"Like 98!? I expected it to be high, but it's huge! '

[Achievements are powerful! Would you be okay, by the way?]

Oh, this? We have to pull over. I have to. '

I took a step up while I was conscious of the shrunken object.

I didn't know anyone else, but I thought it would be possible enough with a conscience.

Knock, knock.

"Jeong Yin, can I come in?"

"Oh, brother, I haven't washed yet."

"I have to pee all of a sudden. Can't we just hang out here for a little while?"

"Oh · · urine? W-wait a minute, then."

You hear a rustling sound inside. A moment later, the veil around the Vestaol gives you a thorough look.

It was so sensational that it appeared on my chest like wearing a short dress. The towel stuck to it because it couldn't wipe off the moisture, revealing its curved body and creating a sexy atmosphere.

"Oh! You have big, tender breasts, too, right? '

Despite being seduced by the moist appearance of the tune, Taun said as if he did nothing.

"Sorry, the bathroom's just sitting there with me."

"I'm fine."

When he puts up the toilet cover, he turns his head to see if his conscience is embarrassed. A short while later, the sound of urine echoes.

Shoot him!

After finishing urinating, the lesson turns to the tune.

"I'm all packed."


His conscience turns again, and he's still giving up his stuff. The heart felt embarrassed and said, boasting the object as if it were a view.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were done."

"I'm still finishing up."

"Finish what?"

I asked with a curious expression.

"It's supposed to be like this when all the guys get wet."

Learner bounces the object rhythmically. My heart flushes as I see the soft surface shaking.

"Ahh · ·"

"By the way, how do women finish? You're just gonna wave back and forth?"

"· · · Yes?"

I thought about the lifelike question for a while.

"We tend to just wipe it with paper towels."

"To pee? Other than poop?"

"Yes, because it's not structured like a man."

"That would be uncomfortable. Men end up like this."

"Is it? I never thought of it that way."

After finishing up the finishing touches, he did not intend to go out and stayed. Urine was just an excuse.

"Well, why don't I wash up while I'm in?"

"With me?"

"Yes or no?"

Suddenly, when he took off his clothes, his heart flustered, not knowing what to do. It was not the first time I had a relationship with him, but it was a shame to shower together.

"Well, I washed up, so I'll be right out."

"No, don't go out there."


"I want to be with you from now on."

"Oh, brother · ·"

The lesson of taking off my clothes and arranging it on the towel rack approached the shower with a large boulder. He stepped back and hit the wall without even knowing it. At that moment, the loose Vestaol pours down to the ground.

"Oh, my God!"

The tune quickly covered my chest with both hands.

"Why are you so ashamed?"

"I-I don't know. It's my first time with my brother in this bright light · ·"

"I miss you. Put your arm down."

"Ahh · ·"

When I said I wanted to see him, I finally reached out my hand. However, the bottom was still covered with one hand.

In his appearance, he remembered the goddess who appeared in the famous painting.

'Wow, she's really pretty. The sound of a tune is not a bad thing to say about gym and turrets. Her face is perfect. Her body is perfect.'

It's not the first time I've been naked, but the lesson felt fresh.

It was also the first time I saw her properly in a bright place, no matter what she said.

Satyrs shared relationships in cars and in dark rooms. During the semester, I barely walked my skirt in the library, and I couldn't concentrate fully on other people's consciousness in the last templates.

But this time it was different. For the first time, the two became intact without any interference. After having been in a relationship more than three times, I felt a little sorry for the fact that it was my first time in such a comfortable position.

'Ah, I was so careless. I can't believe you've never given me such a pretty tune. And you still like me this much?'

[Typical physical style? If you were married, you'd like some of these types of women.]

'Too bad. There's still too much work left to settle down with one person.'

[Be nice when you're with them. I don't think there's anyone as pure and decent as Yin Yang. even if it's not a name.]

'I agree with that.'

He reaches out his hand and touches his heart. I liked the feeling of soft and soft breasts like baby skin.

