Chapter 270: Baron Lunitt's visit

"Wally, I've been promoted to the Intermediate Great Knight."

Facing the swooping Wally, Willy stepped on its head, leaving a gray footprint on the smooth hair in front of its forehead.

He didn't want to smell the microbial fermentation in Wally's mouth early in the morning.

Willy's sudden kick made Wally stumble directly.

It pretended to be pitiful, rolled over and lay down on the ground.

For Wally's performance, Willy can't see it, he is too familiar with the character of this white bear.

Sure enough, seeing Willy ignoring him, Wally's eyes twitched for a moment, then he turned around in a flutter, and came close to Willy's feet.

"Wally, now I've been promoted to the Intermediate Knight, which is the same level of strength as your Silver Intermediate."

Willy squatted down and used his palm to clean the footprints on Wally's forehead: "Now you are no longer my opponent."

Willy is telling the truth. In addition to his own strength, his promotion also includes bonuses of attribute points. With his current physical fitness and the strength of an intermediate knight, although Wally has strong physical fitness, he must not be own opponent.

When Wally heard the words, he fell back on the ground again, stretched out his limbs, and made a surrendered expression to Willy.


Willy pinched Wally's ear: "Listen, Wally, I've gone one step further, you have to work hard, although promotion may be difficult or even impossible for other beasts to do in a lifetime. , but for you, it should be much simpler."

In a way, Willy and Wally are the same kind of extraordinary.

"So, please try harder."

Willy patted Wally's head and showed an encouraging smile: "You are the symbol of White Bear Town."

The symbol of White Bear...

Wally tilted his head, then stood up slowly, nodding humanely at Willie.

Then it walked away from Willy, lay on the corner of the wall, got down again, and closed its eyes.

Soon, light blue arcs began to appear on Wally's body, and the tip of his nose breathed light blue particles.

Seeing Wally like this, Willy smiled comfortably, and then walked into the attic.

After taking a shower, Willy and his family had breakfast together, and was about to go to the study to correct the policy plan reported by the town office, but suddenly received a letter from the lord of Sandie Town, Baron Lunet.


Willy took the envelope from the personal soldier and opened it.

"Are you coming to visit me in person..."

A gleam of light flashed in Willy's eyes, and after reading the letter from beginning to end, Willy folded it gently.

This letter was written by Baron Lunet himself. In his heart, he once again expressed his help to Sanddie Town with an extremely humble attitude. At the same time, Baron Lunet expressed his desire to come to White Bear Town in person to meet Baron Willie under the pretext of promoting friendship.

"Meet me in person..."

There was deep thought in Willy's eyes, and in the current situation, Baron Lunitt's request was easy to think deeply.

But Willy just pondered briefly, then sat at his desk, picked up the quill, dipped it in ink, and started writing on the letter paper.

After about five minutes, Willy finished writing the contents of the letter.

After folding it up, Willy shouted to the personal soldiers outside the study: "Come on, seal this letter and send it to Sanddie Town and give it to Baron Lunet."

Soon, the armoured personal soldiers took Willy's letter and bowed away.

"The weak nobles have already begun to give themselves a way out..."

Willie smiled lightly, then muttered to himself.

In the letter, Willy agreed to Baron Lunitt's request and welcomed Baron Lunitt with a warm gesture.

Baron Lunitt's intentions seemed obvious, he wanted to find a way out against the background of the complicated situation.


within two days.

The carriage of Shadie Town, under the strict protection of a team of guards, slowly drove towards Baixiong Town.

The guards on the side were extremely cautious.


When the carriage of Shadie Town was approaching the border of White Bear Town in Baixiong Town, a guard with a weapon suddenly came forward, looking like a great enemy.

Because of the turmoil, Thorpe's requirements for the personal soldiers and guards were much stricter.

For these outsiders close to White Bear Town, strict scrutiny is required.

"Who are you?"

The border guard in White Bear Town stepped forward and scolded sharply.

Although the current Baixiong Town can still enter and leave the company, but for suspicious people, the investigation area is extremely strict.

"We are from Shadie Town, and in the carriage are Baron Lunitt and accompanying officials from Shadie Town."

A guard from Sandie Town took the lead to dismount, stepped forward, and explained in a friendly manner.

"Baron Lunitt of Sanddie Town?"

After hearing the introduction of the sand butterfly town guard, the face of the white bear town border guard eased a lot.

Before that, they had received news that the Baron of Sandie Town might be visiting in the past two days.

"It turned out to be Baron Lunet from Sanddie Town..."

The weapon in the guard's hand was put down, but he still had no intention of retreating.

The guard saw this with a smile on his face, and took out a letter from his arms: "This is an invitation letter from Baron Willy of White Bear Town."

Seeing this, the guard took the invitation letter.

Although the other party said that he was the baron of Sandie Town, he had to be verified.

"Also ask Baron Lunitt to wait a moment, I'll go check it out, and come back soon."

After the guard finished speaking, he walked towards the town.

Facing the strength of the guards in White Bear Town, Sandie Town did not have any complaints.

At this time, Baron Lunite sat in the carriage and opened the curtain without a trace.

Through the curtain of the car, he saw the border wall of White Bear Town being built.

"Is this the background of White Bear Town..."

Looking at the rudimentary White Bear Town Wall, Baron Lunet's eyes flashed with shock and envy.

According to convention, only viscounts can build city walls, but now the situation has changed, and no one will abide by these original unspoken rules.

Baron Lunit naturally also wanted to build a city wall outside Shadie Town, but his financial and material resources could not support his idea at present. Now Shadie Town is still raising funds and manpower.

So seeing the progress of White Bear Town, Baron Lunit felt the horror of White Bear Town even more.

"Sorry, the guest from Shadie Town."

At this moment, the previous guard rushed back: "Please Baron Lunitt to enter White Bear Town, Lord Baron, is already waiting for you."