Chapter 74: Ole was also assassinated

Wally stepped in the mud pit, and his white hair became dirty.

But it didn't care, as if there were only thunder and rain in its eyes.


A thick and bright lightning fell from the sky, directly hitting a giant tree not far away.

The tree was directly cut in two from the middle, and fell on the soil.

Seeing this, Wally howled again, and then, a blue electric arc emerged from its body.

The blue arc of rain falling on Wally made a crackling sound, and Wally was surrounded by blue electric light in the rain.

This scene made Willy's heart palpitate. The scene where Wally is manipulating lightning now has a much stronger visual impact than the snow-patterned deer spitting frost.

Electric snakes danced in the sky, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain poured down.

There was a faint sense of unease in Willy's heart, and he was hesitating whether to call Wally in.

Just as he was thinking, lightning flashed, and another burst of thunder roared in his ears.

The next moment, another electric snake broke free from the shackles of the dark clouds and slashed towards the ground, heading straight towards Wally, who was covered in blue light.


It took one-sixth of a second for the lightning to hit the ground, and Willy didn't have time to issue an order.

I saw that the string of lightning was raging, and it directly merged with the arc on Wally's body.

Immediately afterwards, Wally, who was struck by lightning, was not injured in any way. Instead, he raised his front legs and stood on the ground with only his hind legs. It has a long mouth, its teeth seem to become sharp in an instant, and in its eyes, the blue electric light almost turns into reality.

A roar, this time no longer soft and cute, but with fury and indignation.

The arc on Wally's body disappeared instantly, and a lightning symbol suddenly appeared in front of his eyebrows.

The lightning symbol flashed a few times, then disappeared.


The sound of the rain began to subside, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

Within a minute, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds squeezed out a ray of light.


Willy couldn't say a word, as if this rain, this thunder, appeared for Wally.

The rain stopped and the thunder cleared, Wally shook the water on his hair fiercely, then grinned and ran to Willy's body, as if nothing had happened.

Willy squatted down and removed the bear hair between his eyebrows. Sure enough, a light blue lightning trace was hidden behind him.

Wall bit Willy's trousers with his teeth, as if he wanted to drag Willy away.

Willy was puzzled, but still followed Wally out of the cave.

Soon, Willy knew what Wally wanted to do, and Wally was about to prey.

A lonely little stag just came out of the rocks where it was sheltering from the rain, and was directly killed by Wally's claws with lightning. The movement was swift, more than twice as fast as before.

Wally showed the nature of a carnivore. It tore the carcass of the little stag, and the fur that had just been washed by the rain was dyed red again.

After ten minutes, only the remains of the little buck, which was more than twice the size of Wally, remained.

After devouring the little stag, Wally glanced at Willie secretly, then walked into the grass and began to excrete it.

"Not only has Wally's physical fitness much stronger than before, but his digestive system has also evolved..."

Willy had already guessed that the lightning that fell from the sky just now seemed to have caused Wally to undergo a transformation.

From the speed and strength of Wally's attack, he felt that the current Wally might not be far from the Bronze-level monster. The current self, unsurprisingly, should not be Wally's opponent.

"Is this really a cub who was born less than three months old?"

Willy sighed.

After Wally's sudden change, Willy also lost his mind of continuing to go deep into the Pohler Forest. With Wally's cooperation, the two hunted an adult male deer, a few tits, and a few hares. Because of the weight, they did not continue to hunt other animals.

When Willy and Wally returned home, it was already dark, but it was just about dinner time.

Of course, the first to greet Willy was Veria.

"You brought back so many prey!"

Veria exclaimed when she saw Willy who had returned with a full reward.

Approaching, she saw Wally at Willy's feet, and said in surprise, "Why do you look different?"

Veria touched Wally's fur and muttered to herself, "The hair is whiter and softer..."

"It rained today, and it took a shower in the rain, so it turned white."

Willie was full of nonsense.

"Impossible. I give Wally a bath every few days, and it hasn't changed."

Veria retorted.

"That's because your hands are clumsy and you didn't wash it clean."

Willy ignored the suspicious Veria and walked into the room.

Seeing Willy, Lake patted his head: "By the way, Willy, today you have a friend named Finlay who came to Fandoutun and gave us a lot of gifts."

Approaching, Lake recounted what happened during the day to Willy, including Finlay's reaction to seeing the star-spotted snow root.

After hearing this, Willy looked at the corner of the wall. There were a bunch of gift boxes there. He looked at them casually. They were all cherished things.

"He also said that he would come to Fandoutun with his father next time."

Lake added.

Willy nodded: "It should be about the acquisition of Xingbanxuegen."

"That thing is really that valuable?"

Lake confirmed again that is very valuable. "

Willy gave an affirmative answer.

"Let's eat quickly."

Mrs. Shawin served Te Teng Teng's meal and called in Veria from outside.

Just after a mouthful of food, the family suddenly heard the sound of reining their horses from outside the yard.

Immediately afterwards, someone called Willy's name.

"Is Finlay here?"

Lake looked puzzled, it was already night, and it was not the right time to come to see him now.

Willy put down the cutlery and walked out hastily. The voice of the person who called his name was very familiar, it should be Morion.

"Captain Morion."

As soon as he walked out of the yard, Willy saw Morion with a serious face, waiting on his horse.

An unpleasant feeling suddenly appeared in Willy's heart. It's so late, why did Morion make a special trip to Fandoutun to find him?

"Willi, follow me back to Diamond Town immediately!"

Sure enough, Morion didn't even greet him for a moment, and directly explained his intention.

"what happened?"

Willy looked puzzled.

Morion took a deep breath and lowered his voice: "Master Ole, he was also assassinated on the way back..."

"Teacher, he was also assassinated?!"

Willy looked suspicious, his thinking was fast, and he instantly understood the seriousness of the situation.

The three most important people in Diamond Town, Baron Kells, his successor Bamos, and the knight-level master who is also the captain of the personal guard team, Ole, have now been assassinated two! And those who were assassinated were all the top combat powers in Diamond Town.

"Wait for me, I'll leave right away!"

Willie turned and ran into the house, saying goodbye to his family.