Hands that look like they've never been born or suffered. The graceful gesture of elasticity made me mute at once. Is she supposed to be that pretty?

[What a resourceful woman! I can't believe a mother has three older daughters. Do you think Choi went back to his young wife?]

‘No, take a closer look. Beautiful faces are affectionate, and voluminous bodies are like joy. Pure white skin resembles your youngest. ’

[Oh, I can see that. It's like a weird mix of three daughters.]

‘That's not it. Daughters inherit their mothers' gifts one by one. ’

[In other words, a woman with all the advantages of her three daughters. Beautiful, by the way.]

‘I mean. The first one is twenty-six, so even if you had a child in your early 20s, it means you can't do it now, but you're in your late 40s · ·. How long has it been like that? How the hell did you manage that? ’

[I see. Even in the late 30s, she's pretty unfair.]

“Are you a guest of your father? ”

Even Choi's wife's voice was seductive. The moment I opened my lips, I had an illusion that the acorn ball was rolling.

"Age is just a number! I've never seen such a beautiful Missy. ’

[Hah, what's the matter, master? You said you'd never touch a married woman. Does seeing a pretty missy make you happy?]

What did he say? That's how pretty she is. Hmmm. '

After being so smitten by the beauty of Choi's wife, I barely woke up and replied.

“Yes, that's right. ”

Mia shudders by my side.

“Mom, Mom! That's the brother who solved the math problem. He's the best tutor I've ever met. Honestly, I think you're better than the medical student here. ”

The speech of Mia made me look distorted in medical school.

Did he dislike the title, or did he have a frustrating affectionate attitude?

I don't know what caused it, but this one was clear. The sudden interruption of a high-priced department that would have come with a swell mind because of me was in danger of being wiped out.

Choi's wife was either embarrassed to hear it or resentful.

“Mia, even if you don't say that. ”

I don't want to take someone else's bowl either.

Bourne and his study also said that it was difficult enough for a busy med student to go to school, but I didn't want to become a rolling stone that had been taken away.

“It was nothing. It was a problem that any college student could solve. ”

“Excuse me, which university do you go to? ”


“Yes, where do you go to medical school? I haven't seen him in my school. ”

Medical student asked an aggressive question whether his ego was damaged.

Why are you suddenly complaining when you're trying to get over yourself? ’

I struggled to get my emotions back.

“I'm a national university student.”

“Yes? He got rid of his bachelor's degree a few years ago, but he was a medical student, right? Oh, are you a dental student? Or medicine?”

“No, I go to gym. ”

When I revealed my specialty, I suddenly remembered the explicit sense of superiority in the face of medical students.

“Oh, the gym education? That's where we're going, isn't it? Grade 2 is all you have to do. I mean, if it's nature-to-country, maybe it's grade three. Right?”

The intention was obvious. It was so obvious.

I can't believe you would try to use your scholarship skills at that age to repress someone. I was furious at the childish sequence play of the high flies.

‘Cocky bastard. Who dare you? · · · ’

I'm very proud when it comes to studying.

I heard a genius's voice in Lee Jungwoo's ears.

It is also a "trying genius" that is rarely seen among geniuses.

That high pride was shaved off by a "medical student."

In front of a pretty beauty.

Suddenly, a thunderstorm erupted.

“· · · What does that mean? ”

The medical student still had a relaxed voice.

“No, well, I thought she was in med school because she was so good at math. ”

“Do you mean you can't teach high school math with a national-school PE education? ”

He raised his voice, but the attitude of an arrogant med student was that I didn't care. He ignored my words and told his wife Zorr.

“Mom, I didn't want to tell you because I'm proud of you, but I was raised at Olympiad International in high school. ”

“Hey, I'm asking you. ”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became violent.

Mia's mom didn't know what to do with the situation in the middle, and she only watched the pride match between the men with interesting eyes.

