209. Deep Night, Moon Lost 7

* * *

It was 23 years of maternal solo.

I blamed it on the Southern and Southern Military Tech, but when I saw some of my best girlfriends making friends on the same course, I got it wrong.

The biggest problem you can see is the fashion sense that goes back in time according to the teachings of the lessons.

I couldn't choose my own clothes. Even if I only wore clothes that were dippy in the street shop mannequins, I would wear flawless clothes, but I insisted on my own style with strange gonzo.

Wide Strapless Pants.

The top is either a rustic checkmate or a stretchy round tee.

The most powerful of them all are the beltless pants.

Other people say it's a high-west look, but it was worn by a rural gentleman.

Dressed up?

Appearance is also a problem.

Even though I gave up my face as much as I could, I was already in my early 20s because of the hair loss that started quickly, but my head was already clear. The M line is clear and the forehead will soon surpass Vegetator.

It was a total disaster, but confidence was always overwhelming.

As I said earlier, he was perceiving why he didn't have a girlfriend as an environmental problem, so he mistook her for the kind of person he could make out with.

For this reason, Ju Chan was very excited about the journey of 2 days a night. It was a coincidence that the girls in the same group appeared together.

Even if you seduce one of the three, you'll be treated like a hero by the motherfuckers around you.

Seo Hyun was particularly well matched with horn-rimmed glasses, with an unattainable maturity and intellectual atmosphere. Ryoko, an exchange student, was adored by the misguided behavior of cultural differences and the exaggerated gesture unique to Japan.

‘· · · But I'm pretty sure the first one is the sixth one. ’

The other two were obedient, but the sixth note was unique.

A little head that's hidden in a single sheet of Sidi.

A durable body cut with long workouts is the ratio of celebrity cheeks. Moreover, her uniquely straight hair made up her cute face and fantastic collage, revealing no regrets of freshness and freshness.

A beauty long enough to turn her head when she stumbles upon it. She was a hexenbiest called the 17th grade Quincar.

You think she's interested in me, too? ’

In fact, it was not only because Ju was fond of Jung Yin. Unlike Seohyun and Ryoko, who usually had cool attitudes, Jung Yin was always friendly to him.

It was a part of her character that was usually thoughtful, but for Ju Thorne, her conscience was misleading.

‘Well, I fell off my head early, so there's no difference between a face and a lesson. ’

A tight-knit dinner with an unfounded confidence peered at the opportunity, convinced that the heart was fond of him. However, it was not that hard to save time alone because of the sticky ryoko.

‘If it wasn't for that Japanese kid, I'd go straight to work. · Cough! ’

Joo Seung Gong explained the origin of the Four Thousand Lords, and the moment she leaned forward to examine the statue, her heart stopped.

The sticky pants revealed the body of the tune without regret.

"What a silhouette art! ’

The sinews were like being overturned, pushing the buttocks back and forth, exposing her collar-like waistline and her upward hip.

‘Ugh!!! A full-on aggression! ’

Of course, Ryoko's breasts were a little bigger, but her skin was thicker even as she pretended to be a Japanese exchange student.

Elastic body, pretty face, and a clumsy yet discreet personality.

Jeong Yin was the ideal type to be rewarded with 23 years of solo life at Ju's banquet.

Did his desperation reach the sky?

Suddenly, Governor Seung Gong Hye Gong received a message from someone and jumped down under the Hidden Mountain. Taking a break, Ryoko went to the bathroom looking for work, and Taeyoung moved into the room to change the DSLR camera batteries.

Finally, there was time for two of us.

"Oh! Now!" ’

The dinner finally gave me courage.

“Did I mention PE education? ”


“You're going to be a great athlete. ”

“Just in time. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

However, Zhu Xiang, who had never talked to a woman before, did not have a long conversation. The dinner began to feel anxious as the effort continued to stop with the uneasy silence.

"Damn it, you stupid piece of shit! Why are you making such a fuss? Get out of here! Men are pushy!"

