Chapter 80: dispute

Border defense.

The conflict between the Principality of Langton and the Principality of Vata is becoming more and more intense. Anyone with discerning eyes can see that a war is about to break out.

Even now, the two archdukes have not issued the order to start the war, and the friction is already very sharp.

The province of Davipur under the command of Earl Lumbar is the most closely connected province in the Principality of Langton to the Principality of Wata, so after the war between the two countries, it was here that suffered the most.

In the province of Daweibull, there are many viscounts and baronies that border the Duchy of Wata, and the longest border is the Gold Mining City under Viscount Bright. If there is no accident, after the war begins, the vicinity of the Gold Mine City will be one of the main battlefields. No matter who the outcome of the war is in favor of, at least Viscount Bright will not have a satisfactory ending.

In addition to the main sideline areas, there are also some non-core sideline areas. In these places, although they will not suffer the most violent impact, because the territory is small and the underlying strength is not strong, once they are targeted, they will even suffer from more than mining gold city. more dangerous situation.

Diamond Town is one of them.

When the border defense line showed signs of restlessness, the visionary baron lord Kells began to gradually send more staff to the border defense line. Until now, there are 500 guards stationed at the border defense line. This is not a small number compared to all the people in Diamond Town and under the rule.

Just a few days ago, an armed fight broke out between the Diamond Guard and the Principality of Vata with a scale of more than 100 people, which is almost 10% of the number of frontier garrison troops. If it goes on like this, a regular war may soon break out. In order to deal with this situation, the supreme commander of the Diamond Border Guard, the commander Kress personally appointed by Baron Kells, proposed to Baron Kells to send more staff.

Kress and the other five guard captains thought that Lord Baron would increase the number of people in each team, but unexpectedly, the news came that a young boy named Willy, as the captain of Diamond Six, led the team. A hundred men went to the front.

This news caught several of the top border defense line leaders by surprise, and it also made them very worried.

They know very well what this guy named Willy represents. He is not only invisibly dividing the forces of his guards, but also the new forces represented by Bamos, who are attacking these old forces. blade.

This made everyone angry except for Kress and the Diamond II captain, Wieburn.

At this time, the border defense line of Diamond Town, the commanding battalion.

Three men in armor were sitting in the camp tent, and everyone's faces were ugly.

A middle-aged man with a beard, sitting on the seat, tapped his fingers on the armrests. He was the captain of the Diamond 1 team, Rickel.

"Master Balmos has made it clear that we old people are going to get out! How can a teenager be on the same level as us, we have paid so much for Diamond Town to get to where we are now, the one named Willy. Little guy, what is he!"

Rickel's tone was sharp, and he made no secret of his anger.

"Be careful what you say."

A middle-aged man with a very gentle appearance frowned. He didn't look like a guard officer, but a civilian: "Isn't it normal for a new person to replace an old man? Us people, don't you? Did you take over the old baron's staff at that time?"

Wieburn, the captain of the Diamond II team. He has received an orthodox education since he was a child, and does not take power seriously.

Rickel was about to retort when the man sitting at the top waved his hand to stop him from speaking.

This man is in his fifties, with a majestic face and extraordinary bearing. At first glance, he has been in a high position for a long time.

He is Kress, the top commander of the border defense line in Diamond Town, and the commander of the Diamond Guard.

"Don't say it, everything follows the will of Lord Baron. When it's critical, I don't want to have infighting."

Kress glanced at Rickel with a warning sign in his eyes.

Because Willy was going to lead the Diamond Six Team to the border defense line, Kress specially convened the other five captains for an ad hoc meeting.

However, only Rickel and Wieburn were present, and the other three expressed that they would not participate, citing that the pressure on the border defense was too great to be separated.

Kress is very clear, the attitude of the other three people is obvious, that they don't want to see the Diamond Six team brought by Willy.

Kress was helpless, but he didn't force them. Although he is the leader in name, in fact, he only plays the role of carrying out the orders of the baron.

Kress and the other captains were originally at the same level when they were in Diamond Town, but they were appointed to the position of commander because of the friction of the war. They are not a special military system at all, so when he is in charge of the guards, Kress can only guarantee that the five guards can exert their combat capabilities, and he can't control any more things.

"Anyway, someone is coming soon. If you don't accept him, are you waiting to be held accountable by the Baron?"

Kress gave Rickel a cold look.

Wieburn also glanced at Rickel, seemingly disdainful. He is the only one of these people who does not exclude the Diamond Six.

"The Lord Baron's will must be executed, but this little guy named Willy is here, and he can't be allowed to eat rice Rickel suddenly changed the conversation.

Kress didn't answer, he knew that Rickel must have a deeper meaning.

"The pressure on the border defense is too great now, especially the northwest border, which is often harassed by the enemy. Since Willy is an elite hand-picked by Mr. Balmos, I think it is best for him to take over the border defense of the northwest border."

Rickel seemed to have prepared this set of rhetoric long ago, and his tone was sarcastic.

"You put such pressure on someone who's never been at the border, you just have bad intentions."

Wieburn directly refuted that, in his opinion, once Willy reaches the northwest frontier, he will cause serious losses to his subordinates due to inexperience, and even lose his own life. This is not because Wieburn looks down on Willy, but because the frontier war relies more on experience than talent.

Willie is just a newcomer, it's too difficult for him to do all this, and Rickel is just plotting against him.

"Kress, this is not my intention alone, but the common intention of me and the other three captains of the guard. I hope you will consider it."

There was persecution in Rickel's tone.

"Are you threatening me?"

Kress tapped lightly on the table, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Although he can't achieve the absolute authority of militaryization, he will not be truly provocative to majesty by others.


Rickel obviously didn't expect Kress's attitude to be so tough, and he also felt a little reckless.

"I just think..."

Rickel wanted to add something, but was interrupted directly by Kress.

"The northwest defense line, he can go, but you also have to allocate half of your troops to support the northwest defense line."

Kress directly announced the decision.