v2 Chapter 107: Trivial things

Name:Konoha's 50 Years Author:倾鸦
The tail beast jade that contains a lot of chakras, like a meteorite, directly smashed into the fierce battle of the three generations of Fengying and Dashewan. &1t;/

The power of the tail beast jade may not be known to Dashemaru, but the third generation of Fengying knows it, and he has even faced it several times. It can be said that just such a ball can wipe out the entire Sand Ninja Village in an instant. This is why the world fears the tail beast so much and wants it. &1t;/

But the Dashewan in front of me is just like a stunned young man. If he doesn't avoid it, he is like crazy, clinging to himself tightly, and he has an aura of seeking death on the same day, the same month and the same day. &1t;/

But the problem is that the three generations of Fengying didn't want to die, and the shadow of his own village was so unclear, wouldn't it be a big joke. &1t;/

Let go, you are a pervert. &1t;/

The more angry the three generations of Fengying became, she couldn't help but begin to sympathize with the safety of women within three generations of Dashemaru. &1t;/

At the same time, his whole body chakras high, the majestic chakra volume is undoubtedly revealed, the whole body began to shake violently, like a strong magnet, manipulating all the iron sand around him, gathering towards him. &1t;/

As if Magneto had arrived, the towering iron-sand tree disappeared into the night sky. Instead, an inflated giant ball surrounded the three generations of Fengying, tightly protecting him in the middle. &1t;/

Shouhe was as excited as crazy, yelling loudly: "Hehehehe, go to death, you all go to die!"&1t;/

Finally, the tail beast jade collided with the huge iron ball, and the two merged with each other. &1t;/

Bang! &1t;/

The whole country of Sichuan seemed to tremble violently, and the original desert was also torn open by a huge opening to expose the Gobi below. &1t;/

After the explosion, the airflow spread around like real steel, even Uchiha Tatsu, who was 100 meters away from the explosion, was affected, and a blood stasis overflowed directly from his mouth. &1t;/

Finally, after a few minutes, the smoke dissipated, and calm seemed to have come to the world again, but Uchiha Tatsuno could not feel it because his ears kept humming. &1t;/

The iron ball at the center of the explosion also became fragmented. Three generations of Fengying staggered out of it. The whole body seemed to have been soaked in a pool of blood. The clothes on his body were also tattered, not as cool as before, and looked very miserable. . &1t;/

In fact, the three generations of Fengying's injuries were not as serious as expected. After all, the layers of sand and iron firmly protected him in the center, and he did not receive much impact. &1t;/

He beckoned, the sand and iron on the ground began to gather in the air again, and he looked at the ground carefully. Amidst the ruins, he found the figure of Oshemaru, but he was lying on the ground with no breath, and seemed to be dead. &1t;/

Three generations of Fengying smiled, although he won a beast jade, but he was in a good mood. &1t;/

"Next it's your turn... beast..."&1t;/

Shouhe, dressed in a purple pattern, was as angry as if he stabbed a chrysanthemum by a thousand years of killing. He swept his tail, and then screamed: "Look at how many beast jade you can pick up!" &1t ;/

Uchiha Tatsun was almost half buried in the soil, watching this scene with interest. This is the Ninja version of Alien vs. Predator, how it is worth the fare. &1t;/

As for the body of Oshemaru lying on the ground...it should be cold. &1t;/

The three generations of Fengying were obviously a little brave, and they were entangled and attacked just now, and then Shouhe had no such good luck. &1t;/

So he stepped out one step, a piece of sand iron condensed under his feet, and another piece of sand iron was formed again, and the whole body walked into the air. Of course, it would be perfect without the rags on your body. &1t;/

Shouhe screamed, then opened his mouth again, as if he was going to have another ball. &1t;/

Uchiha Tatsun almost held his breath, and at the same time moved his body down, revealing only his head. &1t;/

I don't know if it was because I had just shot once, so this time the durability was relatively high. After waiting for a long time, Shouzuru actually refused to shoot. &1t;/

What's the situation, my pants are all taken off, you show me this? ! &1t;/

Finally, a few seconds later, something was vomited out of the Shou Crane's mouth, but it was not a tail beast jade-but a stool-shaped sand, which can also be said to be sand-smelling stool. &1t;/

