Chapter 150: The storm is coming

"It's a disgrace"

After returning home, Yu Yuan felt that he was really ashamed. He actually talked about ideals with a group of realistic family patriarchs.

The ideal is not to say that it cannot be used, but that when it is used, it depends on the object used.

For example, a boy full of idealism like Zhishui is the most suitable for him.

In fact, no matter who has this kind of thing in their hearts, those family patriarchs are all weather-beaten, and they have long buried their ideals in their hearts.

They can't do it as an excuse for advocacy. After all, the collision between ideals and reality has already made their heads bleed.

As the patriarchs of the family, they are not representing themselves alone. Of course, ideals and the like must give way to reality.

Therefore, Habara's sentence is not an ideal "for Konoha", and there is no selling point for them.

Even for guys like Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, the so-called "for Konoha" is just an excuse for them.

So it's better to talk about something practical than such an excuse. Anyway, what they do is essentially for themselves and for their family.

"Forget it, although it is really embarrassing, but the things that should be done have been done, and the arrangements that should be made have also been completed, and the rest is to wait."

It is really difficult to impeach a Hokage through political means, but the difficulty is neither impossible nor opportunity.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Habara has done so many things to prepare for all of this.

Through today's communication, besides passing on the information he needed to pass on, Habara also got feedback from other families.

Hyuga, Yume and Inuzuka have already started to make arrangements. The Hyuga clan is responsible for keeping an eye on the movements of the Sarutobi clan, while Aburome and Inuzuka are responsible for the movement of sleeping and Mitomon.

As for the Zicun family, in fact, this family also needs to be vigilant, but what Danzo did when he entered the root was really decisive.

He took all the elites of the Shimura clan in, and most of these elites had been cleaned up by Habara without knowing it.

Habara was also a little dazed when he got the news, because he really didn't know what was going on with the so-called Shimura clan.

Although this family was mentioned in the original book Senshou Zhuma, it seems that this family has never shown its face in the original book.

Even though Habara traveled to this world for so many years, he has never seen a few guys from the Shimura clan, let alone heard of any powerful guys.

There is a huge difference between this and the Sarutobi clan next door. Even Zhuanju and Mitomon are much better than the Shimura clan.

Now he knows that Emotional Danzo has brought the whole family into the ditch.

As for that name, Habara already knew through Yan Ye that the Nara clan sent her father there.

As for Kakashi, he doesn't know, but Kakashi already knows what his goal is, so he should be ready and do it!

"But now there is still a more troublesome thing, and that is where is this guy Jiraiya."

Jiraiya is also carefully selected by Habara, a new generation of Hokage prepared to overthrow the third generation of Hokage.

Although Habara was very sure, it was impossible for Jiraiya to do this Hokage honestly.

But as long as he is still a Konoha ninja, then he really doesn't have much choice. Even if he doesn't want to be the fifth generation, he can still be the fourth and fifth generations.

Even the 4th and 5th generation agent Hokage is probably more in line with the needs of the major families than the real 5th generation Hokage.

However, in order to prevent Jiraiya from sitting in the position of Hokage and messing around, such as saying that he would change people every few days, Habara also thought about the strategy for dealing with it.

"Big deal, use Orochimaru's pardon in exchange for you to wait until the really suitable Fifth Hokage appears."

Pardoning Orochimaru is the most direct way that Habara thought of, after all Jiraiya used this excuse to stay outside Konoha.

Habara directly pardoned Orochimaru, so you don't have any excuse to stay outside, do you want to sentence the village like Orochimaru?

In addition, Habara also thought of a way, that is to talk to Jiraiya about his so-called beliefs and ideals.

Jiraiya is also a very idealistic person, and it is undeniable that his ideals are very lofty.

But ideals are just ideals, and ideals that do not conform to reality will be severely beaten by reality.

Jiraiya has actually been kidnapped by this so-called ideal in his life. He has always dreamed of forming a so-called peace through "communication between people".

But the reality is, without force as the basis and without interests as the guarantee, who the **** would talk to you about it.

