Chapter 385: Original weapon: silver!

The pale golden mist dissipated in front of him, and there was a series of stairs leading to a higher place.

The stairs are not connected, the whole body is white, suspended in the air layer by layer, more than a hundred meters high.

At the top of the white floating staircase, there was a dazzling blazing golden light, as if something was wrapped in it.

"what happened?"

Before Willy could clearly see what was wrapped in the golden light, he suddenly felt his body weighed down, and a huge pressure rushed towards his face.

That feeling is like the bottom-level lower-level person meets the top-level upper-level person, and the ants see the giant dragon, which is a heavy suppression on the level of life.

"This power..."

Under this pressure, Willy's figure hunched up instantly, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were red from the enormous pressure.

He had never felt this kind of powerful power, even from the eighth-level Kelendu.

In this way, there is only one possibility for the source of this power...

Nine quarters!

This power comes from the existence of nine quarters!

"Is it the original weapon?"

Willy suddenly realized what was wrapped in that golden light.

In order to resist this pressure, Willy began to do his best to mobilize the extraordinary power in his body.


When the power of justice in Willy's body became more and more surging, Willy felt that his pressure was much less.

"The power of justice seems to be able to counteract this sense of oppression..."

Willy's heart moved: "Could it be that the original owner of the source weapon is a nine-quarter hanged man?! Yes, it must be like this!"

Soon, with the catalysis of the force of justice, the pressure on Willy gradually became smaller.


Just as Willy was about to move towards the stairs, he noticed that Bea and Cana behind him were completely lying on the ground.

The two closed their eyes, and under this huge momentum, they fell into a deep syncope state without any consciousness.

Beya and Cana were weak in their own right, and they weren't the Hanged Man, so they couldn't counteract this pressure, and it was normal for them to faint.

"Fortunately, I am the Hanged Man, otherwise, even if I don't faint, I might lose my mobility."

Willie suddenly felt a little fortunate.

But then, Willy realized another problem.

As the Hanged Man before, he was recruited by this source weapon. If there are other Hanged Man in the ruins, they should also be recruited.

"Could there be another Hanged Man coming?"

Willie's heart skipped a beat.

I was the first to see this source weapon. As an extraordinary person, it is an instinct to yearn for a higher realm and stronger power.

Willy naturally wants to take this original weapon as his own through some method.

Once the other Hanged Man appears, he will definitely be in a tough competitive situation.

"No... I should be unlikely to have a competitor..."

Willie's thoughts turned around, and he was less worried.

The Hanged Man's whereabouts are uncertain, and he has been on the road of fighting evildoers all his life. He is hardly interested in competing for interests from the ruins.

Even if a few hanged men come here, they may not be able to find a way to this space.

Willy pierced through the stone wall before, but used the power of the law of the six ticks level.

Willy didn't think that the Hanged Man who controlled the power of the law would be so common.

But despite this, Willy also decided to act quickly and climbed to the top of the stairs.

Delayed time, unexpected surprises may occur.


Willie raised his foot and stepped up the steps.


Willy took a deep breath, and the pressure that had been relieved increased again.

But Willy adjusted only slightly and continued on.

Every time he ascended the stairs, Willy felt his pressure a little heavier.

At the beginning, the power of justice can still take the pressure of Willy's link, but as the ladder position gets higher and higher, it is difficult for even the power of justice to continue to reduce Willy's burden.

A 100-meter-high staircase was more difficult for Willy at this time than climbing a 10,000-meter peak.


Willy felt that most of his physical strength had been consumed, and beads of sweat were oozing out of his forehead.

Willy hadn't felt this tired for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, Willy raised his neck with difficulty and looked towards the heights.

There are ten stairs.

Willy tried to see what was in the golden light, but to no avail.

The tenth floor...the ninth floor...

Five floors...three floors...two floor...

The majestic power of fighting qi and justice in his body was close to exhaustion, and his physique as powerful as a demon beast was completely hollowed out.

Finally, Willy gave a low drink, his face flushed red, and the veins between his neck burst out, and his footsteps stepped on the last step.

Just when Willy was ready to be completely overwhelmed by the pressure of the last step, he suddenly felt his body lighten.

The previous pressure that seemed to want to crush him into flesh disappeared in an instant.

On the last step, there was no pressure at all.

And at this time, Willy finally saw what was in the golden light.

It was a knight's spear about two meters long!

Although it was wrapped in a strong golden light, the silvery white overflowing on the surface could still be seen clearly.

It looks extremely simple, without any carvings, but it still gives people a sense of nobility that is difficult to touch.

It is like a work of art that has been covered in dust for thousands of years, lying there quietly.

Plop plop.

Willie could hear his own heart beating fast.

He no longer has any doubts at this moment, this silver knight spear must be the original weapon!

Willy walked to the suspended knight's spear, suddenly stretched out his hand, and held the silver-white knight's spear tightly.


Just as Willy clenched the knight's spear, the strong golden glow surrounding it disappeared.

A silver light flashed away.

That is, at this moment Willy's head suddenly appeared a word without warning.

Flowing silver!

There was no text, no sound, and no other reminders, but Willy knew naturally that the name of this knight's spear was called Liuyin!

"Liquid silver..."

Willie murmured in a low voice.

His body, which had been depleted of strength, became full again the moment he touched the silver.


In another flash, Willy felt that his thoughts seemed to be brought into the silver space.

In that silver space, a strange and complex symbol was suspended in it.

Willy has an illusion at this moment, it seems that as long as he can fully comprehend the strange and complex symbols, he can completely become the original weapon, the true master of the silver!