“· · · Do you have a boyfriend? ”

I was dumbfounded by the unannounced question of the dinner.

"What's this guy? Why do you ask so many personal questions when you're not even close? ’

However, he replied briefly because he did not want to give Chu Minh peace of mind.

“No, not yet. ”


A consecutive dinner question.

The tinnitus is slightly uncomfortable, but it still cares about the target.

“Well, I don't know. ”

“Mifil have to go to the army anyway. Wouldn't your boyfriend be a good backup? ”

At the words of the endless supper, I felt a sense of confusion.

The elixir and omission were beyond talking, so it was impossible to have a conversation.

"Are you bored with being alone? Oh, why aren't the kids coming? Where are you going again? ’

She wanted someone else to come quickly.

It was getting harder and harder to bear being alone with Joo.

“You like reserves, right? ”

“· · · Yes? ”

“Wouldn't it be nice to have a backup role if you were going out? ”

Jeong Yin nodded, thinking of the same preliminary discipline.

“Yes, someone who has been in the military. ”

“I'm a reserve. ”

“· · · Eh? ”

Weird! This person. ’

The tune became more and more distasteful.

I was embarrassed to leave something boring and continue talking to someone who had no basis for communication. Korean language was much easier to deal with than sloppy Ryoko. At least she noticed.

However, the unconscious dinner began to misunderstand.

‘I knew you'd be interested in me. They say the reserves are fine. Haha. Let's move on to the talent show. ’

He seemed to have no rats, but there was a surprising angle to believe. He had a good fortune in his house.

“My father is the head of the Nonghyup Association. There in the countryside.”

“Oh, yeah? ”

“Yeah, that's why I got the rent when I got the room. Do you know how expensive Seoul is? All my friends are renting. ”

“Oh, yeah · · · ·. ”

‘I'm not interested. Why do you keep boasting? · · · ’

“Next year, I'm going to inherit a car, 2,000cc's. It's like a new car. My dad's only been in it for two years. ”


The expression of the tune is getting stiffer, but the unconscious supper falls into the illusion that its wealth is being eaten away.

"You're cuter when you get shit-eyed. Honestly, it's just that I'm usually so clumsy, you'd be surprised how busy my house is. You get married to me, you get fucked. ’

“Do you like yin-yang drives? ”

Jung Yin didn't want to answer anymore.

While biting his lower lip, he pretended not to hear, Zhu Chan misunderstood that it was an embarrassment and continued to talk.

“I can get you a ride when I get the car · · ·. ”

“Brother Dorhoon! Where have you been? Come back now! ”

A disturber appeared to Joo, who was chattering for a long time.

It was a lesson I had hidden for a while.

‘That blind bastard. Where did you come from all of a sudden? ’

Jeong Yin welcomed discipline as if he had met the Savior.

The unknown doctrine scratched his head and replied.

“Sorry. I ran out of cigarettes to buy downstairs. ”

“Phew! Why didn't you say something? ”

“I was next to the monk, and I couldn't tell him I was going to buy a cigarette. You quit smoking on me. Where are the other kids? ”

“Tokyo went to the bathroom, and Taeyoung's camera battery ran out. ”

Soon after Taeyoung and Ryoko joined, he said.

“I think this is as far as we go. ”


“On the way up, I noticed that you have an important customer. ”

“Oh, for some reason, he was running down the stairs. ”

“Didn't you come back this way? ”

“Yes. I was here the whole time, and he didn't come. ”

“Did you go the other way? Well, I think we're done investigating. Taeyoung and Jung, take a picture of the note and send it to Seohyun. and additional photos taken. If Seo Hyun types in advance, I'll go and clean it up with you tomorrow. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

“Got it.”

Suddenly, a lesson appeared and concluded the situation.

“Then it's over. What do we do now? ”

“Let's take a break. ”

“I'll go to my room and work with Jung Yin. It may take some time to sort through. ”

Taeyoung's words interrupted.