Don't think that Naruto's future is the realization of the situation in Jiraiya's dream, but there is an extremely critical element in it, that is Naruto's ability to see all mountains and small things at a glance!

If it weren't for Naruto's strength beyond ordinary people's understanding in the four ninja world wars, how could other people in the ninja world respect him and act according to his will?

And the most important point is that Jiraiya may not even notice that he first cultivated Naruto's strength before conveying his thoughts.

This is true for individuals, but in this ninja world with many ninja villages, how can it be possible without strength?

"It's a sigh that a toad can fool a person like this with a so-called 'fable'."

Habara shook his head, he really felt a little sorry for Jiraiya.

In the original book, he really likes Jiraiya very much, and even got cheated a lot of tears because of "the only bet Tsunade won".

So he also planned to do something, no matter whether it was feasible or not, at least he did it, after all, he really respected this person who was constantly striving for his somewhat vain ideal.

But respect is respect, but Habara also had to guard against it, because he and Sarutobi Hiruzen were enemies.

The ghost knows how this guy thinks about everything he has done to his teacher, and what kind of attitude he will use to treat himself.

Of course, Habara felt that the probability of such a thing might be small.

After all, everything I do is justified, and everything is reasonable and compliant.

He still doesn't believe that if Jilai is really hostile to them, after he became Hokage and was controlled by the Seven Great Families, what waves could he cause!

"Forget it, don't think so much, everything is to find this guy, and we still have more important things to do now."

Habara murmured softly, and then he involuntarily looked at the moonlight outside the window

In the dim moonlight, Kakashi silently walked forward alone in Anbu's base.

Today was his rest day, but after seeing those action reports and seeing Habara, he couldn't rest at home anyway.

To be honest, he knows that there may be some people in Konoha who are dissatisfied with Hokage. You must know that he is a qualified Anbu, and he has encountered similar things.

But today he realized that his understanding of this Hokage-sama is still superficial.

Let Konoha's two blood successor families, plus Konoha's five secret arts families unite against him, you can see how hated this Hokage is.

"But this is also good, so many people can really get rid of him."

Kakashi murmured silently, but there was only one key prerequisite for the large number of people, because they still lacked many necessary conditions to impeach this Hokage.

That is to prove that this Hokage really made an unforgivable mistake!

Coincidentally, it is Kakashi himself who has all the evidence, and he is the key to the impeachment of Hokage this time.

"It's the first time I've discovered that I'm such an important person."

Whenever he thought of this, Kakashi couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, but it was good for him, because it meant that he could avenge his father himself!

His mission goals are very clear, there are only two in total, but each one is not simple.

The first one, of course, is to find a way to bring out the remaining action reports at the root.

He is familiar with this matter, after all, he has already had the experience of sneaking into Hokage's office, and he has done this matter twice.

But he can't worry about this matter now, he needs to cooperate with the second mission to do this matter at once, so as to ensure that there will be no major problems.

As for his second mission, it was to find Tianzang's current team and figure out his mission plan for the next period of time.

Then find a suitable opportunity, tie this kid up and take the documents in the office, so that he can complete all his tasks.

It can be said that his two tasks must be combined to ensure maximum safety.

"Of course, it would be better if you don't do anything, but I don't know what this guy Tianzang thinks."

Kakashi murmured silently, if he could, he would really not want to do it, because his relationship with Tianzang is really good.

They got acquainted because of Dashewan, although there were some misunderstandings and disputes between them due to some special reasons.

But they were reconciled during the follow-up mission, and after Kakashi learned about Tianzang's inner desire, he also decided to help this guy.

In the end, it was the third generation of Hokage who took this guy'Dayi Bingran' to Anbu, and he also entered his team.

But then this guy left the team because he became the team leader, and now they haven't seen each other for a while.

Kakashi is not too sure about Tenzo's current situation. After all, each team has its own independent and confidential tasks, so he needs to investigate carefully.

"Senior Kakashi!"

