158. Campus of Romance 27

What time is the drink?

Mina: The gym closes around 10: 00? These are our group PTs, but we think it's a natural time for you to be late for your workout.

There are still 7 hours left for dinner at 10: 00.

I finished the text once I said yes.

[Mina is quite active. The owner is not a PT.He wants to come to a party.]

‘I don't think I should drink too much kimchi soup first. It could just be customer service. ’

[Is it true?]

‘I told you I'd move to dinner when I opened. So it could be an elaborate way to engage together at your PT-class party to lead a group PT-school. ’

[I think that's too much · · ·.]

‘No, that's how real instructors make friends. Once people get personal, they can't be cut off. ’

[What about them? Doesn't it just have to be about the mission?]

‘Course not. All you have to do is find a hole in the Morrow Garden. ’

I found the library to take advantage of the remaining time.

Now I have to study with women, two things.

None of them can be neglected.

In addition to Bags, which is a comprehensive library, I looked at the map of the academy, and there were small libraries by school. Also known as the "Apostle", the library of death squads is a three-story building between the first and second coffins of the army.

When I went inside, I saw the fourth graders who were in the forensics department. I feel a tremendous heat just by taking the seat.

"As expected, students look their best when studying. ’

Luckily, the entrance is clear. The most unpopular location in the viewing room because people frequent it. I grabbed hold of my cubicle desk and started reviewing my studies today.

My notes, organized Cornell-style, were organized so neatly that the contents of the class could be enjoyed even once. After thoroughly reading the subject matter of the major and education class I had heard today, it took approximately 30 minutes.

[Oh. It's been a long time since you've focused properly.]

‘· · · No. It's definitely slowing down.’

What do you mean?]

‘I feel like my IQ is deteriorating, and I feel like my reading speed and memory are halfway through my adult life. It would've been over in 10 minutes. ’

[Don't be so hard on yourself. It's the way of the world to lose one when you have one. Because I redistributed my master's high IQ, I have the height and the object now.]

‘Yes. Low IQ doesn't mean you can't study. You have to work twice or three times as hard as the smart ones. ’

Humans are animals of forgetfulness.

According to a scholar called Ebbing House, forgetting begins 10 minutes after learning, 50% after an hour, 70% after a day, and 80% after a month.

The best way to delay forgetfulness is to review immediately.

Abinghouse found that it was necessary to review after 10 minutes, review after 1 day, review after 1 week, and review after 1 month in order to remember what he had learned.

The only thing I need now is a recurring review after my IQ has fallen by two orders of magnitude.

When I finished my review today, I accessed the University Mobile homepage on my smartphone and checked the course plan for this semester.

Whether or not to take the midterm exam, when to pay for the report, or the reference books needed for the class, I made a chart and organized it in a subtle way. It only took almost two hours.

[Kiha. So this is what studying national grades looks like. I admire you again.]

"What, charting? That's the basics.You don't really think a well-educated person is just as smart as you are smart, do you? The important thing is to come up with the right plan. You also need the willingness to stick to the plan you've made. A lot of brainy kids don't get used to two things up there, so they break down on their own. ’

Since I was young, there were many children who heard talents or were even praised as geniuses. But over time, most of those talents hide their tracks.

Where the hell did all those smart kids go?

According to a tracked survey, most of them have not acquired talents and have fallen into mediocrity or below. It is a typical example of "Our child has a good head but doesn't study."

In fact, genes work a lot in learning well in elementary school. According to scholars' research, close to 50% of elementary academic achievement is determined by intelligence. In middle and high school, however, the involvement of intelligence falls below 30 and 20%.

From this point on, hard-working students and smart students cannot keep up with them. It is also the first time students who rely on their head from their childhood and are lazy from studying.

Study is the accumulation of repeated learning.

Slowly but slowly, a moment will come when students who have refined the foundation will not be able to win only with their heads.

