135. Campus of Romance 4

The achievements and missions that emerged on the display were the same footsteps and milestones that have remained since the rebirth.

Completed missions inspired pride, ongoing stimuli, and viewed achievements inspired excitement.

In retrospect, I think I've targeted a lot of women, but my player level is still just 'Sewer 1’.

Just outside the novice level.

Playing RPG games just finishes the tutorial and starts hanging around the town hunting grounds.

When did you get out of the sewers? At least you'll be able to stretch your shoulders. ’

[Are you sure you want something to eat? Let's start with Sewer 2 and work your way up.]

How far to Sewer 2? ’

[Ascend to 7 Achievements in Sewers. You will need to add 4 more, as there are all 3 numbers of achievements.]

4 Great Works.

If there are many, there are many, and if there are few, there are few.

Instead of pioneering something completely new, it might be possible in a month if we mix up the existing work appropriately.

"If you get promoted, you get another skill, right? ’

[Of course.]

‘I hope you get some skills that will help you in college. ’

[Do you have the skills you want? Tell us, we'll let you know if there are any skills involved.]

‘Well, since I'm getting old and I don't want to listen to the lecture anymore, I wish I had the self to take the class on my behalf. ’

[Oh, again?]

‘Or the memory of everything you see and hear with your eyes and ears! Kyaa, I think I can get a full scholarship with that skill. ’

[Interesting idea. Do you have anything else?]

‘Hm. Whatever it is, it's best to attract a lot of girls. It's also good reading skills that you can use to impress and delight your opponent. ’

Rossi ponders for a moment and replies.

[It is not that you do not have any Renaissance skills at all.]

Oh, yeah?

[But it is impossible for the alter ego to have the same intelligence as the body. You can't use your abilities.]

Then what does that mean? ’

[There must be many things. Obtaining an alibi or filling in numbers when needed · · ·. But more than that, I recommend the Magic Doorknob.]

Magic doorknobs? ’

[Yes. This item is 7000 points and is an easy way to say it.]

"The shaman who can travel great distances in one fell swoop, right? ’

[Yes, the item transforms any door with a door hook into a portal. So for example, if you put a doorknob on the door of the trolley that you see, and you imagine your studio, you go there automatically.]

That's the sliding door. My studio is closed. ’

[The type of inquiry does not matter.]


[The condition of the item is to go through the door, which is to connect the inside and the outside.]

Aha, there's a street limit? ’

[Anywhere on Earth.]

So you can stay here in the morning, have brunch in New York, do some sightseeing in Madrid in the afternoon, and then go to Tokyo Shibuya in the evening? ’


"Wow! I can't even afford to travel overseas. ’

[But it's conditional.]

On what terms? ’

[You have to actually go to the place in your head.]

"Ugh! You mean we have to step on our feet once, whether it's America or Spain?" ’

[Yes, and even if you've been there, you don't have a 100% chance of success.]

What's wrong with that? ’

because space travel is a serious violation of Earth's laws of physics. So the skill itself stops triggering when there is a risk of being spotted by someone.]

‘It can only be used when no one notices, this is it. ’


Although the conditions were tricky, the magical door hook that crossed the space was not an enormous item. It means it has literally the same effect as self-immolation, everywhere and nowhere.

‘Okay, let's put a pin in my heart. Now I've only got 800 points, and 7,000 points is a lifetime. ’

[The second complete memory you mentioned is the top skill in photographic memory in the random box last time, 'Hypermemonic syndrome’.]

"Syndrome? Why does that name sound sick? ’

[That's right, it's actually a side effect of Svet syndrome. They manipulate your brain to block your forgetfulness, making everything come alive.]

‘Great. How do I get this skill? ’

[We should leave it to chance.]

"Well, you get it at random. ’


Do you have any skills for reading minds? Don't buy items when you hear your voice. Last time I tried the earpiece, it was really uncomfortable. You can't have a headset on your head during sex. ’

[You mean Mind Reading. Of course, it also exists in the form of skills. These skills can also be achieved by achieving a Great Work.]

