Chapter 133: terrifying force of justice

?Avila's face changed drastically, she quickly raised the dagger in her hand to resist the iron sword wielded by Willy.


The rusted iron sword collided with the delicate dagger in Availa's hand.

A small gap appeared on Arvila's dagger, but Willy's iron sword did not even fall off a piece of rust.

This is naturally not because the material of Willy's iron sword is amazing. In fact, it's just that Willy came over from the last pirate group.

The reason for this astonishing effect is that Willy's intermediate-level fighting spirit is of extremely high quality, and he has given Iron Sword a great blessing.


At the moment when the dagger and the iron sword bounced off, a look of confusion and terror appeared on Avala's face.

At that moment, Yavira felt an inexplicable force invade her mind from Willy's iron sword.

At that moment, Avala became very dazed, and a few pictures of the past popped up in her mind unsuspectingly.

Fallen corpses in a pool of blood, howling children, and the continuous flames of war...

These are the scenes that I saw when I led the shell pirate group.

The original Yavira has long been accustomed to all this, and her indifferent heart will not be shaken by any tragedy. An inexplicable fear began to emerge in her heart.


Willy was about to strike forward again, but suddenly found Avila who was in battle, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

She was in a trance, and her movements were a little stagnant.

"Is this the righteous power of the Hanged Man..."

There was a hint of surprise in Willie's eyes.

According to the memory given by the title attribute panel, when facing a sinful person, the power of justice will automatically judge their hearts, so that they cannot extricate themselves from the cruelty of sin and the pain of guilt, and they will be consumed little by little. will.

Just now, Willy just attached the power of justice to the iron sword, and achieved the effect of making Yavira lose control for a moment. If justice is directly distributed to form a magnetic field of justice, then the surrounding enemies will fall in groups.

And Willy currently opens the limit of the justice magnetic field, which is ten meters!

"According to the records in memory, with the improvement of strength, the power of justice will become stronger and stronger. Even if a high-level Hanged Man stands in front of a sinner and does nothing, just unfolding the justice magnetic field can make sin The people who collapsed and surrendered, even unable to withstand the torture of human conscience, committed suicide..."

Willy has initially felt the horror of the power of justice.

For sinners, this is the natural nemesis.

The corner of Willy's mouth lifted slightly. This time, he not only attached the power of justice to the iron sword alone, but turned on his own magnetic field of justice.


Avila was only in a cold sweat, and she had just gotten out of a moment of absence. She was about to fight back, but she suddenly found herself caught in those unbearable memories again.

The broken and **** picture was played quickly in front of Avila, the distorted face, the **** severed palm, the strangely protruding eyeballs...

For the first time, Availa realized that she was so timid.


Avila forcibly controlled her will and bit her tongue suddenly.

The pain and the **** taste in her mouth made Avala break free from the captivity of fear.

" are not a knight..."

Availa's body was trembling, her hair was soaked in cold sweat, she was trembling, looking at Willy with fear from the depths of her soul: "You are... The Hanged Man!!"

Avila had heard the name of this extraordinary profession before she became a pirate.

But the existence of this extraordinary profession is very rare. She has only heard about it, but has never seen it. However, at this moment, she really feels the horror of the Hanged Man.

Seeing Avala's appearance, Willy felt a little pity.

He is not pitying Availa, but lamenting that his power of justice is still not strong enough.

The power of his own justice is at the level of the Hanged Man, the corresponding power of knights should be a junior knight, and Yavira itself is an intermediate knight, which cannot be suppressed.

If Willy is the Hanged Man at Second Moment, the suppression of Avila should be crushing, but at this moment, it seems slightly insufficient.

Of course, if Willy himself is simply Hanging Man for a moment, even if it affects Availa's will, he will not be able to win, after all, the gap in strength is here. And Willy itself was an accident. He possessed two extraordinary powers at the same time, the power of justice as an auxiliary to influence Yavira, and the power of knights as the main battle ability, restraining Yavira to the death.

This is the first time Willy has experienced the sweetness of dual careers.


Availa's expression was dazed, and then she became shocked and terrified: "That power just now was the power of a are still a knight! You are both a hanged man and a knight!"

Availa finally understood the truth.

She suddenly felt very panicked, two extraordinary professions can still be controlled by the same person? What kind of talent is this You are right. "

Now that the effect of the power of justice has been tested, Willy has no need to delay.

After a long time, things changed, and he needed to deal with Yavira quickly.

Willy stepped lightly, his body swayed, and he moved directly in front of Avala with his iron sword in an instant.

"Do not!!"

Avila let out a shrill cry, but because the tightness of the secret room was too good, and there was no one around, her scream was not heard by anyone.


Availa's throat was cut off.

There was a **** red line on the wall.

At the moment she died, the faces of the dead were still floating in her mind.


Willie frowned.

Although Avila was killed and Kasli was dead, the fact that Blue Whale Town was destroyed was difficult to change.

But now is not the time to sigh.

Willy did not hesitate too much, and cut off the heads of Avala and Kasli with skillful movements. Then he took off Kasli's coat, wrapped the heads of the two of them inside, tied a knot, and tied it around his waist.

These two heads are of extraordinary value.

However, Willy is not simply for rewards. Bringing the heads of these two people back can be regarded as an explanation for Blue Whale Town.

After Willy did all this, he did not clean up the scene, but left the secret room directly.

He followed the same path, avoided the guards who were still patrolling, and came to the seaside where Dabbit was buried.

After looking around and finding no one else, Willy jumped into the sea, and after ten minutes of sneaking, he returned to his fishing boat.

In this way, a small fishing boat slowly sailed towards Blue Whale Town.

None of the pirates on the island knew that the most majestic leaders in their hearts had died in a narrow corner.