Luckily, I wasn't just a smart-ass who trusted his head. I learned how to study on my own because I read a lot, and from then on I made a lot more effort than others. If a smart person works hard, there is an uncanny gap between the criminals.

"Effortless genius," as they say.

That was me.

Even though my hands and feet suffer from IQ falling to the brick now · ·. For a long time, I was studying thinking about it, and someone grabbed my shoulder.

“Maybe · · · ·. Is that a lesson?"

I turned my head slightly and there was a fourth grade crystal behind me.

“You're right, aren't you? I was nervous from the back of my head. What's going on? ”

“Something happened. I came to study in the library. ”

“Oh, you're really working hard, aren't you? ”

The crystal looked around and said, in a quiet viewing room atmosphere.

“Would you like a cup of coffee outside? ”

“No, I had too much coffee this morning. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“Smoking is easy. ”

“Come out, then. ”

I left the library with the crystal. She carries a bag full of books, presumably just walking into the library.

“I'm ashamed to see you study. I'm on my way home from class this morning. ”

“I'm just here to buy some time before I go to the gym. ”

You light a cigarette, and the crystal checks the wind direction, then takes a step back.

“You don't smell like cigarettes, do you? ”

“Yeah, but I don't really care if the guy I used to date was a smoker. ”

“You have a big heart. A lot of women don't like it. ”

“I'm young. You'll understand when you get older. ”

The crystal was still churning today. Could that be the uniform of a pregnant student?

“Well met. I still had something to give you. ”

Crystal took out a chunky test form from the backpack.

Books on education and curriculum.

“Is that what you said before? ”

“Yes. I packed it for my lunch, but I have it now, so I'll give it to you right away. ”

“Thank you. But I've been thinking about taking lessons and not seeing them. ”

As I quickly turned the book to the side, I saw a note between the examination books that had been underlined or subtly organized as a fan.

“You've written a lot. ”

“I listened and wrote down the instructor's description. I've organized it thoroughly so you can read it again. Ask me if there's anything you don't know. ”

“Do you primarily study in apostles? ”

“Yes, most of the current forestry students. ”

“What do you mean, you're a midterm student? ”

“Three lucky seniors study in the Hundred Degrees, not apostles. I feel embarrassed to see their faces. So it's like an implied rule. Workers are apostles, and more than luck is white. ”

“Can the centipede come in graduates? ”

“Yeah. Every fruit is a work hel these days. I used to block my student ID when I graduated, but there were a lot of complaints, so I was wondering if you'd let me in if I had a student ID. ”

“I see.”

The crystal looked at me and said with a peculiar look.

“You're amazing, too. From now on, you're the only sophomore here.

“That's strange? Why don't you prepare for the appointment if it's so difficult? ”

“You want to play. I want to go on a date with my boyfriend, eat something delicious, watch a movie · ·. How much do you have to enjoy being young? Giving up all that and studying early is a waste of youth. ”

“Youth · · · ·. ”

However, when I realized that the former owner had just been reincarnated was a college student, I thought about studying and building a wall. I studied and died in my previous life, so I'm going to enjoy this life with a lot of women.

But I thought you said you couldn't give me a dog.

Starting my college life, I couldn't help but study, especially since I was three years away on an important test called Appointment Examination.

I wanted to fulfill the dream of not being able to study, but I hated it more than death. You don't have to give up studying just because you're doing your job as a player.

At best, we both want to succeed beautifully.

“Thanks anyway. Thanks for not forgetting. ”

“What between us. ”

“Still, I'm sorry I barefoot. ”

“It's okay. I'll give you a hard time next time you need me. Hehe.”

Crystal said, tasting again.

You must be Takehan in Gibbons.

I tapped her lopsided ass.

“I'm out of cigarettes. I don't want to waste my free time, so let's go up now. ”

“Tsk, I don't know who's taking the test at the hip. ”

I continued studying for another hour after that. I was about to say goodbye to the crystal in the corner, but I snuck out of the corner sorry to interrupt her focus.