Just as Kakashi was thinking, a voice suddenly broke his thoughts.

Hearing this voice, Kakashi's body froze slightly, and when he looked up, he saw a guy with brown hair running towards him quickly.

In the lounge of Anbu's headquarters, everyone generally does not wear masks, unless they are on a mission.

Therefore, Kakashi recognized this person almost at the first sight, but after letting him out, he also had some complicated emotions in his heart.

He suddenly felt that his luck was very good, and he dreamed that he would actually meet Tianzang.

But at the same time, there was an unspeakable discomfort in his heart, especially when he saw Tianzang's expression looking at him, this suffering became more obvious.

"It's you, Tianzang."

Kakashi tried his best to show a smile, but the smile quickly restrained, because he himself felt that he was smiling too reluctantly.

"Long time no see Kakashi-senpai!"

Tianzang didn't notice that something was wrong with Kakashi now, he still ran over with a smile on his face.

He hasn't seen Kakashi for a long time, and now seeing the person who rekindled hope in his heart and helped him get rid of Danzo's control, how could he not be happy.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for a long time, what have you been up to recently?"

"Aren't you still carrying out Anbu's mission, how are you doing recently?"

Kakashi stabilized his emotions, and then asked slowly.

"Hey, it's also performing the tasks that should be performed, especially the recent situation is relatively bad."

You also feel a little helpless when you talk about Tianzang, he spread his hands and said slowly.

"The Uchiha people killed Danzo, and now we have to perform many root tasks, so everyone is very busy recently.

Whether it is the defense of the village or the patrols of various places, we have to do it. What I am looking forward to now is to watch the night in Hokage-sama's building.

At least it's easier this way, aren't you right, Kakashi-senpai? "

Kakashi listened quietly to Sky Burial's words, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Watching the night at the Hokage Building is indeed the easiest task, because it only needs to stay up overnight to complete the task. After all, no one in Konoha dares to attack the Hokage Building easily.

Even for Uchiha Habara, he was only troublesome with Danzo, not Hokage.

And Kakashi can also hear that Sky Burial has no emotions about Danzo's death.

But think about it, that guy Danzo is really not liked, he is so dark and cold.

And Kakashi also heard that he once wanted to control Tianzang in the most extreme way, and it is really strange that Tianzang has a good impression of him.

"Indeed, the task of the Hokage Building is very easy. I just came out of the Hokage Building last night, and I have a deep understanding."

Thinking of this, Kakashi said slowly, and then he seemed to ask inadvertently.

"By the way, when are you going to be on duty at the Hokage Building? If the time is right, we can come out and have a sit during the break."

"Me, maybe I have to wait for half a month."

Tianzang touched his chin, as if he had thought about it carefully before he said it with uncertainty.

In fact, Tianzang also knows that it is a very dangerous thing to reveal his mission and whereabouts as Anbu, but he has absolute trust in Kakashi.

"How about this, when it's my turn to go on duty, I will tell senior in advance.

In this way, if we have time, we can have a good get together. It's been a long time since I sat down and had a good chat with my senior. "

"Let's talk about it then."

Kakashi nodded slightly, but a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect this matter to be so easy, but he knew that it was just that he took advantage of others' kindness towards him.

Quietly looking at Tenzo who was still smiling in front of him, Kakashi finally hesitantly sighed.

"Although you want to remind me, but you said something you shouldn't say today, go back and write a review."


"It's just a review, it's fine to punish this time, but you have to remember that in the future, even if it's me, don't reveal your whereabouts casually, especially if you are an Anbu."

"But, senior, you are someone I absolutely trust."

Do you trust?

Kakashi lowered his head and walked forward, the word was too heavy for him.

especially this time

The morning sun penetrated the clouds, and the morning light sprinkled the ground.

Nara Lucheng was waiting quietly in the palace of the capital of the country of fire, and he was going to meet the daimyo of the country of fire today.

Nara Shikajo is Nara Shikahisa's cousin and Yan Ye's father, and he is also a jounin of the Nara clan.