“Hey? You know how old I am · · · ·. ”

“How old are you, and you're just measuring off the Olympiad? ”

“Excuse me?”

Then Mia got up from her seat and clapped her hands.


“Come on, don't fight. Why don't we do this? You two solve math problems so you can let people do better. What do you think?”

It is a twenty-year-old, iron-rich solution. I asked the medical student as if it was absurd before I could say yes or no.

“What? With me and the nationals? Is that a math problem, too? ”

‘Ha. Did you see that beautiful motherfucker? Only Bourne and a third grader would dare to leave a man like the sky. ’

[By the way, you're also from Korea, right?]

"Did it just come out? Senior admissions, senior graduates. I've been filming legends. My handwriting notes still turn to genealogy among the successors. It's been 20 years! And in our day, it was a medical school for kids who fell out of natural school crying! ’

[But you're leaving now, right? Don't drink too much.]

Rossi, do you want to do this? You're being disrespectful. You can't go on like this. I need you to flatten that fucking nose. ’


That's for you to find! ’

[No, if you ask me to find it like that... · ·.]

"You can blow up all the remaining points, find a way!" Now! "

[Yes, yep! We'll do a market search right away.]

“Don't you think you're overreacting? Do you really want to fight?”

“No, it's nothing else. It's just math. I've never been wrong about my qualifications, by the way. ”

What? That's very presumptuous of you.

There's nothing wrong with just going to Korean Medical School.

“Then let's get on with it. Who can solve it faster and faster. What do you think?”

[Joo, what are you really going to do? · · ·]

I told you to hurry up and find him. You want to see me embarrassed and die? ’

[Nep! Searching.]

The medical student shrugged his shoulders toward the chief's wife.

“Ma'am, what do you say? Are you sure?”

She shakes her head as if there was nothing she could do.

“My Mia is so stubborn · · · and doesn't listen to me very well. Do that.”

“Got it. You hear that? ”

“I have ears, too. ”

A moment later, Mi-yeon came to the second floor with two mock exam questions. It seemed to be reserved for the study program.

“Okay, so you two sit down. ”

The medical student and I who took the exam fell asleep sat at both ends of the spacious reception table. Even though the letters were too far away, the medical student kept a partition with the bag he had carried to prevent cheating.

"Oh, my God, he's really going to branch out. ’

“I'll go to five mock exams. Then let's go!”

At the beginning of the test, Choi's wife, who was sitting uncomfortable, stood up. All that remained in the reception room was me, the arrogant med student, and the affection of the referee role.

The medical student rolled the shaft like a madman in a spirit of affection. I also unravelled my mastery simulation for the first time since college.

How dare you insult me? ’

The Oggi was triggered and it was a dummy test, but it was blocked from problem number 1. The solution remembers the ambiguity, but the calculation did not work. I never thought I'd end up this stoned.

Rossi, come on! He's already in the first chapter! ’

[Hey, wait, I found it! How about these items?]

‘Explain yourself rather than floating the display. I don't have time to watch. ’

[Yep. A lucky pentagon pencil. Roll the pentagon pencil to give the correct answer to the polygonal question. The price is · · ·.]

Do you have multiple choice problems? You want me to throw away the ceremony? ’

[Oops! Then · · · · again.]

I hear the sound of the clock ticking on the wall very loudly.

The medical student still sees me in the first chapter and smiles bloody. I accidentally yawned all the way to the base.

“Yawn, did you drink too much after MT yesterday? I'm exhausted.I need to get some sleep. ”

“Is MT just you? ”

“Huh? Again? ”

Again, Mia puts her hands on her waist and rebukes us.

“College students, no talking on exams. ”

Oh, I don't know who's going to be a teacher or who's going to be a student.

[Master, how about this? It's called refractive magnifying glasses, and it magnifies reflections through reflective light. With these glasses, the test paper is faintly shining on the window next to the medical student.]

You want me to cheat? ’

[Are you cheating now? We have to solve the problem first.]