Oh, yeah?

[I will put the related work on display.]

Achievable Great List (to date 6/108)

48. I'm curious about you. (Achieved by increasing the likelihood of women with an Onslaught class blindness to 100.)

You've finally surpassed the hurdle.

It is linked to the masterpiece of the Wheat Party, Great Work. (More than two people with a 100 preference)

Achievement Reward: Mind Reading (Lv. 2, Skill) Can read an opponent's mind. Allows mind reading for 5 minutes when used. Increased level increases usage time. 1 hour fixed cooldown.

"Oh, this seems like an easy feat.

I got on the motorcycle while talking to Rossi. The time remaining until the appointment was now so close that I had to go home and go to school right away.

[Well, would it be easy to target someone whose appearance doesn't work at all?]

"But don't you just have to be nice to her? ’

[People with disabilities have aspects of not being able to open the door easily. And it can be very difficult for people to get their appeal up to 100.]

You mean it's not as easy as you think? ’

[Yes, we may have to anticipate a boring long-term war.]

‘I get it, by the way, it's too late to take the water off in the morning. I have to hurry if I'm going to make an appointment. ’

I got off the subway and headed home. I grabbed some writing equipment and notebooks in my bag, and I picked up anything that was on my clothing rack.

The completeness of fashion is also the face.

He had a conch shirt on his jeans and a chunky long cardigan on his face.

When I look in the mirror, it seems like someone other than me is standing.

“Well, I'm going to need a haircut, by the way. ”

[You haven't had a hair cut in over a month.]

It was over a month ago that I entered Lee Do-hoon's body. The hair you left behind looks a little messy as it grows hot.

‘I'd love to stop by the local salon tonight. ’

* * *

When he arrived at the university, he opened his mouth.

“That's a lot of people. ”

First day of class.

The campus, which was close to 20,000 students, was crowded with young men and women. Although it was quite cold in March, girls' dresses were very short, as they rushed to spring.

‘Lots of pretty girls. ’

I felt it during the Satyr event, but there were beautiful young women everywhere on campus at the big university.

Perhaps in Lee Jong-woo's position, who was born in her 40s, she looked beautiful just because she was a girl in her early 20s.

[Wipe your saliva.]

"Khh, am I not getting excited? There's plenty to eat. ’

[Women are not food. And raising partners indiscriminately will never help you achieve your achievements. Please use your God-given powers wisely.]

He turns his head to Rossi's pint.

All right, where's the schizophrenia? I'll see you there. Do you have any idea where you're going? ’

[Epilepsy is a garden bench in front of the death squad called the 'academic tree'. It's a major recreational area for criminals.]

Okay, so we go with the bad guy. I need to ask the good-looking student over there for directions. ’

In front of him, the girl with the great back of her womb was twitching her butt.

Thick winter skirts, coffee stockings, and red high heels were impressive women.

“Hey, let me ask you a question. Where do you want to go from here? ”

“Huh? Huh? Brother Doon?”

“Huh, what about you? Grinding · ·"

He almost said “grinding girl.” He swallowed the horse.

She was a Yangheeju, owner of a grinded face that didn't fit into her excellent figure at all.

Genga in the board room.

“Grinding · · ·? ”

“Oh, no, I got here fast. School.”

“Yes, I failed my application, so I heard Monday, the 12th. Is he coming? ”

“Well, I have afternoon classes on Monday. ”

The two of them naturally calibrated.

Though the person who talked to him said Yangheeju, he still boasted that he was handsome enough to wear a black rod leg on his face.

"He's the type who maximizes his own merits. Cover your face and go to the sexy bag competition, and I'll win it right now. ’

“How was your weekend? ”

Juju asked.

“Huh. Fair enough. Did you meet a man? ”

“What's the matter, Sunbae? Do you have any privacy touches? ”

Juju speaks a rather cute tone, but he holds a tight fist without even knowing it.