“Let's go to dinner and exercise. ”

I proudly headed to the gym.

* * *

“Target, get out of the library and start moving. Do you want to continue tracking?”

No, that's it for today. We haven't got anything solid enough to keep a close eye on him for 24 hours.

“I understand.”

After the transmission, the delay looked far back at the lesson toward the gate.

‘There's nothing special about it. ’

Although it was the first day, it was a very ordinary college student. Study hard in class, stop by the library.

‘Well, studying is a bit unusual. ’

The scene of sophomore year already entering the library was unusual. But to date, like Team Leader Kim Mun-su said, it didn't seem like there was anything secret or to live a double life.

Do I need to get to know you more personally? ’

There are limits to looking at everyday life at universities. You have to dig into his life to get a sneak peek inside him.

just as humanitarians go into the field and live with the people there to understand the life of the primitive tribe.

‘That wouldn't be so bad either. We'll talk to the captain later. ’

Delays shouted at the microphone as it headed for the main vehicle.

“Daryl! You remember to shoot the chicken tonight? ”

* * *

I bought a lunch box on the way home. When I was in the studio, I ate with the bored TV. TV is a really good guy. While I'm eating, he doesn't even drink, and he talks nonsense.

When I looked at the revitalizing arts program for a moment, it suddenly became 8 o'clock. Time to get to work.

I changed into training clothes and headed to the gym. Seo Yuni next door turned off the light in the reading room.

I thought you said the civil servant exam was in a month. Maybe we should take a break from BJ for a while. ’

The gym was about 15 minutes away, so I decided to turn off the boat and walk. If I walked fast enough to sweat a little, I was happy to be able to exercise right away without having to warm up at the gym.

I walked the road at night and noticed that it was free.

When I was in the library, I turned off the alarm in case I was interrupted, but in the meantime, a message arrived to several people.

Holy water: Hey! I heard you took 10 invitations. Did you practice that in the army, too? The Korean army is coming!

Tae Young: Is this a 10-second true story?

It was mainly about running on the ground. I don't know. There's been a rumor going around.

I can't take my pills every time I run. · ·

I don't know how much more power we have to measure the record.

Dantokbang was more chaotic when first-graders gathered together.

Many of the articles that went up to 300 + were about me.

Green: I'm intuitive about running. Look at the super-usine bolt.

Hush! He's on the green one! I'll sing you a song.

Na-yeon: I see it with you. But he was so much more handsome than Bolt.

Jiju: Is Nayeon a pencil? Where do you go dark?

What are you talking about all of a sudden? I have a brother in this room. Cut the crap.

My name was mentioned again halfway through the swift scroll because it was annoying to read.

Jeong Eum: I have to come to school tomorrow in gym clothes.

“Huh? What's this noise? ”

Because I didn't answer, the cognitive tone also left a message with a private tap.

Jung Yin: Hyung, they want to know about tomorrow's sports outfit. Just in case you haven't seen it.

Aha, there was one more class with Jung Yin, right?

Understanding life sports is a practical class to do various life sports yourself. Especially in the summer, there is also a camping and lifting practice plan, which is a subject that many college students like to apply for because they like to go outside.

I only replied to Jung Yin separately.

Teacher: Thanks for letting me know. I don't have an appointment tomorrow. Do you want to grab lunch?

I immediately replied as if I was waiting.

MG: Yeah! Eat with me!

It's a return knife. I just saw you studying.

MG: You're really studying hard. What are you doing now?

Lesson number one: I'm going to the gym in a long time. Members are having a drink after.

MG: Oh, right. Just a little drink.

Teaching: Yes. I'll see you tomorrow at 12: 00.

MG: Yeah!

I didn't know the other kids, but I wanted to take care of my conscience.

While I was walking like that, I arrived at the gym.


Angry Fire Column