Chapter 65: Stormwind

Finlay showed joy on his face: "I wonder when it's convenient for you?"

Willy pondered, now that Ole is not in Diamond Town, and Hudile is sick at home, he doesn't seem to be hindered by anything.

"I can do it anytime."

Willie responded.

When Finlay saw this, his affection for Willy instantly multiplied. In his opinion, Willy released his goodwill towards the Duval family.

"In that case, let's start now, the carriage is waiting below."

Finlay made a please gesture.

Just like that, Willy and Finlay walked out of the Guards Station one after the other.

When Willy saw Finlay's carriage, he couldn't help but lament the wealth of the Duval family.

There are four horses pulling the cart, all of them are snow-white in their entirety, handsome in appearance, extremely beautiful in their muscles, and their manes are as smooth as water.

Not only the horse, but the carriage behind it is also very large, from the outside it looks like a hut. It's made of fine wood and painted in black and gold, it's gorgeous. In front of the carriage, a small ladder was erected.

This is more than a notch better than Bamos' carriage.

Around the carriage, there were also two guards. They rode war horses, with crossed swords on their waists, and they were arrogant. As soon as Willy saw it, he knew that the two of them had at least the physique of a mid-level knight attendant.

"Please get in the car, Mr. Willie."

Finlay will personally lift the curtain of the car, lead Willy in, and then order to a guard: "Bring the news back to the family immediately, saying that Mr. Willy is about to visit the family, and let them get ready."

The guards took orders, and after paying respectful salutes, they galloped on their horses.

Willy got into the car and was speechless again.

In the spacious space, there are gorgeous and exquisite back seats, and a small wooden table is fixed in the middle. It was filled with fruits and drinks, and under the table, there was a slot for closed cakes and other snacks.

"Mr. Willie, you can enjoy it as you like."

Finlay himself filled Willy with a glass of fragrant wine.

Willy was not pretentious, he sniffed the taste lightly, and then slowly drank it.

He doesn't know red wine very well, but from this wine, Willy can taste the sweetness and sweetness aftertaste.

Before Willie drank the wine from the Lake Collection, it not only tasted mixed, but also had impurities. At that time, Willy thought it was because the winemaking skills in this world were not good enough, but now after tasting Finlay's wine, he realized that the rich man's wine and the poor man's wine are completely two concepts.

The carriage has already started to move outside, and the speed is not slow, but the inside of the carriage is still stable.

"Did you specially come from Stormwind Town to apprentice to Mr. Hudir?"

Willy asked casually.

Finlay nodded: "Mr. Hudile has deep attainments in literature and history, and is very famous in several nearby towns, so when I was five or six years old, I was introduced by my father and became Huddy. A student of Mr. Dill. Before the age of twelve, I was with Mr. Hudier almost all year round. After the age of twelve, because I started to get in touch with family affairs, I only came back with Hudi from August to October every year. Learning by the side of Teacher Er.”

Of course, this is only a superficial reason.

Hudier himself is a very famous person. He has taught many outstanding students. Even Baron Kells studied history with Hudier when he was young. Therefore, most of Hudile's identities are not simple. Finlay's father, Lacus, also took into account this reason, and sent his young son from Stormwind Town to Diamond Town.

Willy nodded. Although Finlay only mentioned the superficial reason, he could guess the deeper level.

Because the journey is not too close, Willy and Finlay have always maintained simple exchanges, mostly related to the business of the Duval family.

After about three hours, the sun was already high in the sky, and the carriage drove into Stormwind Town.

Stormwind Town, Diamond Town and Blue Whale Town are the three baronies in the far southwest corner of the Davibuhr province, the Earl of Rumbar.

Among them, Diamond Town and Stormwind Town are connected to the Principality of Vata. The barons of the two towns are currently suffering from the friction between the two countries. Only Baron Enton of Blue Whale Town, he lived a little more comfortable.

The area of ​​Blue Whale Town is very large, larger than Diamond Town and Stormwind Town combined, and comparable to some Viscounty territories. At the southernmost point of Blue Whale Town, is the entrance to the ocean. Although it is impossible to build a port due to terrain reasons, there are many docks, fisheries are very developed, and resources are abundant. It is the richest of the three towns.

In addition, the population of Blue Whale Town is also very large. There are about 5,000 people living in the town, plus the villages and villages around the town, the total population is more than 10,000 people, which makes many viscounts envious. You must know that the population of Diamond Town is only over 2,000, and the surrounding population is only 5,000, which is less than half of the population of Blue Whale Town.

It is said that this is because the great-great-grandfather of Baron Enton, the first baron of Blue Whale Town, had followed the ancestors of Earl Rumbar and made great contributions, and was given this rich territory.

Because Blue Whale Town is relatively wealthy, coupled with the domineering style of Baron Enton, Baron Kells of Diamond Town and Baron Naondo of Stormwind Town dislike him. Therefore, the relationship between Stormwind Town and Diamond Town is closer.

"As expected of the largest family in Stormwind Town..."

Through the window, Willy saw the Duval family's manor outside.

Grand and luxurious, this is Willy's first feeling.

The green trees and flowers are covered with lush greenery, and together with an extravagant attic, people can't help but yearn for it.

The carriage stopped.

"Mr Willy, please."

Finlay stepped out of the carriage first and lifted the curtain for Willy.

As soon as Willy got off the carriage, he saw a man in a black dress looking at him with a smile. Next to him was an old man dressed as a housekeeper, and behind him were a row of male servants and a row of maids, all of them bowing in ceremonial gestures.

This is the first time Willy has seen such a scene, even in Baron Kells' manor.

However, Willy didn't act too surprised, he got off the carriage.

"Mr. Willy, I'm Lacas, on behalf of the entire Duval family, I express my deepest friendship to you."

Lacas bowed slightly towards Willy. The butler and servants behind him moved in a uniform manner, bending down a little lower.


Willy did not expect that Dikas, the number two figure in the Divar family, would come to greet him in person.

He couldn't care less, nodding his head and bowing in return: "Diamond Town Willy Phelan, I have seen Your Excellency Lacus."