Obviously this is the evil taste of Shouhe. Three generations of Fengying waved his hand coldly, preparing to use his sand-iron spear to kill Shouhe for a thousand years. &1t;/

Who knew that there was a sound of glass breaking in the air, and Shouhe's body was shattered into sand. &1t;/

"You fool, you have been fooled by this uncle."&1t;/

The still shattered Shouhe smiled unscrupulously. After shooting the first beast jade, he ran away, and let his sand bluff here. This is very similar to Yao's antenna escape. &1t;/

Shouzuru was still laughing, his eyes swept but he saw the little bug Uchiha Tatsu on the ground. Then its smile solidified, because it found that the little bug slowly turned into a cloud of smoke. &1t;/

It turned out that the other party was also trying to let it delay time and run away. &1t;/

What a beast! &1t;/

Just as Morizuru thought, Uchiha Tatsumi really had this idea. In fact, after the first beast exploded, he decisively left a shadow clone, but the body flees away. &1t;/

This kind of battle is not something he can mix. But I didn't expect that he seemed to be very reckless, but he also had this kind of careful thinking. This can be seen from the side, how terrifying the three generations of Fengying is, and actually let Shouhe escape without a fight. &1t;/

Uchiha Tatsun sighed, taking on this kind of task is his own mind. It's just... in the memory that came after the shadow clone disappeared, the last look in Shouhe's eyes was a bit intriguing. &1t;/

After confirming the look in your eyes, how come you suddenly feel a sense of sympathy? Is it an illusion? &1t;/

Soon after running for a few minutes, Uchiha Tatsumi finally saw Osha Maru at the agreed place. &1t;/

Don't look at Da She Wan's serious face, in fact, he was the earliest one of the three to escape. &1t;/

Before the tail beast jade hit him, he directly used his Oshemaruyu substitution technique to escape and get under the ground. This kind of advanced substitute technique is different from ordinary substitute technique. It is a kind of advanced substitute that uses its own body or skin to simulate snakes to deceive the opponent's sight. Even Amaterasu can be avoided. &1t;/

But the shortcomings are equally obvious, that is, a large amount of chakra is required, at least not the large-scale use of Dashe Wan at this stage. &1t;/

Therefore, his face was pale at this time, his feet were vacant, and his body was soaked with blood. The aftershock of the tail beast jade also caused him a lot of injuries. &1t;/

"How's it going?"&1t;/

"The message from the shadow clone, Shouhe ran away."&1t;/

Hearing this, Da Shewan laughed hoarsely, just because it was involved in the wound, a lot of blood was spilled from his mouth. It seemed that he was very happy to see Feng Ying deflated, after all, who made him beaten by the other side very badly In short, his obsession with killing Feng Ying has grown deeper. &1t;/

"We should be safe for the time being. It is impossible for the three generations of Fengying to give up Shouhe for the two of us. Once let it leave and enter the desert, it will be even more difficult to find it next time."&1t;/

Uchiha Tatsuno nodded, and at the same time he assisted the seriously injured Oshemaru and walked towards Konoha station. &1t;/

When the two walked back to Konoha Station, it was also a mess, and it was obvious that they had also experienced a bitter battle. &1t;/

Because he had just fought, there were a lot of wounded, and Uchiha Tatsuno didn't have the mind to go to a medical ninja to treat him. On the contrary, Da She Wan's injury was very serious, so he hurriedly helped him and sent him to see Tsunade for treatment. &1t;/

After being busy for more than ten minutes, the tired Uchiha Tatsumi walked towards his team, wondering how they are now. &1t;/

In the end, in a dilapidated tent, he found three people, but fortunately none of them died. &1t;/

Only after seeing Uchiha Tatsumi, Multitrack almost cried with excitement. &1t;/

"Uuuuu, why did you go, Captain?"&1t;/

"Me? Nothing, it's all trivial things." Uchiha Tatsuo scratched his head, looking very plain. &1t;/

"I had a fight with three generations of Fengying, and finally let one run away."&1t;/



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