"Oh, brother."

"I'll wash you up."

"I washed everything before · ·"

"Wash again, then."

He squeezed a palm-filled body wash and spread it all over his heart. I couldn't endure the groaning of the sensitive tone of the circular hand like a massage.

"Ah, ah, oh, brother."

"I like it best when you call me brother."


"Of course. It's a name you only call me."

"Oh · · · You're special to me."

"So am I."

"Am I special to you?"

"Yes, I have only you."

[Tyring! The ‘Master of the Wheat Party’ Great Work has been accomplished. Maestro's Owner Skill is available as a reward. Thank you, Master! That's what mentions are for!]

'Shhh! We'll talk about the Great Work later. Right now, I want to concentrate fully on Jung Yin.'

[Yep, whether or not. Enjoy your stay.]

I feel the corners of my heart moistened with the sweet words of Learned.

It was the word I most wanted to hear from him.

I looked at the doctrine with an impressive eye, whispering as if I had read his heart.

"Oh, brother."

"Jung yin."

Lesson rubbing his chest slowly enveloped his lips.

I felt a trembling sensation.

"What kind of kiss does he like so much? What a pure child you are. ’

He wrapped his arms around the waist of his heart at the same time as the kiss. His hands reach down further and grasp the elastic hip.

"Ah, ah!"

His hand, which was rubbing his butt, dug a cracked valley behind his butt. The valley had already been flooded with water. However, even in that situation, the lesson did not become an erection. It couldn't have happened normally.

He said with a embarrassed expression.

"Jeongyeong, I'm sorry, can you suck my brother's dick? I'm not sure I'm in a good mood."

"Yes, brother."

Jeong Yin knelt on her knees and put the object of instruction in her mouth. A soft tongue licks the crown of discipline with care. However, no matter how much I sucked, the chrysalis couldn't stand up.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm running out of energy. Rossi, is there anything we can do? I can't do anything about it. '

[The Salve is now null. He was so overwhelmed last night that he was exhausted.]

As Rossi has proved, his conscience has been sucking for a long time, but his item has not been frozen. He began to feel a sense of urgency. I was ashamed and ashamed. This was my pride as a man.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Is it because I'm not good?"

"No, you're doing great. I just have a problem with my body."

The tune did not seem disappointed at all in the appearance of lessons that were not easily erected. Rather, I comforted him by telling him not to worry.

"It's okay, brother. I wish I could just hold you."

"Jeong Min-ah · · · ·."

"Just give me a hug today. That's the happiest thing for me."

The dedication of the tune made him even more humble. I never thought I'd show weakness in front of the heart, not in front of anyone else.

She endured and understood everything, even though she was always selfish. I've met a lot of women, but I couldn't help but give them everything.

He burns his will.

"I'll make it up to you."

"I'm really okay. Let me finish washing you up."

When Pella stops, she stands up and hugs her body. Then he rubbed his whole body like he was about to transfer the bubbles. The tapestry was irritating enough to make me feel creepy as it passed through my skin.


"Are you happy?"

"Yeah, it's great. Why are you so nice?"

"What am I? I like you, too."

Jung Yin rubbed his body while rubbing his hands on his objection. A slight reaction was made to the object due to the foaming stimulus. It was a simple gesture, but he had hope.

'Hnng, I think I'll stand just a little longer · ·.'

He went to great lengths to build something. Tighten the sphincter and brace the toes of your feet. The balls were tugged away, but now I have to stand up even if my nose bursts.

'Stand up and do it. Guipilko.'

Was the desperate will working?

The shriveled object began to crumble. When Jung Yin saw it, she liked it like a child.

"Brother! I feel like I'm getting big again!"

"Can you feel me a little more?"


Jung Yin did her best to touch the object. I twisted my wrist and waved the object like a squeeze. I squeezed my balls as well.

After finishing the soap, Jung Yin sprinkled water with a shower said to him.

