Chapter 09: Sword Encounter

He had extended the blade by writing “extend” on it, fully aware that it length was now roughly seven metre. However, no one present understood what had happened in this bizarre scene.

Hiiro reverted his sword by writing “original”. The blade slipped out spiky beanpole’s arm with a whoosh and he groaned.

He dropped his sword from the intense pain and his arm trembled. A great deal of sweat was accumulating on his face.

“Stand back, brat.”

“M- Mister… Wh- Why?”

“I get paid, so I’ll lend a hand.”

When Hiiro said so bluntly, Nies made a slightly happy sigh of relief.

“Wh- Who are you, dude!?”

Putting up with the pain, spiky beanpole frantically shouted while opening his bloodshot eyes wide.

“I don’t have to answer you. See ya.”


Hiiro leaped in with an incredible speed and spiky beanpole couldn’t react at all. Then Hiiro slashed at him with his sword.

“Take this.”


In one swing, the blade cut from the left shoulder into his right flank, splashing blood everywhere. Like this, spiky beanpole got on his knee and collapsed onto the ground.

“Im… possible…”

Everyone thought he was dead, but he was convulsing with twitches as he was still alive. But it seemed like he completely lost consciousness. Hereupon, bald chubby finally seemed to notice that something was wrong and came out of the store.

“Ah… What’s this? Why’s Brother on the ground?”

“Keep the questions to yourself.”

Saying so, Hiiro once again leaped in towards him in a flash and swung his sword like before, but


he was stopped by a metallic sound.

(Damn! He’s wearing a chain mail!)

Although he had slashed him, there was no feeling of having cut flesh. Instead the sensation of a metallic resistance remained in his hand.

“M- My clothes. How dare you!”

When bald chubby said so, the already torn clothes ripped some more. Hiiro wanted to retort why he got angry over the clothes, but as he had figured, there was a chain mail underneath the clothes.

Bald chubby drew the broadsword from his back and swung it with a buzz.

“Mhm~ I’ll die if I take a hit from that upfront, considering my gear”

With that in mind, Hiiro took some distance for now.

“I, I’ll turn you into minced meeeaaat!”

“Shut up, pig. Bring it on already.”


Bald chubby swung his word with all his might. Since Hiiro knew that he aimed at his head, he dodged it by squatting down and slashed at his legs without a moment’s delay. But there was a metallic sound again.

“Oh man, this pig wears a full body armour? Impressive that he can move around.”

Normally it would be too heavy to even walk around. But while his movements were dull, he still managed to move around, so he must have quite the strength.