148. Campus of Romance 17

I worked hard to remove the cobwebs like a field employee at a parent company with the slogan "Pest Control."

Wait, this is your chance to start a corporation? Mission is Sexco.

Peek-a-book! Peek-a-book!

Cheap beds in crystals were particularly noisy, with poor legs.

“Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho, ho. ”

“Am I still a rabbit? Huh?”

“No, Shep. He's not a rabbit at all. ”

“Then what is it? ”

“Zee, it's an animal! You! Ahhhhhh! ”

Yeah, well, the nickname rabbit doesn't suit me anymore.

I am the tyrant on the bed, and the strongest in the up-mounted position.

An Adabomber that attracts virgins and is the owner of the object that says she plays.

A technician who raises the thumb of Japanese wildlife actors at the same time as all black actors.

A dangerous beast that has revealed its mother.

A carnivore that eats anything.

Squeak! Squeak!

“Huff, huff! ”

Hit your lower back as hard as you can at the top.

Like a noble ritual, they worship regularly. The hatch of the crystal was completely opened with careful chewing, and it was no longer stiff.

Her enormous breasts resonate with the vibrations of the bed. Her chest, which spread to the side like a natural acid certification, occasionally collided with each other while doing a revolving circle. A boob that doesn't even have a scratcher on it.

“Your crystal is big. ”

“Tsk, I have boobs. ”

“Must have attracted a lot of guys. ”

“· · · I wouldn't say no. ”

I'm curious about the answer she gave when she pointed at Song Ji-hee as the queen bee. Are you saying you're not in that order?

However, it is not the sin of fertilization.

There's nothing wrong with getting wet.

Isn't that why they say that the infant child is not guilty?

It's not a sin to have big tits, it's a bad thing for men to reveal big tits. So I'm a bad guy. He's an evil bastard.

I put her legs on her shoulders to change posture. He then pulls his thighs with his arms and adds a sense of attachment.

Pow, pow, pow!

“Ugh, deep! ”

“You have to kick the cobwebs inside. ”

His body temperature rises and his back plate begins to sweat. Blood rushes to the upper thigh, and the waist that swings rhythmically becomes stiff.

“Phew, I love it. ”

The crystal entrusted to pleasure is now a woman who has forgotten her shame. The studio building screams loudly at the soil to tell it to leave.

Suddenly the phone rings, thinking if she should be forced to shut her mouth.


Familiar ringtone. My phone.

We freeze like a still in the video.

“Don't answer it. ”

Crystal said.

“Wait, look who it is. ”

I got up and picked up my thrown trousers and checked the phone inside.

Six bells.

I couldn't help but notice.

“Who is it?”

“My liege.”

“A junior or a girl? ”

“Yes, I'm fine." ”

“Ahh. I remember the cute one, right? She was so cute. ”

“That's right."

“Take it. They're looking for where you lost it. ”

It was a conflict for a while.

Do you think it's okay to play nice with other women?

Somehow it felt like it was too cruel. Unlike other people, I'm a little more concerned about the tune.

The crystal grinds as the bell continues to ring.

“Take it? You'd be suspicious if you didn't. ”


“He said he'd take the drunk girl home and then disappeared. Of course he wouldn't be suspicious. ”


I didn't think about it.

I thought it was a private call from Jung Ming, but maybe there were other motives or seniors behind it.

You asked me to call and see where I was.

I think I'll be more suspicious if I don't get it.

I swiped the screen to answer the phone.

Did you learn?

“Yes. What's the matter, Jung Ming? ”

Jeong Yim called me a senior, not a brother.

Someone must be listening in on the phone.

The vice president wants me to find out where you are. You told me to call you if I had a number.

Holy water.

After the general meeting, he went to karaoke and took care of me for nothing. Of course, it seems that she was also curious about my work when she called me, not someone else.

“Uh, my fourth grade friend and I got drunk and drove home, and I ran into someone I know, and I stopped by the cafe. ”


“Yes. He was my best friend before the military, but I met him at the back of the Civil Society. ”

Ah · · ·.

