go any further.

“· · Not much land right now. Would you like to go outside and have a smoke? ”

“Very well.”

When he happily said yes, the two of them immediately left the house.

The doctrine and the colony took a breather while smoking a cigarette on the side of the garden. The doctrine is still a gentle expression, and the colonial expression is frowning as if it were a calf.

‘I shouldn't have let him do.I heard he had to immerse it well. ’

The colony is thinking dirty, and the lesson of smoking cigarettes is disgusting.

“I was actually very surprised. ”


“My father just showed up. ”


“When I first found out, I was very embarrassed and embarrassed. But I was encouraged that he was okay, and I realized that. Oh, you've been there, too. ”


The colony asked him again, as if it were some nonsense.

“Playing 2 vs 1. You had a big mouth on your mechanic earlier. I can't do that without experience. Am I right? ”

“Hmmm · ·, with something like that. Actually, I used to fuck a lot of girls when I was your age. ”

“So I see. ”

“Will that be all? If it's about group sex or swapping or sex, I've never done it before. ”

“You haven't done anything yet? ”

After taking a stunning action, the colony begins to talk about God as if trying to take away their wounded pride.

“Of course. If a man is born fuzzy, he should try it without a circle. All this fuss and nagging romance is just a loser's excuse. Pretend you don't know what you're not doing because you're incompetent? ”

“I think so, too. ”

“Honestly, on a young day, everyone is famous. Youth is a good thing. But as you get older, your abilities come first. ”


“This. ”

The colony looks like money with a thumb and index finger.

“Money is the strongest in the end. Energy or technique? I can only show you that once I've lost it. No matter how big it is, you can't just take it out and walk around. But if you put a bunch of cash in it, any woman will have a crotch. When you get older, you'll realize that.

I will. ”

The colony wanted to press the lesson.

You will be eaten by women because you are young and handsome now, but you will envy yourself when you get older.

The lesson of staring at the colonial aristocracy is twisted.

‘You're breaking up. That's what you're saying because it's all about money. ’

“That's not necessarily the case. ”


He disagreed with Jogonzo.

“Money can buy you a body, but you can't buy yourself a heart. ”

“Then what are you interested in? ”

“This is it. ”

Learned points to his goods a great deal.

“Any woman can really open up once she plugs this in. You can take women away for a while with your money, but you can make them yours forever. ”

“That's ridiculous. You think that's funny? ”

“Well, that's what every woman I've slept with says. ”

“Don't take what you just said for a moment seriously. Women are a very cunning people. I make up all the words I don't like to try to please a man. Money is the best in the end. ”

“I disagree. ”

“What? You want to bet with me? ”

"Cocksucker. I need you to push your nose very flat. You're jumping around like a thunder naked believing in a bunch of stuff. ’

“Great, but what's the bet? ”

“Let's go out there right now and test who gets the girl first. How about you take one body and I fight the battle with money? ”

The colony had a faith close to certainty.

There's nothing in this world that money can't buy.

As long as it's worth it.

Lesson shakes his head in response to a nonnegotiable offer.

“That's a pretty lucky bet. ”


“A woman who needs money now will pay whatever the price is, whereas a woman who lives well will ignore what the money is. This is not a fair bet. How about this? ”

“Like what?"

“I look like I'm missing a girl I can never buy with money. For example · · · ·. ”

His gaze turned towards the mansion.

“Like your daughters. ”

“What the fuck? ”

The colony grabbed him by the neck.

“How dare you turn your back on my daughter? ”

“Why are you doing this? Talk to me.”

He grabs his wrist and exerts his strength. With enormous grip, the colony had no choice but to let go of its swift hand.

‘Ugh, you monster. What are you doing here? ’

“I'm just giving an example. Honestly, your daughters are the hardest opponents to beat for money. ”

“Well, that's · · · ·. ”

“Why? Are you suddenly not confident? ”

He shrugged his shoulders and asked boldly.

The colonist thinks he's targeting his loving daughter, and a fire erupts from his mind. However, after accepting this, it was only to acknowledge the teachings of the doctrine.

‘Sneaky bastard. You think I'll never accept that, and you're so petty. ’

A colonial with a strong ego felt very bad because it seemed to be beaten by him. Having lost to my girlfriend Minseo, and admitting defeat again, I felt like my faith had fallen apart.

‘There is nothing in the world that money cannot buy.’ His belief was a value he could not give up easily.

“Hmph, you're pretty good at that. All right, I'll take it. ”


“But you were ready when you failed, weren't you? ”

“Of course.”

“I'm putting my daughter on the line right now. You have to pay the price. ”

The colonist glances up and down his arm. I thought I'd feel better if I took the most precious thing from him.

Should I gouge out his eyes or cut off his wrist? ’

His gaze suddenly stopped between his crotch.

‘That's right, I'll be relieved of his pride. ’

“How about a pair of balls? ”


“Why? Don't you have confidence? You're lucky you didn't turn him into a dead man. I'll leave you the other one. Haha.”

‘That madman. You're serious.'