He participated in the Second World War and the Third World War. Not only did he play a huge role in the rear, he also showed his combat effectiveness on the front line.

It can be said that he is a standard member of the Nara clan, smart and excellent but also lazy.

After the war, Lucheng did not choose to enter the Ministry of Government Affairs, but chose to rest at home.

In his own words, is it that I have fought so many battles and can't take a good rest for a while, and experience the feeling of eating and waiting to die?

Lu Jiu was also extremely helpless about his decision, but he could only follow his cousin's idea, after all, his eldest brother had paid enough.

But the most important thing is his cousin, but he has an excellent daughter, although his daughter is lazy like him.

But as the Nara clan, no one is like this.

It's just that this time Lu Jiu didn't follow his cousin's wishes, because this time he needed someone absolutely trustworthy.

Nara Lucheng also had a headache when he received this task, but fortunately he did not shirk this time.

Because indeed, the Third Hokage is too much!

During the Third World War, children were sent to the battlefield, and after the war, Konoha gave up the benefits that Konoha should have obtained, and after the accidental death of the fourth generation, he occupied the position of Hokage.

Especially in the handling of the Hyuga incident and the handling of Uchiha's problems, he is so determined to go his own way.

It can even be said that he has placed himself on the opposite side of the entire family ninja system!

Can Danzo's actions really develop to such an uncontrollable step without his acquiescence?

The answer is obviously no, it is because of his acquiescence that Danzo can do so unscrupulously.

Now the entire ninja system of the family is almost on the opposite side of him, if it is not because of fear of his long-term control of Konoha, it has penetrated all aspects of Konoha.

I'm afraid someone has long resisted him, such as Hinata, such as Uchiha.

"But speaking of it, Uchiha is really ruthless, especially my daughter's friend, that's really ruthless."

Nara Lucheng waited quietly, while thinking silently in his heart.

He had seen his daughter's classmate before, his name was Uchiha Habara, he looked like a handsome and quiet boy.

But who would have thought that this guy would be so powerful and so deep in the city.

He not only kicked Uchiha Fugaku from the position of patriarch and became the patriarch himself, but also settled Uchiha's internal problems.

Most importantly, he led the clansmen to launch a resistance against Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Although he didn't witness Danzo's death with his own eyes, he heard from his cousin how terrifying this guy's strength was.

And this kid is very restrained, he knows very well that he can't do anything to Hokage, so his target is always Danzo, always the people at the root.

What he did could be said to have cut off one of Sarutobi Hiruzen's arms, and it also completely gave Sarutobi Hiruzen a wake-up call.

But it's a pity that Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't seem to restrain himself because of this, and Danzo's death became the fuse instead, even if he lost enough tragically.

"So now that the seven families of Konoha have united to impeach you, you have to blame yourself."

Nara Lucheng murmured silently in his heart that he came to the capital of the country of fire to meet the daimyo again, and he had an extremely important task.

That is to tell the daimyo in secret how much this third Hokage has gone too far, and they are also planning to impeach this Hokage-sama!

And after he finished speaking, he still couldn't drive it, and he had to pay attention to the daimyo's situation in real time, so as to make an inference about what kind of mentality the daimyo had.

This task is not easy at all, and this task is very troublesome, if something goes wrong, Hiruza Sarutobi will probably know all about it.

"So this kind of troublesome task is thrown to me. Kui Lujiu is still my younger brother, and he doesn't think about my brother at all."

Nara Lucheng sighed silently in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't know that his daughter had been sent to the security department, otherwise he would definitely be blown up.

"Are you the special envoy who came all the way from Konoha?"

Right here, a slightly sharp voice suddenly broke his thinking.

Looking up, I saw a middle-aged man with a particularly complexion walking in slowly, followed by several ninjas.

Looking around, Nara Lucheng immediately locked on one of them. He knew this person because he was the son of the third Hokage, Sarutobi Asma.

There is no doubt that this guy is the famous name of the Land of Fire!