I was rolling my head while making up lies. Suddenly, the crystal lying on the bed wrapped around my waist with my legs. When I was talking on the phone, I was naturally dragged to bed.

I said in the shape of my mouth.

[What are you doing?]

Then the crystal made a mulch with its finger and pointed between its crotch.

[Squeeze me.]

I'm on the phone.

[It doesn't matter.]

She flips over and switches to the rear position. The gluttonous buttocks and the valley flowing with honey water hit me in front of my eyes, and I couldn't stand it any longer.

I knelt on the bed and stared at the object. Trying to insert the phone in one hand and the crystal in the other.


The crystal that was lying flat on its back groans without knowing it. She glances back and says, frowning.

[It's too deep!]


When are you coming back, then? People are going to karaoke for the second time soon after the wave. · ·

“I'm just going to have a cup of coffee. But Seong-soo said let's go play in the second round. Where's karaoke going? ”

Wait, let me ask you a question.

I didn't stop falling behind while I was on the phone.

Rather, I felt like the object was harder than usual because I thought I was having sex with another woman while talking to Jung Yin. Unknown virtue?

Looking at the crystal, she rolls the bed seeds with both hands.

‘Huff, okay, I'm going crazy, but I can't hear you. ’

I was more and more excited about the throbbing of the crystal.

The Pokémon has stepped back completely enough to pull out its beans and has demonstrated a technique that sticks them all the way to the root. I thought the object was going to fade away, but the crystals couldn't help but scream as soon as they snapped like magnets.

“Ahhhh!!! ”

Sunbae? What did you just say?

Yikes. You must be in a bad mood.

I take a shit.

“Someone walked into the cafe and slammed their face into the door. It's not a scream or a commotion. Did you push the door in with your face? ”

Ah · · ·. There's the party karaoke at the back door, 30 group halls.

“OK, party. Okay."

Do you know where it is?

“Let's take a look at the map. ”

The assistant teacher was looking for you, too.

“Kang Democratic Sam? ”

Yes, I am.

Democracy is still the same.

Maybe I jumped without saying a word.

“Okay. Go ahead. I'll be right there. ”

Yes, sir. I'll see you soon.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I screamed as the crystal endured.

“Hey! It's too deep! ”

“So what? No? ”

“Oh, no! If you don't let it sound and do that · ·. ”

“Scream all you want. No, you can't hear me in the next room. ”

“I don't know, listen. ”

I put the head of the crystal on the ground, put both hands into a thermal resting position, and then held on to the wrist as if it were handcuffed. Her deep restraints make her even sweeter.

“Ugh, Moya, this. ”

“Well, it's tied up and stuffed. ”

“Phew, you've become very naughty. ”

“Me? You don't even know me. That was two years ago. ”

“But we met a lot in meetings with our people. ”

[The minutes and meetings are held once a month under the leadership of the advisor.]

What was your relationship with Crystal? ’

[I don't think we've ever felt rational about each other since we didn't have any memories. I couldn't talk to the women at all because the owner wasn't very good at it. Women felt arrogant because they had a little bit of a face.]

‘Hmm, poor thing. You can't even eat real milk in front of your eyes. ’

“Anyway, you were young. You wouldn't have seen me as a man. ”

“Huff, puff, puff. They look like sisters. ”

“Do you still think I'm your brother? ”

“No · · · ·. I feel completely different. I don't think that's the lesson I used to know. ”

“Right? Not a rabbit at all. ”

“What's with all the rabbits? Why would Ji-hee spread such a nasty rumor? ”

“I don't know. Did you have something against me? You keep the wind up. ”

“Heave-ho. Don't, Dahoon. My legs are twitching. ”

Is it too long to be left behind? You can see that the crystals that were lying on the ground were very difficult. I let go of her hands and grabbed her chest to lift her torso.

“What, what? ”

“Take your time. Change your stance. ”

Now she and I sit in a bed with each other tucked behind us. In that position, I lay down my body so that my hips, shoulders, and back are touching in sequence. The crystal with my stuff in it was also lying in an arched position looking up at the ceiling.