He looked at the colonial gaze and thought: If he fails, he'll pull out a pair of balls with his own sword.

When he hesitated, this time, the colony gathered.

“Why? Because you're thinking about getting your balls ripped off, you're suddenly getting ogres all the time? If you weren't so confident, you shouldn't have said anything. Just spit it out. ”

“One more, one more. ”

“What!? ”

“Let's place another bet. I should get something if I win. I'll bet both my balls. If you lose, will you bet? ”

“Well, what the fuck. ”

“Why? I thought you said there was only one left. I want to fail, but aren't you confident in that? You can't just throw it away if you're not confident. ”

After taking back what he said, this time, the colony was pushed out of power.

If he was crazy, he would have been even crazier.

If he's going to live tomorrow, he's only going to live today.

In his eyes, he felt that he could not take a step back.

‘What a brave little bastard.' ’

The colony asked with a serious voice.

“Are you sure? Don't make fun of me. It's a truck full of gangsters who'll come running home if you hit them on the phone right now. Running away doesn't solve anything. You could be a real snitch. ”

“You're the one who spotted me. Did I look that scared in the back of your belly? ”

The colony could not bear to answer him.

From now on, it was a man's pride match.

“Fine. I'll take it. But we have to do it now. ”

“Whatever. But does any of the three matter? ”

The colony was concerned.

‘Not Mia. You're too young to know that. He and I have been in surgery for two days longer than we have. I don't believe in joy. I sent the old lady to study abroad, and she played with the Westerners like a bitch. I will soon fall into the temptation of lessons. If so · · ·. ’

“I'll take care of it. ”

“The second girl? ”

“Yes. If you persuade your affections, I will admit defeat. ”

“Judge well. If I win, I fly a ball. ”

“Don't be bluffing. If you lose, you want to start today. ”

“Shall we go to the courtesan's room now? ”

“Nonsense. How can I trust you if you force your hand? ”


“I'll call you out. ”

“Other families may intervene. ”

“Then how about that pool over there? ”

“A pool?”

“Yes. You can't see the pool in the house. I'll hide out nearby quietly. ”

“I understand.”

The colony thought, calling his second daughter.

‘Fool. I don't know about the other daughters, but how big a lover she is. I wouldn't even look at your little punk. ’

“A lover.”

Oh, Dad?

“You must have woken up. ”

Yeah, what's going on? Are you still out there?

“Well, it's going to be a long day. I think I lost the key to the garden, by the way. Can you find it for me once? ”

The key?

He said, "Yeah, the company's hot, but it must have spilled on the lawn on the way out. The other kids aren't answering their phones, so I need you to find them. ”

It's late at night. At this hour?

“It's a very important key. It's very difficult to forget. ”

Okay, I'll look it up and get back to you.

After finishing the call, the colonist told him.

“A little pity will follow. ”

“Very well. From now on, I'll do it. Instead, your father is as impetuous as he was before. Okay?”

“Hmph, don't run away if you fail. Even if it's in Buddha's palm if you try to run away. ”

“I don't run. ”

The lesson was still confident.

* * *

‘Stupid fool. Choosing is a pity. ’

[In fact, if you choose any of the three daughters, you win the battle, right?]

‘Course, a real typewriter only bets on winning battles from the start. Khh.’

[As expected, you have an impressive amount of hay. And by the way, colonialism isn't just a pervert. I can't believe you bet your daughter on this.]

‘He's completely lost his mind because of Minseo. A woman who thought she was her boyfriend, who's been in love with a young man for the last two days, can't get enough of her head. ’

[Even the pervert guarding the spectacle play is precious to him.]


[Yikes, here comes the sweetheart.]

A lover with a long guard strapped to his pajamas comes out the door. She found me standing on the grass and asked me in surprise.

“Oh · · · Why is Mr. Doohoon here? ”

“I went out for a smoke while I was sleeping. What about you?”

“I'm just looking for something. ”

She looked at me and couldn't hide her smile. He suddenly walked towards me as if he had forgotten all his father's wishes.

“Why are you only wearing shirts when it's cold? Put this on.”

The patron removes the Longguard case he was wearing and wraps it around his shoulder. I couldn't help but notice the embarrassed expression on the colony's face that he was hiding and watching.

‘Khh. Your daughter loves me like this. ’

“Huh? I'm not wearing any underwear. ”

Her nipples are tucked between the thin pajamas as she takes off her cardigan. He covered his chest with both arms because he was ashamed of her.

“Bo, don't look. Of course I'm sleeping, so I'm naked. ”

“But what are you looking for at night? Can I help you?”

“No, it doesn't matter that much. ”

You say the colony is such an important key, but you don't even try to find it.

[This is as far as the colony goes.]

‘Khh. You must realize that raising a daughter is useless. ’

“A lover.”

I spoke quietly to the lover standing somewhere else.

In a voice that no hidden colony can hear.


“Let's go to the pool, shall we? ”

“Yi, at this hour? ”

“Yeah. I just wanted to be alone there. Actually, I didn't do it right because of your brother. ”

“· · Like. ”

The pity followed me.


Angry Fire Column