"Your Excellency, hello." Nara Lucheng bowed slightly respectfully, and finally he said softly: "I take the liberty of visiting, please forgive me if I disturb you."

"Then why don't you bother me? You Konoha must have something important to see me."

The daimyo took out a fan and fanned himself casually. At this time, he also looked at Nara Lucheng curiously.

"But this time, it's not Minister Lu Jiu who came here. I haven't seen Minister Lu Jiu for a long time."

"The patriarch still has important matters to deal with in Konoha, so he can't go to the capital to meet His Excellency Daimyo."

Nara Lucheng said in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, but he was also quite curious about how his brother could be remembered so deeply by this daimyo?

But he is not a gossip person either, he didn't take this trivial matter to heart, but continued to speak calmly.

"So this time the visit can only be taken over by the subordinates, and please forgive me, Your Excellency the Daming."

"Okay, stop saying those polite words."

While fanning the fan in his hand, the daimyo looked at Nara Lucheng curiously, and asked slowly.

"You don't seem to have said yet, what is the purpose of your coming to find me this time?"

"This matter is very important. I'm afraid I need to have a private discussion with His Excellency the Daming."

Nara Lucheng lowered his head very low, and he spoke calmly, but just as he finished speaking, a rough voice interrupted him.

"Presumptuous, who do you think you are, daimyo-sama is someone you can get along with alone if you want to?"

Nara Lucheng looked up slightly, and a man with long silver hair looked at him angrily.

Nara Lucheng knew that the guy was Kazuma, one of the daimyo's so-called "Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors", and this guy was an out-and-out lunatic.

He firmly believes that Naruto is an unnecessary existence, and believes that the real power of ninjas should be in charge of the daimyo of the country of fire!

If it is said that he is also an idealist, then this guy is an out-and-out fantasyist.

His crazy thoughts are really incomprehensible, what kind of precious thing is the daimyo, why can he control the ninja?

Just because he is rich?

Sorry, money doesn't buy you anything you want in Ninja World.

On the contrary, his money needs to be protected by ninjas, otherwise, sooner or later, it is very possible that his whole family will die in the stinking ditch.

However, the existence of a guy like He Ma probably also shows that this daimyo does have similar thoughts in his heart.

This is as long as the daimyo does not take the initiative to express his opinion, then everyone can live in peace.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it is not impossible for someone who owns the blood of the current daiming to sit in Daming's position.

Nara Lucheng didn't pay attention to Kazuma's dog barking, he just looked at Daimyo quietly without saying a word.

The daimyo's eyes were a bit ugly, he didn't expect things to get this far, he could see that the Nara clansman in front of him probably wouldn't back down an inch.

With a helpless wry smile in his heart and a sigh, the daimyo finally spoke.

"Your Excellency Lucheng, if you are not in a hurry, please rest in my palace, we can talk about things slowly.

Of course if it's very important, then I think we can"

"Don't worry about it yet, Your Excellency."

Lu Cheng didn't wait for the daimyo to finish speaking, he interrupted gently.

"Although this matter is very important, we still have a certain buffer.

But please be careful, Your Excellency Daming, this matter is not only related to the future of Konoha, but also the future of the Land of Fire."

"The name of the Kingdom of Fire is really interesting. He actually dared to treat your father like this. Is your father being too gentle?"

Sitting in the office of the security department, enjoying the afternoon sun, Habara said to Yan Ye with a smile while looking at the letter in his hand.

Yan Ye couldn't help but imitate the Hyuga clan and gave Habara a supercilious look. A week has passed quietly, and Yan Ye's father has also stayed in the capital of the Fire Country for a week.

But within this week, although he met the daimyo quite a few times, he didn't have the opportunity to contact the daimyo alone.

It is simply that it is not time for everything to explode, so the matter of impeachment of the third Hokage has not been formally discussed with the daimyo for the time being, and it does not appear to be fatal.

But this attitude of the daimyo has already attracted the attention of Habara, or it has already attracted the attention of the family ninjas.