“Put your arms behind your back on the ground. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

“The legs are naturally spread out. ”

“I've never been here before · · ·. ”

“Don't worry. Mine's too long to miss. ”

I held the crystal's waist underneath and tried to raise it. A unique angle of insertion that bends into the curve gave a distinct stimulus.

“Huff, huff, this is weird. ”

“It's got to be an angle when you hit it, right? ”

“Ugh, ugh. He's lying down, and he just came in from underneath. Hot, Haang. ”

I've leveraged Metris' reflexes for ten minutes.

The beauty of beds is that they are repulsive and help facilitate piston quality.

Pod, pod!

“Ugh, I love it. If I don't make it this year, it's on you. ”

“Why do you make excuses for that? ”

“I tried to hold on until the real exam was over. I thought you might want to keep going once. ”

“Do you want to do it more often? ”

“Of course. You're good at this. I've met a lot of men before I studied forensics. ”


“I know it's hard to find one that's just you. ”

It seems to be comparable by about the fourth grade.

This is the difference between a virgin and an experienced person. Knowing the difference between physical and technical because of previous men. Virgins are the first men, so I'd like to be nice, but the more sex experience I have, the better the poop or mischief I can tell.

Guddi's crystal was as fast as a ghost.

“Apparently, you're thumbing with a girl named Jung Yin. I don't want to get in between you two. I'm too burdened to go out with a man right now. ”


“Let's just see each other sometimes if you're okay. ”

This is a sexist proposition.

Wow, these days college students are so open.

Well, I live with all the kids I want to live with.

“Well · · · ·. I need to think about it. ”

“What? Am I close? ”

“No. What do I get out of our relationship? ”

“What do you mean, I don't like it? Because I'm an apprentice, and I don't decorate well because I don't wear makeup anywhere. ”


Crystals fit in the top five with us, either by face or body. A durable body with long lasting workouts.

A slightly premature-looking face has a mature feeling that young children cannot dare to touch.

Yeah, well, they're all the same kid in my 40s.

“That's not what I meant. I just want us to have a constructive relationship that helps each other. It's not just about appetite. ”

Suddenly, his position was changed to a standing position.

The crystal can't survive on both arms, so he turned around and climbed. She rubs her hips close together and back and forth.

“Oh, I can feel the interest rates. Constructive. What does it mean?”

“Literally. You get yourself a partner to let you go when you want to, and I'll get ready for an apprenticeship in two years. ”

Was it a little bit surprising?

The movement of the crystal, which was at the top of the horse, stopped.

“Yi, Yong? Are you serious? ”

“You said it yourself. You told me to start a day early. I'd rather take advice from my boss a hundred times than head to the ground. We can reduce trial and error. ”

The face of the crystal sitting on me changed strangely.

I feel like I'm looking at someone really interesting, not pretending to get me home drunk.

“It's a strange deal. ”

“Why? It's a Valence thing. You don't like the terms? ”

“Oh, no. I'm surprised it's so dramatic. ”

“It's a hundred times better to hear it directly from an active senior than a school instructor. Of course I don't want to take your time. I'm not asking you to arrest me like a tutor, I'm asking you to arrest the approximate outline. What time should I study after three years of studying and preparing for this appointment?

Something like that. ”

There are two sides to studying well.

Tactics and strategies are comparable to war.

If keeping the book open and understanding and memorizing were tactics, what I was curious about was the big picture that could win the war, the Adoptive Strategy.

In the professional term, it is also referred to as metacognitive ability. It means placing the time, limited resources, and available means in the right place to produce results beyond the capability.

In my previous life, I was able to study well because both of these were excellent. My body changed and my tactics were drastically reduced, but what remained for me was my strategic ability.

When I was dealing with intelligence that was below average, my current position was to actively take advantage of the long preparation period of three years and the women studying around me. Of course, remember to collect points and provide items to help you with your exam.

“We'll come back to this later, and I think I should go. ”


Angry Fire Column