"Let's go to bed. I'll give you a hard time."


The two of them brushed their wet bodies and moved to bed.

As he lay right on the bed, his conscience settled on top of him.

After a deep kiss, Jeong Yin slowly licked his body with her lips. He rolls his tongue and steals his neck, then comes down to his chest and sucks his tits.


"Does it hurt?"

"Oh, no, I've never sucked on a woman's tits before."

"Does it feel weird?"

"It's a bit different · · · But where did you learn this?"

As he knows, Jung Yin has always been a virgin. I gave her Adah as a dog. However, Jung Ming was making a love that he had never heard or seen.

I replied shyly.

"· · over the Internet. I want to be loved by my brother."

'Ah · · · The conscience is really too much for me.'

[Did you realize that now?]

The tinnitus rolls its tongue, sucking its nipples, and turning its finger at the teat, which is covered in saliva. He couldn't hide his embarrassment from the feeling of his nipples sticking close.

Was he getting stiff nipples too? '

[Of course, it's that sensitive.]

In response to the discipline, the tone became bolder. She does her best to defend her pride.

This time, my whole body moved down, and I rode down like a tongue. The hot and soft feel of my tongue made me feel a lot of strength in my abs.


"Do you like him?"

"Sorry, I have to do this."

"I'm really okay. I wanted to make you feel better, too. I get it all the time."

The heartbeat raises a nail and climbs down the flank line from his abdomen. The discipline, which was a little nervous, felt a goosebumps all over my body, and secretly let out a mournful groan.

"Ahhhh, this, this · ·"

"You're also a bit sensitive, aren't you?"

"Oh, no, I've never seen anything like this before."

"Hehe. He looks so cute right now. I'll do everything for you today, so just lie still. Okay?"

The head of the tune turns to the groin this time. The affection from top to bottom riding the body was too good for beginners.

I knew it, sixth grade! There's no one left to learn from your body. I heard you learned from the Internet, but you're as good as experts. ’

He remembered going to the stables in Lee Jungwoo's past. Compared to the pros I met there, I did not lag behind.


He grabs the sheet.

The tone attached to the groin was an unexpected sucking of the object with his mouth. Her mouth was rough and violent, like a vacuum cleaner.

“Huff, huff, huff. ”

An unbearable groan poured out of his mouth. It felt like the vacuum pella of the tune was frequently searing.

Stand! Stand! ’

At the end of the sound of the tune, I unleashed something instructional.

I was really obsessed, not to the extent that it was like that before.

“Hey, Jung Yin! ”

“Are you feeling better now? ”

“Yes! From now on, I · · · · · · ·. ”

His conscience is blocked as he tries to rise.

“No, I really want to do it today. Would you like to turn around and lie down? ”

“Back, back? ”

At the decisive voice of conscience, he unwittingly turns over. After a while, you hear something squeezing. When he turned his head, his heart was full of lotion from the makeup table.

“What are you going to do with it? ”

“You just have to stay put. ”

He squeezed a third of the large lotion and spread it all over his chest. The white lotion drips down on the inside of your heart.

[What the hell is he doing?]

"Ho, did you have a baby girl? ’

At that time, the lotion was spread across his chest and his heart fell flat on his back. Two hard nipples with a soft feel irritated the skin.

"Ugh! Is this a bodybuilding experience in an unseen bar? ’

“Hey, Jung Yin! ”

“I learned it in a video, and I wanted to do it for my brother. ”

Jung Yin began sliding on his back.

As I slipped up and down, I sucked the back that became sensitive in my mouth, and the lesson was crazy and I was about to jump. All I've ever done is love a woman, and I've never been so loving.

“Huff, puff, puff, puff, puff. ”

The conscience was more empowered by his colorful reaction.

She flips over 180 degrees and massages her nipples into her calves. The slippery body twitches like a twitch.

Phew, grasshopper! ’

The object of instruction is hardened without origin.


Angry Fire Column