163. Campus of Romance 32

He started throwing his clothes off as he entered the men's shower. The branches of clothing stretched from the entrance followed him like footprints left in the snow.

Shoot him.

After a while, the hot steam covered the inside of the shower. He thoroughly soaked every corner of his body. Especially around the groin.

‘You got to wipe that ass clean. ’

I couldn't stop singing.

Over 100 square feet of gym transformed into two very large motels. Equipment designed for exercising is now an accessory to a variety of positions.

"I bet Mina's nervous, huh? ’

It was as he expected.

Mina, who was touching her boss's phone at the lighted gym, pulls her legs in without even knowing the sound of water in the shower. My mouth was dry and my hands were sweaty.

"What's wrong with me? ’

Obviously it's a sign of mental tension.

It was just the fact that he was washing in the shower that made him react.

‘If he comes out of the shower and attacks me · ·. ’

Mina imagined being forcibly attacked by him at the gym with no one.

It was after 1: 00 in the morning.

If you scream, no one will come to the fourth floor of the building.

The late-night gym itself was like a giant locker room.

"Oh, really? What do we do? Should I try to convince him calmly? ’

Mina draws a scene where she teaches lessons in words.

You can't do this, Doreen. Please be rational.

This is rape. I don't want this.

Ugh, so rough · ·

Imagination continues with its tail, and suddenly, the naked doctrine reaches the scene of taking off his clothes.


And at that moment, Mina felt her panties getting wet.

Oh, my God! Am I wet? ’

It was strange.

Wet underneath, not unpleasant or afraid to think of raped scenes · ·. The one who wanted to have sex with him was herself, but Meena was unbearably ashamed.

‘I think I was irritated too much · · ·. What do I do?’

Suddenly, in the shower, she hears a voice of instruction.

“Sis, are you out there? ”

“Yeah. Come on out. ”

Mina struggles to stay calm and replies.

However, the ensuing teachings further confused her.

“I don't have those towels, but do you have any left? ”

The gym is not a bathhouse.

Of course, towels are private.

“Don't you have a towel? ”

“I forgot.”

“All I have is a sports towel. ”

“Can you bring that for me? I'm sorry."

The long rectangular sports towels were on the counter. Mina took several sports towels and headed to the men's shower.

"Ugh! What's this shaking? ’

My heart pounded like crazy all the way to the shower.

What if I see him naked?

But fortunately (?) In the shower, there was something waiting for him. Mina swallows a dry saliva as his silhouette shines over the opaque window.

“· · · I'll hang it on the door. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

I wanted to open the door wide to see the great object of doctrine, but I couldn't do that. I put a towel on the shower door hook, but it caught my eye with the clothing branches of Dawn that had been thrown away like snake ruins.

"What kind of clothes did she take off? ’

While collecting the branches of clothing to gather them neatly on one side, I saw his panties.

‘Oh, this. ’

Like women's panties, men's panties have body odor.

In his freshly naked panties, there was a huge, masculine smell. It was never a pleasant smell, but somehow it grabbed Mina's scent vigorously.

‘No, I want to take over. ’

Lessons are still in the shower. There's no way to tell if you can smell panties outside.

Oh, no! Sonmi, are you crazy? What kind of pervert are you thinking? ’

Meena, who had her panties in her fingers, seemed to explode into an inner conflict. She was too conservative to move where instinct led her. The fact that I was thinking about this made me feel ashamed.

"Tsk! It's all because of him!" It irritates me like that. ’

There was a mark on the inside of my panties.

It was a thin white mark.

‘Oh, no way. ’

Urine does not leave marks this way.

Obviously, this was traces of semen or Cooper's fluid that he spilled. Suddenly, she felt relieved as soon as she saw the marks on her panties.

Did you spill it talking to me? ’

Suddenly, I felt relieved that I wasn't the only one who was excited.

‘That's a tough one,' he said. You wanted to fuck me, huh? Phew. '

Then he opened the door of the shower to get the towel that was hanging on the outside door.

“Oh! What are you doing here? ”

“I'm sorry. The clothes are on the floor, so I organize it. ”

Mina's gaze naturally turned to the lower half of the discipline.

And I didn't have to.

A great deal of instruction.

* * *


I shook it once as if to look at it.

“Ugh! What, what! ”

Mina sits facedown, blindfolded by her palms. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around the bottom as if it weren't intentional.

“Why aren't you leaving! ”

“I told you! I'll organize your clothes · · ·. What are you, uh, what are those? Why is it so big? ”

“I usually grow up in the shower! ”

“I don't know. Go away.”

“I covered it with a towel a while ago. ”

Mina clears a gap between her fingers and says she's covered with a towel. I deliberately tightened my abs to create a six-pack that is as stuffy as an Altoran.

Mina's pupils widen and her neck twitches.

You've never seen my abs, have you?

In fact, she's out of timing now because her silhouette is on the other side of the opaque glass.

A coincidence?

Now that I have seen my great object, even she who boasts of an iron wall will have holes in her defense wall. And that hole is gonna fill with water.

The narrow sports towel was almost as close to hiding my object as the missing underwear. I lifted another towel and wiped off the moisture that was on my body.

“I thought you went out. ”

“I didn't think you'd come out right away. ”

Mina slowly rises from her seated position. I was embarrassed, too, so it seemed like a good idea to wait outside while I was washing up.

Where are you going? Not a chance. '

I waved too hard on purpose. In the wind, the towel wrapped around the bottom flowed down.