“I'll help you. ”

Of course, he was trying to stay with Jung Yin.

“Yes. Let's all meet for dinner. ”


“I'm going to catch my breath. ”

Each of the horns scattered, and Ryoko did not go into the room alone, but wandered outside the building. He looked at him and asked.

“Aren't you going in? Let's take a break in the room. You must be tired from taking the train in the morning. ”

“No, I want to look around. I'm beautiful in Korea. ”

Taun, who was worried about the two monks, said to Ryoko and his head was cool as well.

“Do you want to go for a walk? I want to walk. ”

“Is that so?”

* * *

He looked at Ryoko and thought,

‘Then I forgot about Ryoko because he was busy and caretaker. It was one of the Temple Stay objectives. ’

She looked around curiously at the temple buildings in Japan and other South Korea. As the wind rose, a faint echo spread from the scenery (Wind 30956;) hanging on the end of the horse.

Ryoko raised his finger like a child.

“Sgoi! What's that, Doubtful?" ”

“That's a little piece of paper called Landscape. Sounds pretty, doesn't it?”

“Ha ha! So much for Kawaii! ”

The landscape depends on a fish-shaped structure underneath the small bell, and every time the fish is shaken by the wind, a fresh reverberation spreads. Ryoko was obsessed with the sound of the landscape for a long time, then told him.

“Korea is so beautiful. ”

“Ryoko seems to really like Korea. ”

“Yes, I came to Korea because I like Korea. ”

“Why do you like Korea? ”

“Korea has good food and handsome men. ”


“I like Korean men. ”


“Yes, a Korean man. It's cool. It's manly. Japanese men are like girls. ”

Does he have any Korean mulberries? ’

He asked why.

“Why are Korean men so cool? ”

“Korean men go to the military. Military masks suck! Come on!"

Ryoko tightens his arms and contracts his biceps. However, no matter how hard I tried, nothing came out because of the current.

Isn't he cute? ’

Ryoko asked while he was smiling.

“Did you go to the army? ”


“So you're muscle dead, too? ”

Ryoko stretches his arms out like a gorilla and frowns as he tightens his stomach. This pose shows off your abs, but only your big chest protrudes forward. He breathes his breath unknowingly, watching his chest pop out like a rocket.

This is a lump of real protein. I feel like I have to be naughty when I touch it. ’

“Ryoko, there's something you should know. Korean men all have armies, but not all of them are muscular like drama. ”

“Eeh? Are you in trouble? ”

“Yeah, it's just different for everyone. ”

“So you don't have any muscles at all? ”

“Me? I have some. · · · ”

“Yafari! Can I touch it just once? ”

“Arm here. ”

The barrel protrudes as he bends his arm with proper strength. Ryoko clings to the iron rod and grabs his arm, admiring it.

“Sgoi! The smoking Samar muscles are huge! ”

“Yeah? Here, too. ”

This time, he tightened his stomach and pulled Ryoko's arm. Ryoko touches the six pack, which is like the Altoran of Taun, shy but angry, and takes off his hand.

“Ahhhhhh! He's so hard! ”

‘What have you got there? It's a real rock down there. Do you want me to touch it? ’

He tasted Ryoko, who was amazed.

* * *

“Have you been well? ”

After meeting the twin brother after 3 years, Hye-gong asked with an impressive voice. That's why I was so worried that something had happened to me while traveling all over the country.

“What's the big deal? I didn't want to starve. ”

“How long will the dry paw last? · · · ·. ”

“When the time comes, why don't you stop? It's still fun to wander around wherever you go. ”

I said that, but I was thankful for the heart of my sister who was worried about me.

Since they were originally brothers and family, they were right to organize kites, but since they were always twins who grew up together from childhood, they took care of each other well even when they were old.

“I see your eyes have improved a lot. ”

“Yes? What are you talking about? ”

“Him. That freak. ”

“You mean Lord Dorhun. ”


Angry Fire Column