Habara knew before crossing that there was a so-called twelve guardian ninjas in the Land of Fire, and these twelve guardian ninjas were divided into two camps.

One camp believes that daimyo is the real 'jade', and they firmly believe that daimyo should be the ultimate administrator of the fire kingdom.

And the other camp is the camp that Asma is in. This group of people thinks that Hokage is the real jade.

To be honest, Habara really doesn't have any good feelings for the Kazumana people, they seem to be hallucinating after eating too many poisonous mushrooms, which is unreasonable.

Idealists have ideas to follow anyway, although it is difficult to achieve, it is also worthy of respect.

And fantasists, pull it down.

"Then what should we do now? If they still won't let my father and daimyo meet, won't that drag down all the plans?"

Yan Ye is also very upset about these guys, but she also feels a headache now, because daimyo is the key to mastering the law, even if this guy is really not important at ordinary times.

Yan Ye has been in the security department for a week, and although she is still in the 'internship' stage, Yu Yuan, who is familiar with her abilities, directly transferred her to her side.

As a member of the Nara clan, her planning ability has always been very strong, which is also a point that Habara is very fond of.

But at this moment, she was also in a bad mood. After all, even a slight mistake in such a big matter would be fatal.

"Just wait and see, I believe Uncle Lu Lucheng must have a solution."

Habara was very calm, he smiled and spread his hands casually before speaking slowly.

"Anyway, it's your father. You should have some confidence in your father. Besides, things haven't started yet, so we don't need to worry."

Habara is really not in a hurry now, after all, he still needs to wait for a while.

This kid Kakashi has already told him that he will have to wait at least some time before he can catch Tianzang.

Because only when Tianzang went to the Hokage Building on duty, would it be an opportunity for him to capture Tianzang and get the root action record at the same time.

Kakashi didn't dare to take away the root action records in advance, Habara could still understand his worries.

After all, the ghost knows whether Hiruzaru Sarutobi will suddenly lose his nerve, and then run to check these things.

Although Kakashi has already taken several documents, the key is the small number.

Kakashi had told Habara that there were probably thousands of documents in there.

One or two missing copies may not attract attention, but if they are all gone at once, or if the most important documents that may be read are gone, the risk of exposure will be great.

"What's more, even if Hiruzaru Sarutobi is arrested because of our impeachment, his interest groups may not be arrested."

Habara secretly thought that after a period of investigation, Hinata, Yume, and Inuzuka had basically collected the basic information of the three families of Sarutobi, Tennen, and Mitomon.

It has to be said that after Sarutobi Hiruzen became Hokage, these three families really developed in an expansive manner.

Their industry really covers all aspects of Konoha, and their family's ninjas are also very large.

The Sarutobi clan alone, although their number of ninjas is not as many as the stalks passed down in Habara's previous life-three thousand legions and the like.

But the number of their ninjas is approaching a thousand. Although most of them are middle ninja and lower ninja, such a number is very scary.

The number of ninjas in the two families of Zhuanju and Mitomon is not as large as that of the Sarutobi family, but the number of hundreds of people can still be obtained.

To put it bluntly, once they are really going to die, if Habara is not fully prepared, they will really face their crowd tactics.

"However, if we score points collectively, I, Fu Yue, and Shisui will all laugh."

Habara rubbed his chin and thought to himself, the existence of the three Sharingans with flower tubes seems to be really not afraid of the so-called crowd tactics.

Especially when the situation is extremely critical, they can use Susanoo to resist the impact of these people.

But in any case, preparations must be made, especially in terms of public opinion. The impeachment of Hokage must be in accordance with the law, and the initiative must be in your own hands.

"It's because he is my father that I can't believe him. This guy is too lazy to die."

Yan Ye didn't know what Yu Yuan was thinking, she flicked her hand helplessly and said it.

"Although I was dragged into the water by you, this kind of thing is inevitable for me as a member of the Nara clan.

So this time, we must be prepared and make sure nothing goes wrong. I don't want to be harmed by you at such a young age. "

"Don't worry, if you are not sure enough, do you think your uncle will join in?"