That's not what I said! This is a speed battle! If you look at your opponent, you'll only have to slow down one beat! Whoever solves it first wins! ’

[Ah! I forgot the rules for a moment. My master is beating me, so I'm sober.]

Is that your idea of an artificial intelligence? ’

[I'll be right back with another product. Please wait a moment.]

My blood is getting thinner.

It's been 10 minutes since the test started, but I haven't solved a single problem. Rossi, who was stubborn today, kept recommending the wrong items.

Ah! I'm not the only one in the whole world who lost the exam!

Like a supervisor, Mia looks disappointed as she circles around the test paper. A striking grass already tilts at the speed. Maybe she is attracted to intellectual men who are good at studying.

This means that the defeat of this match will not only end with a lack of self-esteem, but will also affect the subsequent Sister Cover Bob business.

I've become more hasty.

Why are you so slow? Time is running out! ’

[My Lord, if you go back to the time of Lee Jungwoo, are you confident you will win?]

You mean that? You don't know who I was? Lee Jeong-woo, the genius who works hard! The God of Trials, the Lord of Destruction, the Chief is mine! ’

[The modifier is too glamorous. Anyway, I found it.]

What is it?

[This item brings back memories to a certain point in the past.]


[Yes, in your case, your soul has transitioned, so you will go back to Lee Jungwoo's memory before your rebirth.]

Are you asking me to time travel? ’

[No, this item was created to look back in time. Aren't we forgetful creatures? No matter how sad the memory is, no matter how good it was, no matter how many years passed, it will be blurred. However, if you drink this' Memory Drink ’, it will bring your memories back to the specific time you want them to be. just like it happened yesterday. Price is 1,000 points.]

‘If you had such an item, why are you telling me now? If I had told you earlier, you wouldn't have had to live as a pagan. ’

[Ah, there must be some misunderstanding. The item has only been released for 3 days.]

"What statue?"

[The original item market is similar to the Internet shopping mall on Earth. Popular products go up and down to the stadium, and unsold products go up and down to the stock market. We're also seeing new quarterly developments, and a lot of new items were worn a few days ago. ‘Memory drink’ is also a hot product that has just been released.]

‘Ahh · · ·. ’

[As a reminder, this item will take effect for about 20 minutes. Memory has been activated for a certain period of time, and it will be restored when it has expired. It's probably a lot of money to use.]

‘By the way, you can go back to the time you lived as LEE Jeong-woo for 20 minutes? ’

[Yes, because your past is your friendship before you were born. In fact, this is unusual, but in principle.]

I was distracted for a moment.

When my hair was the fastest.

When was that?

‘· · · I've decided. Nineteen. With Lee Jungwoo's memory just before taking the aptitude test. ’

[Very well, we will blend the ingredients to suit your time settings and ship them to your Australian pocket. You now have approximately 1,000 points left.]

After a few moments, the pouch bulges and an item the size of Bakkas arrives. The brown surface appeared to be a product commonly sold in pharmacies.

When I heard the sound of opening the lid, the medical student who worked hard to solve the mathematics problem nagged.

“What? An Awakening Agent? You're doing all sorts of things, really. ”

I didn't answer.

No, I couldn't answer.

It was because I remembered my high school days vividly as if I had traveled back in time while drinking a drink. I felt like it was yesterday when I went to the high school to study.

‘Oh · · ·. This is the drink of memories! ’

[Master, there's no time to get wet right now! The memorable drink lasts 20 minutes! We have to solve the problem in there somehow.]

I grin with a pencil.

‘Rossi, you don't know why I've always hated taking tests with all my punches. ’

[Why is that?]

‘Even though I solved the problem quickly, there was nothing to do. I just slept down. ’

It's been a long time since I saw my head spinning, and I was filled with excitement.

Yeah, I feel like this.

The peak of my brain.

Lee Jungwoo, 19 years old.


Angry Fire Column