‘If you turn around with that face one more time, I'll blow you away. ’

“I'm done here. It's opening night now."

“Heehee. So Albany's coming out this month, right? Buy me lunch. ”

Heeju suddenly crosses his arms and touches his elbow. It was the intended move of the backer.

However, he did not waver because he had already taken one step in the morning.

‘This fox girl is everywhere. ’

Immediately, he unsheathes his arms and pushes the liquor away.

“Next time. I have an appointment. ”

“Who? Is it a girl? You can't be serious, can you? ”

It was absurd to learn the noticeable image of Juju restraining the conscience. Do they think they're competitive enough to compete with the tune?

“No, you know the vice president, right? ”

"Sang-soo? ”

“Yes, my brother ate with me. ”

“Hing. Can't I come in too? ”

“Why are you asking me that? You should ask your brother, but don't you have anyone to eat? ”

“No, I'm on my way to dinner with my sisters. ”

“What? Why are you suddenly asking me to buy you food? ”

“Just eat and have dessert · ·”

After splitting the thread, Juju points fingers at his chest.

“Eat me. ”

“Aigoo, there's nothing I can't say about this holy campus. ”

“Why? You and I didn't have that kind of relationship? ”

“Do you want to do it in broad daylight or not? ”

“Come on. You can do it if you want. ”

“Look at her? ”

She purposely straightened her lower back and extended her chest.

A protruding chest, a cropped waist, and a breathtaking buttocks shook the lesson's anxiety as they drew the perfect S-line.

“Kid? Do I really feel like a kid? Not at all. ”

‘Wow, if you hadn't fought with Yoon Hye-gyeong this morning, you would have gone to the Hola party. One body is real. ’

He shakes his head, throwing off his sweet heart, and then told Juju.

“Yang-hee, I don't want to have this conversation at school. You know what I mean? ”

“Chi. Okay. ”

The lesson quietly speaks to the muddled spirits due to repeated rejections.

“If you listen to me, I'll give you lots of milk next time. ”

The expression of spirituality was illuminated in the dirty promises of the disciples.

“Yes! Heehee. Then why do you keep coming with me? ”

“Huh? Weren't you on your way to the death squad? ”

“No, I'm going out to eat with my comrades, behind their backs. He's right over there.”

Heeju points to the side of the intersection that just passed by.

He scratches his back head as if he forgot.

“I went too far talking to you. Well, have a good lunch. ”

“Yes, you too. Are you coming to the General Assembly tonight? See you then."


The doctrine that sent the Viceroy turned again.

You see a large tree around the lawn in front of the guards.

[That tree is the hyacinth.]

‘I see.'

On the bench under the tree, university students who had been opened were gathering with their comrades and seniors for a long time to talk. If you only drink coffee together like that, it will be hard to climb if your grades increase.

“Lee Dou Hoon! Here!”

The saint who was sitting on the bench underneath the academy found a lesson and waved his hand. Taeyoung who arrived first sat next to him.

“Did you come to teach me? ”

“Sorry I'm late. ”

When he apologized, the Holy Spirit smiled and replied.

“Dude, you slept through the water again at night. ”


“I heard everything from Taeyoung. Taeyoung told me about a good site. Khh.”

When he looked at Taeyoung, Taeyoung glanced down.

“I'm sorry, Hank. How come · · · ·. ”

“Dude, what are you sorry about? We should share that with the boys. You know the Anavada movement? Save it, share it, switch it, watch it all and see if you can forget it. Haha.”

When the holy water showed off its potency, Tau kicked his tongue.

‘The youngest laborer has already kicked the crap out of me. ’

“Anyway, now that you're here, let's go eat. I've been in class since 2: 00. Didn't you apply for that tutoring lesson with your brother? ”

“Did you?”

“Yes, you signed up with me for custody. Understanding Religious Art.”

‘Yes, I did. Haven't seen you in a while, by the way. I thought you said your grandmother collapsed. Maybe you should call her. ’


Angry Fire Column