Chapter 146: bizarre event

"Baron Willy, are you asking me to serve in White Bear Town?"

Mibu's tone instantly increased, and the surprise in his eyes almost turned into reality.

Originally, I just wanted to save a small life, but I didn't expect to be valued by Baron Willy beyond expectations.

It was difficult for Mibu to describe his mood at the moment.

"I will appoint you as..."

Willy thought for a moment. "My recorder."

In fact, he just wanted to recruit Mibu to tell stories for himself, but it seemed absurd to be named a story officer directly, so it would be better to use the guise of a deputy secretary.

Anyway, Willy doesn't intend to give Mibu real power, and the position of recorder is just right.

"The recorder..."

Mibu suddenly had a smile on his face. In fact, he didn't care about his position at all. It was perfect to have a place to spend his life.

He is also a person, and he knows very well that the reason why Willy appointed him was probably because of his travel experience.

Thinking of this, Mibu was very regretful.

If I had known this was the case, I would have just picked out my identity directly, why bother pretending to be a writer and throwing someone away.

"I'll find someone to arrange accommodation for you later, and you can sort out your image by the way."

Although Willy is not a person who looks too fancy, but a sloppy middle-aged uncle dangles in front of his eyes, which still makes Willy feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, Lord Baron!"

Mibu quickly entered the state.


Mibu is a person who goes with the flow, otherwise it would be impossible to become a wandering poet.

In the next few days, he was settled in White Bear Town, and three months' salary was paid in advance by the town office.

This makes Mibu very satisfied, and a heart that has been wandering for decades has also calmed down a little bit.

It's just that the only thing that makes him feel a little tired is that Baron Willy's thirst for knowledge is too strong. Almost as long as the Baron is in a free state, he will ask him to tell his travel stories.

From the turmoil in the country's territory, the customs of the people and the land, to the farming, farming and animal husbandry in the villages, as long as Baron Willy doesn't know it, he will always understand it in detail.

This makes Mibu feel that he is different from other minor nobles.

Ordinary small nobles, they are more focused on how to further raise taxes, expand their treasuries, or are busy developing land and expanding other means of making money. It seems that few are willing to open their eyes to see the world like him.

This made Mibu realize that this young lord might be more powerful than he thought. Although he was born in a farming family, his way of thinking about things is always one dimension higher, a bit like the heir of those great nobles.

Therefore, Mibu had some inexplicable expectations for Willy. He always felt that White Bear Town would not be the end of this young baron.


half a month later.

Genius shines brightly.

Inside the Baron's Manor.

In the open space behind the manor, Willy earnestly practiced Frost Knight's breathing technique.

At this stage, Willy no longer needs to practice according to a specific combination of skills. What he needs to do is to find the echo of the vindictive energy in his body and the natural attributes of the outside world.

This is an extremely complicated process, because this process is no longer as fixed as before, but an open-ended process of exploration. Even the Frost Knight breathing method in memory only gave a general promotion method, as for the details, there is no description.

It is precisely because of this that the promotion of high-level knights is so difficult that there is no high-level knight in the original three towns of Blue Whale Town, Diamond Town and Stormwind Town.


After practicing for an hour, Willy slowly closed the movement.

Sweat dripped down his face, and even with his physical fitness, he would feel tired after a long practice.

Seeing Willy stop moving, the young waitress on the side, soaked a soft towel in hot water, walked in front of Willy, and wiped Willy's cheeks.

For this kind of personal service, Willy was not used to it at first.

But as time went on, Willy found that he had been rotten by the life of this kind of clothes.

After a brief wipe, Willy was about to go to the bathroom to rinse off the sweat on his body, but before he entered the house, he saw Daen entering the manor in a dusty manner.

"Lord Baron."

Dahn's face was very ugly, and there was a deep worry between his brows.

"You go back first."

Seeing this, Willy waved his hand, signaling the other servants to leave first.

"Lord Baron, a very strange thing happened by the sea last night."

Dahn frowned and lowered his voice.


Willy thought that Dahn was so serious because of the pirates, but at present, it seems that this is not the case.

Dahn organized the language "Just this morning, two members of the coastal defense team died."


A gleam of light flashed in Willy's eyes, since the matter involved the death of the Coast Guard guard then it was not a trivial matter.

"What is the specific situation? How does a person die?"

Willy Progress asked Dahn.

Dahn hesitated for a moment, and then said somewhat uncertainly, "It seems that he was bitten to death by some kind of creature."

"I was bitten to death by some kind of creature?"

Willie was surprised.

In his impression, there should be no ferocious beasts roaming the seaside.

Moreover, the guards of the coastal defense team have all experienced **** battles against pirates, and their fighting ability is very strong.

"Yes." Dahn nodded solemnly. "The place where the two died is relatively remote. There are only two of them guarding the place, and the closest distance to the other guards must be more than 300 meters."

"More than 300 meters? Even if it is more than 300 meters, if there is a fight, it should be detected by other guards, right?"

Willie expressed his doubts.

Dahn nodded, "I thought so too at first. I also asked several guards who were closer to them, but they all said that they didn't hear anything last night."

"There is nothing suspicious about the knights. What really puzzles me is their death status."

Dahn seemed to have thought of a certain scene, and his brows were almost twisted together.

"Their deaths are very strange, except that their necks were pierced by some kind of sharp teeth, and they didn't have any injuries on their bodies." Dahn continued to explain to Willy, "But their faces, before they died, didn't have any injuries. Panic expressions. Instead, they all closed their eyes and smiled a wonderful dream."

"Laughing when you die?"

Combined with their dead form and the seaside setting, Willy thought of some sort of legendary creature from a previous life.

Man-eating siren.