Yu Yuan looked at Yan Ye with a smile, and then he patted Yan Ye's shoulder and said slowly.

"Actually, this matter is already related to the future of Konoha, not just our few families.

Because if this continues, it will be extremely difficult for everyone, and we Hokage-sama have completely regarded Konoha as our own private property.

Although the impeachment of Hokage is risky, the risk does not necessarily explode, and our chances of success are high.

But we also have to be careful, after all, some people may do anything for power.

But if he really intends to use any means, then this is to push himself into the abyss. "

Having said that, Habara paused slightly, his expression became extremely serious.

"Also, don't worry, I will protect you.

Just like back then”

The bright moonlight illuminated the ground, and Kakashi arrived in front of the Hokage Building.

But under the shining of the silver moonlight, his shadow was stretched very long, but only for a moment he disappeared in place again.

Tonight is not a day for him to be on duty at the Hokage Building, and he even has his own tasks.

But two days ago, he received a message from Tianzang, which let him know that the time he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

He passed this information to Habara, and he believed that Habara would reply to him and tell him what to do after receiving this information.

After all, Habara has been planning for so long, even those families have been planning for so long, they have been waiting silently.

Things were just as he had imagined, and Habara would send him a message soon.

It's just that this week really made Kakashi a little confused, and Yohabara asked him to make a big fuss when he fought Tenzo as much as possible after he secretly obtained the root's action file!

"Wouldn't it be exposed if the incident got bigger? What was Uchiha Habara thinking?"

Kakashi was very puzzled, but after thinking about it, he decided to follow Habara's method.

To be honest, he doesn't have much choice now.

All he can do is to believe in Habara, and believe that this Uchiha and other family members can help him avenge himself!

The moonlight was shining, and Kakashi quietly walked into the Hokage Building alone, his scarlet Sharingan looked particularly strange in the dark night.

The Sangouyu in Shulunyan turned quickly, he scanned the surroundings and then walked towards Hokage's office with ease.

As an Anbu, Kakashi is too familiar with the operating mechanism of Anbu, especially Tianzang was once a member of his team and his former subordinate.

He didn't even need to think about it, he could guess where the Anbu people were probably ambush.

Where is the area they are probably guarding, and even where is the surveillance equipment in the Hokage Building!

Avoid the monitoring, bypass the area guarded by Anbu, and then follow the wall all the way to the window sill of Hokage's office.

He easily broke the seal on the window sill, and finally entered Hokage's office again.

Looking at everything familiar in front of him, Kakashi suddenly felt a feeling of dumbfounding.

He found that he seemed to be very familiar with how to break into Hokage's office.

But now is not the time to think about these things, UU Reading www. His task is very heavy, because he wants to take away the action report from the root.

In order to determine whether the report was replaced, he also had to check it.

Skillfully opening the cabinet, and quickly breaking through the hidden compartments on the cabinet, Kakashi once again saw the huge scroll.

After that, he took the trouble to disassemble the huge scroll, and opened the small scrolls sealed in it one by one for inspection.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after Kakashi checked all the checks, he was completely relieved.

He knew that his previous infiltration had not been discovered.

Although it was time-consuming and laborious to check the part of the scroll, Kakashi got everything he wanted anyway.

"Then, the next is the most critical moment."

Kakashi murmured in his heart, he carried the huge scroll behind his back, and then he stood up quickly.

The moonlight was so dazzling, but this time Kakashi directly pushed open the door of Hokage's office under the moonlight.

His movements were not light, and he immediately attracted the attention of all the dark parts hidden in the Hokage Building.

But that's what Kakashi needed, as well as what Habara needed, and after all of last night he lit a flare.

Looking at the flare that flew into the air and burst into dazzling light, Kakashi walked forward slowly.

At this moment, his scarlet Sharingan turned faster and faster.

In an instant, he could feel a breath rushing towards him quickly.

It was also at this moment that he drew out his ninja sword, and the cold light suddenly appeared