What did long Tianci see that suddenly turned his despair into hope? In fact, long Tianci has a report in his hand, which describes something that was not described in the previous experimental report, that is, the process of replacing the biological culture bin!

According to the report, about half a year after Zhou Zixuan's uterus was placed outside, the fetus grew too fast to fit in the previous incubator. The experimenters decided to replace Zhou Zixuan and the baby with a larger incubator.

However, at this time, the volume of the external uterus is twice as large as Zhou Zixuan itself. If you move like this, the small part of the uterus connected with Zhou Zixuan's body must be unbearable. In addition, there is the way of transportation. Even if you don't go out of the eighth Laboratory, it also needs intense exercise to move Zhou Zixuan with a huge uterus from one incubator to another, What are the consequences of this movement?

In order to move Zhou Zixuan and the fetus, the researchers thought for a long time and finally decided to use the method of ultra-low temperature freezing. This method is to completely freeze the external uterus where Zhou Zixuan and the fetus are located with the element energy of ice attribute, and then carry out the transportation. In this way, there will be less trouble in the process of transportation. As long as it is thawed after the transportation is completed!

This theory is perfect, and the results are as flawless as the experimenters think. In this way, Zhou Zixuan and the fetus moved to the huge square culture chamber!

Since it was successful before, it is OK to do so now, which is why long Tianci was suddenly excited after seeing this report!

Now that there is a way, long Tianci won't delay any more. He rushed back to the eighth laboratory excitedly, and then said to Zhou Zixuan, "sister Zixuan, I have a way to take you out. After going out, I'll take you to see tassels. His medical skills will certainly save you!"

Hearing long Tianci's words, Zhou Zixuan showed a very surprised expression. Although she had asked long Tianci to help her free, who really wanted to die? Even now, it's good to live without ghosts or ghosts. Therefore, the words given by long Tianci seem to give Zhou Zixuan a shot in the arm, which makes Zhou Zixuan rekindle the hope of life!

After finishing the news with Zhou Zixuan, long Tianci looked for many machines in the eighth laboratory, and finally stopped in front of the third machine on the outermost left, because this machine was the refrigeration machine recorded in the report!

The machine is square and has a huge shape. It is filled with all kinds of pipes. There is a small glass door on its front, which can barely reach in. In the glass door is a small metal bracket.

In that report, there is a simple description of the control of the machine. In fact, this machine is also a product of the three eyed civilization. Its function is to use the energy crystallization of ice property to produce frozen energy, and then transfer the cold air to a fixed container through this machine.

Long Tianci raised his hand and wiped it on the space ring. He took out a small leather pocket from the space ring, which is the crystallization of all kinds of energy collected by long Tianci over the years.

After searching for a while, long Tianci finally found a cold white gem the size of a thumb nail, and this is the crystal of ice attribute element energy!

Put the ice attribute energy crystal into the machine in front of him. Long Tianci went back to Zhou Zixuan and said his plan again. Finally, he asked Zhou Zixuan if she was ready. Zhou Zixuan couldn't speak, so he just nodded.

With Zhou Zixuan's confirmation, long Tianci returned to the machine, then pulled down the switch on the machine, and the next second the machine made a loud roar. Then the ice energy crystal inside began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared completely. At the same time, a terrible cold began to appear on the surface of the machine, There is a layer of frost on the surface of the whole machine. Obviously, the decomposed ice attribute element energy has been activated!

It felt almost like it. Long Tianci reached out and pulled down the second switch. The colleague who pulled down the switch stopped the extremely vibration strangely. Then several pipes extending from the machine began to be covered with white frost. It was obvious that a large amount of cold air had begun to be transmitted along the pipes!

The pipe of this machine was connected to the huge incubator where Zhou Zixuan was located. When the cold air passed, a large amount of white smoke came out of the incubator. The cold air gushed out of the open hatch of the incubator and covered the eighth laboratory with a layer of white frost in an instant!

Long Tianci saw that the cold air could not be kept in the training cabin, but it leaked out. He rushed into the sixth laboratory, raised a table and ran back, blocking the hatch of the training cabin with the table!

The cold almost instantly frozen the table, and the long Tianci holding the table was surrounded by the cold. The biting cold almost frozen the long Tianci. If the long Tianci hadn't protected his body with the original energy of life, it would be an ice sculpture at this time!

When the cold air is released, it will end in about four or five minutes. It seems that the energy crystal put in by the Dragon God can last so long.

Feeling that the cold release was over, long Tianci moved his body. A layer of ice shell had condensed on his body surface. All the ice shells fell off and removed the ice shell. Long Tianci breathed out a breath, then pulled the table away and threw it aside. What he cares about most now is how Zhou Zixuan is?

At this time, Zhou Zixuan in the training cabin has been completely frozen, and the external uterus hanging from her lower body is also frozen very strong. Long Tianci tried to touch Zixuan's body next week. After confirming that there is no problem, he untied the iron chain binding Zhou Zixuan's hands and feet, and then carefully wanted to hold Zhou Zixuan out!

Long Tianci's attention was all on Zhou Zixuan, and he even ignored the external uterus. In fact, there were still some gray white translucent nutrient solution at the bottom of the incubator. The nutrient solution was frozen at ultra-low temperature, and the external uterus was frozen with these nutrient solutions. As soon as long Tianci moved Zhou Zixuan's body, he heard a click, It's like something broke!

Hearing the sound, the cold sweat on the forehead of long Tianci came down, because the broken place was the link between Zhou Zixuan's lower body and the external uterus. The thick and thin link point of the wrist had been broken!

Fortunately, Zhou Zixuan's body was frozen at this time, which would not cause massive bleeding. Moreover, it was inconvenient to hang this thing on Zhou Zixuan. If it was broken, it would be broken. Thinking of this, long Tianci no longer hesitated, reached out and crushed the link between the external uterus and Zhou Zixuan's body, and took Zhou Zixuan out completely!

Before finding the tassel, Zhou Zixuan must be kept frozen, which is impossible at normal room temperature, so long Tianci took Zhou Zixuan directly into the space ring. Anyway, the frozen Zhou Zixuan doesn't need oxygen and so on. There should be no danger in the space ring!

After finishing all this, long Tianci raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Then he smiled bitterly and said to himself, "fucking ~! Finally got it out!"