Meena screamed a second time when she saw my stuff full of erections. However, what was different before was that he was covering his face with both hands and keeping his eyes open through his fingers to observe the object.

If he's going to do that, let's face it, why would he hide it?

“You, you! I did it on purpose! ”

“No, the towels are too small. ”

“Liar! You did it on purpose to show me! ”

“Why would I? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Mina is silent. However, her gaze was still embedded in the object. Oh, you're gonna get through this.

I said with a smile.

“Oh, I'm getting married. Take responsibility."

“What are you talking about! Did you miss me? ”

“Anyway, are you just going to wipe your mouth with your big dick? ”

“Are you really making fun of me? How am I responsible for what? ”

Mina urgently swallows the horse, even if she wants to. A woman is responsible for a man with a lot of erection. Is there only one?

I walked towards Mina as if to look at her.

Whenever I take a step, the big fish giggles.

“What, what, go away! ”

I have made great progress through all of Mina. Mina retreats into a crooked posture, hitting her back against a metal locker and stopping.

Kung fu

Mina is startled by the sudden noise and shakes her head.

“Ugh! Get away from me! ”

“· · Please. ”

“What, what? ”

“You're holding my panties. Give me that.”

“Ahh! ”

Mina throws her panties to the ground, startled. A grenade in front of you? I picked up my panties smiling.

“Why are you holding my panties? ”

“Oh, no, it's just... ”

Her excuses were so cute. She still hasn't taken her eyes off the object. Mina howls at the top of her panties to see if the pills have gone up.

“Hey! You scared me! ”


“Well, it's so sudden! ”

“So what do we do? It's not covered by a towel. ”

Show off the size of a silver object.

You said you can't hide my stuff from sports towels.

“Tsk, are you saying you're big? ”

“Was it because I wanted to grow up? How could you do this when you were born? ”

Mina stopped me when I picked up the top and tried to shove it down her throat.

“Hold on, I haven't washed my back yet. ”

“I can't reach it. ”

“Hold still. ”

Mina lifts the towel and wipes the moisture off my back.

Surprisingly, there's a big angle.

“I'm not a child. I'm not a child. ”

“Pretty big for a kid, isn't it? ”

“Do you want to keep saying weird things? ”

“No, I meant my key. ”


Mina wiped my back with a red face. It made me feel very strange to wash my body in the showerhead locker room.

‘Good, now's the time. ’



“Have you ever wanted to do it in the gym? ”

Mina's hands are frozen. Recommendations in the info window have a magical effect that dramatically increases a woman's likeness. Perhaps as soon as he heard the comment, Mina's lust for restraint exploded. Now moxa is enough. From now on, I'm going to try it. Action!

I turned my back and tightly grasped Mina's shoulders with both hands.

“You want to do it with me, right? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Silence is a sign of strong positivity.

I asked again.

“Tell me the truth. You don't want to fuck me? ”

Mina turns her head sideways in shame.

“Yes, because you keep saying weird things. ”

She blushes and brushes her lips.

It's like a scream without saying you can do whatever you want.

I dared to embrace Mina's lips. Meena, who was startled and stepping back, grabbed my shoulder and gave me a lip.


But after a while she pushed her tongue into my mouth to see if she had given up on me any longer. We kissed hot for a while. I grabbed her by the waist and grabbed her towards my chest.

“Tell me if you wanted to. ”

· · · I don't know. This is all because of you. ”

She kept making excuses for me.

But I wanted to protest like this.

This is your fault for having 95% vaginal contractions.

It made me curious.

“This place is too small. Do you want to go outside? ”

I held her hand and led her to the gym without listening to an answer. You lie her on a bench holding a barbell because the cold, bare floor cannot lie down.

“Oh, you can't do this here. ”

She seemed to recall a male trainer who was expelled from a relationship with a female member. I took off one or two of her clothes and said,

“What's not to like? Someone's coming at this hour. ”

The gym had all the streetlights coming through the window. Mina's insides were reflected in the blurry light, and the light was especially white.

“Listen up. ”

As Mina gets up, I reach behind her back and quickly peel off the bra hook. Mina reaches out and grabs the falling brassiere.

“· · Still shy. ”

“I was embarrassed when I showed you how to get rid of it, too. ”

I lie, I don't drool on my mouth, I take away her brassiere.

Soon, my cheerful heart revealed its glorious appearance. Mina's breasts, which hid in her usual tank top and presented a dazzling bust, were shocking.

While lying there, I did not lose my bowl of rice even though it spread slightly, and I was as luscious as a virgin's pink teat and darker colored teats.

“Wow, you have really pretty breasts. ”

“D-don 't say that. Embarrassed · · · Sucked! ”

For answering questions.

I didn't need to talk anymore.

I swallowed my chest and sucked it. As soon as Mina bites her tits into her mouth, she gasps and groans.


You're very sensitive. ’

Not all breasts are sexual touches because of women. Some people suck all day long, but some people are dark. But maybe Mina really was the breastplate.

You reach up and grab the barbell rod on the rack with a tight grip in her hand.

‘That's right. You got the pinpoint from the info window, right? ’

I took a slight bite of Mina's nipple, believing in the new enhanced description of the information window.


Mina raises her head high.

Is this what a fresh live fish would look like?

Mina's reaction deepened her burning lust.

‘Fine. Meet the right owners today. ’


Angry Fire Column