[I'm sorry, sir. Failed to achieve SMmaster achievement.]

Rossi has given me a bluff, like a blue-eyed wall, when I was down in sagittal time.

Why? ’

[Precision diagnosis from data analysis showed that S reached 46% of targets just before. You can inherit the name of the "sadist" at least 90% of the time.]



Did you say you failed to achieve your achievements despite your usual sadistic tendencies?

Even with daylight reasoning, it was quite difficult to accept the situation. You won't be rewarded even if you succeed in attacking...

What have I been sweating for?

Isn't that what's fucked up in the air?

Unbelievable! Explain why! '

[Owner, although this was a very touching performance for me, a comparative analysis of the data shows that you have just received a ’SOFT S’ rating.]

Soft S? What's that? ’

[SM Play is not all about the same level. It is also one of the SEX genres that increases depth through iterative proficiency. Soft Tendency can be defined as the ‘level of capital letters' in a nutshell. That is, how lightly S prone it is? It's not enough compared to what the job demands.]

‘Damn, it was the best thing for me. ’

[Unfortunately… light swearing, swearing (spanking, hitting your butt with your hands, whirlpool, etc.), or mild levels of shame are classified as' SOFT S ’. The path to true S requires an unimaginable amount of mentholing.]

Anyway, the conclusion is failure, right? Ugh, I'm pissed. '

Rossi has comforted me with a sense of emptiness.

[Master. A feast that can be fed is worth less than that. Because there's not enough reward. I think it was a pretty good try for the first time. Cheer up.]

I was on the winning streak with a recent succession of first brakes. It's not an easy path to becoming a ranker.

Yeah. Falling is about getting the momentum to jump.

I got it all back.

‘Well, I'm no pervert, but it must be a shame to succeed at SM from the start. The democracy will never be able to escape without seeing the taste of my greatness. We'll have to take our chances. ’

I stared at the blazing democracy.

She was still unable to keep her eyes open, whether the joys were fading.

‘Still, it must have been great. Like a man who's done a lot of drugs. ’

* * *

‘... crazy. I can't believe it's better than a real drug deal. ’

Democracy felt like a summer night's dream just before sex.

An innocent lesson turned into a wolf, and my heart started pounding ever since.

She always thought she was the one who ate men on her own. You're not getting fucked by a man, you're fucking yourself.

In fact, her body structure was not entirely wrong.

After all, a woman's penis is the shape of a man who swallows it.

But she also wanted a tough guy on her mind.

A gentle, shy man who turns into an animal when he complains. A true macho man who can stir and sleep at will. This type is often called low night.

The moment he pulled down his pants and took out the object, she was already an unarmed prisoner.

I remember the day I first encountered the black type and trembled from the womb.

If that giant thing gets to me.

If that big, beautiful thing can stir my insides as much as you want.

If the pillar of Learned's foothold will roughen my dampened cave...

As a prisoner, she could not resist his command.

It was an unfamiliar and embarrassing experience, but it was also an exciting and eerie experience.

Kneel before him and start licking his stuff, I was drawn as if I had been seduced by the mathematical instincts that had been hidden in my body.

I wanted to listen to whatever he told me.

At the end of it, I was confident that I would jump into a fiery pit thinking of a sweet gift to be rewarded.

And he fulfilled her perfectly without failing her expectations. It's been a long time since I've tasted a sudden stimulus to the end of my uterus. The feeling of filling the vagina seamlessly was undamaged compared to the black type.

From introduction to deployment to culmination, he waved a fireball club with no regrets.

Then I didn't understand.

"Why is Ji Hee...? ’

Ji Hee clearly called discipline a rabbit.

Ji Hee, who had carelessly shared the sexual experience, lied to herself. In fact, she kicked him right after he showed her mercy.

It's said to be a sympathetic killer, but Ji Hee once cleaned up the relationship was not one of them. Ji Hee thus underestimated the discipline.

However, the lesson I learned was 180 degrees different from what Jihee said. To be honest, I approached him with an intention to teach him quietly, even if he had the same crutches as before.

It was because she believed that although she was able to grow, she was physically able to fly.

But in the beginning, he had nothing to teach and sleep on. Rather, I was drawn to him from beginning to end.

What happened to him in two years between the military?

“You... what the hell happened? ”

* * *

“You... what the hell happened? ”

The democracy, who finished cleaning up moderately, asked in a calm voice.

After finishing her role as master and slave, she returned to a mature college assistant.


“It's so different from what Jihee said...”

“Why? Was it smaller than I heard? ”

I also began to have respect again. It was like a sign that the sex was over and switched to normal.

“No... it can't be. It was more than I expected. ”


“Jihee must have... said you'd be done in no time. ”

“That's right."


“It was the first time. I was nervous... and I honestly didn't know which hole to put it in. ”

“Blood! There's no such thing! Stupid kids will only be able to find that hole. ”

Suddenly, a relaxed democracy bursts into laughter.

“Is it? But I was really naive then. ”


“As you can see now... two years is not a short time. ”

I shrug.

I didn't have to explain it in words.

You've shown me enough already.

Democracy grabbed a warm, cooled coffee and asked.

“But you're joking that you don't have a girlfriend? ”


“But you're this good? ”

“It's not real. ”

“How can I if I don't? ”

“So you've always been with your boyfriend?

The question that pierced the heart almost caused the democracy to spit out coffee in anger.

“Queek, queek! You heard the lion.”

“Anyway, it's similar to you. ”

“You weren't like that before, but you got your ass kicked? ”

I'm flattered.

Of course, I'm 20, but I'm blind in my 40s.

But it's a little childish for a 40-year-old.

Is this a side effect of rebirth? Or is it the effects of the hormones?

It doesn't matter. I am the chosen player of God, and I am loyal only to the role given.



“Are you going to keep that promise? ”


“Being with Jihee's sister. ”

“Oh, my God! Are you serious? I thought you said something out of excitement. ”

As soon as the democracy made a move, I went straight for it.

I guess this isn't much of an education.

“... Anything? ”

“Don't, Dorhoon. ”

“Does it look like I'm saying anything? ”

I stood up like an angry man.

“I'll be going now. Assistant teacher.”

Then, I turned around politely.

Even when I thought about it, it was freezing.

Suddenly, a confused democracy hugged me behind my back.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. ”

“Let go, this. ”

“I'm so sorry. My sister is wrong.”

I loosened her fingers and said it again, cold.

“Assistant teacher. I don't know how you saw me, but I don't talk that lightly. ”

“Oh, I know. I made a mistake. Huh? I'm angry. ”

I stared at her silently.

She turns her head, unable to bear my gaze, and kneels down and squeezes her head.

“... I was wrong, my lord. Forgive me."

"Huff. I was a little annoyed. I didn't mean to..."

Instead, I was embarrassed by the humiliating attitude of democracy.

I didn't mean for this to happen.

That's when Rossi spoke to me.

[Oh, my Lord. You're an excellent assistant. I think you have a knack for this.]

‘Hey, what did I do? It's just that he's very M prone. ’

[I can sneak a peek at it. Anyway, I think it's the perfect opponent for achieving the SMmaster.]

"Oh, lucky guy gets a lottery ticket when he picks up a piece of gum."

I bent my knees toward a squatting democracy. Then the owner grabbed the head of the democracy as if it were a dog.

“The next time...”


“You'll never get me a present again. ”

“Yes, sir, I'll keep that in mind. ”

“Yes. Good boy. Keep your head up.”

The democracy cautiously raised its head. Being as scared as a puppy turns me on again.

I got up and took the stuff out again.
