Chapter 47: Arrive at Fandoutun

On the road, a carriage full of household items drove slowly.

In front of the carriage, a middle-aged man drove his horse forward. In the carriage sat a middle-aged woman, a boy, and a girl. Behind the carriage, there was a domestic goat.

It was the Willy family who moved to Pandoutun.

After eating at noon yesterday, Lake and Mrs. Shawin started to sort out the moving items. Willy and Veria couldn't be idle either, they were busy together. It was busy until the evening, when it was about to pack up. After that, Lake and Mrs. Shawin didn't feel tired at all, and went to the villagers' homes to say goodbye to them.

Of course, saying goodbye is actually an invisible show. When the villagers knew that Willie had been given a village by Baron Kells and was recruited into the Guards, everyone's eyes revealed undisguised envy. The two sons of the Faerun family became outstanding young men who served the nobles. Everyone realized that this ordinary Faerun family was about to rise.

The envious eyes of the villagers made the Lakers very useful, and this was the brightest moment on their faces since they were born.

I don't know if it was Willy's rise in status or the good relationship between Lake and Mrs. Shawin in the village. When we moved this morning, many villagers came to see him off. Some delivered food, some delivered cloth, and everyone was enthusiastic. Especially Aunt Shawin, who lent her man's carriage to the Willys, which saved Lake, who had planned to hire a carriage, another sum of money.

When Willie left the manor, a guard had already told Willie the exact location of Fandoutun. So at this time, Lake was rushing towards Fandoutun according to Willy's guidance.

Lake was in a very comfortable mood. Looking at the wild grass and wildflowers by the roadside, he realized for the first time how wonderful life is. The current Faerun family has huge wealth and a village of their own. All this was a scene that he couldn't even dream of before, but now it has become a reality.

There are not many things at home, so the carriage is not crowded.

Mrs. Shawin looked at the two children in front of her and smiled unconsciously. She suddenly thought of Thorps who was still in Diamond Town. Now that the family environment has improved so much, it is time to find a wife for Thorpes.

"When we arrive at Fandoutun, can we still eat prey?"

Veria holds Wally in her arms. Although Wally is a bad bear who eats inside and out, as his nanny, Veria still forgives him.

Hearing this, Willy replied: "Of course, although Fandoutun is far from Morse Forest, it is very close to Boler Forest. When I get to Fandoutun, I can go to Boler Forest to hunt for you."

Even though he said that, Willy also knew that in the future, when he joined Baron Kells' personal soldiers, he would probably have very little time to stay at home. It is true that he is the head of Fandoutun, but he cannot manage Fandoutun at all times. He has already pondered the plan for Fandou Village in his heart. If he is not in the village in the future, he will have to entrust Lake to exercise the management power for him.

"Is that Pandoutun?"

Suddenly, the house and land not far from Lake said.

Willie looked in the direction of Lake's finger.

It was a house that looked brand new. Outside the house, there was a large piece of land that had not grown any crops. On the land, more than a dozen figures are reclaiming the land.

"It's here."

Willie responded to Lake.

"finally reached!"

Veria said excitedly, in her opinion, traveling is a very boring journey. If it weren't for Wally's company, she'd probably be mad with boredom.

The whip in Lake's hand slammed down hard, making the horses speed up a bit.

Seeing Fandoutun in front of him, he was also very excited. The dozen people in front of him were all his son's subordinates. This piece of land was also given to Willy by Baron Kells, and it was the private property of the Faerun family. . He had been the baron's territorial before, but now, he has his own colony.

Willy glanced at his father, who was even more excited than himself, and felt very understanding. Starting a new life is an extraordinary experience for Lake, who is over forty years old.

When Willy was slowly approaching Fandoutun, an old man with a **** suddenly raised his head and saw the carriage coming.

"Is the chief of the village here?"

A look of worry suddenly appeared in the old man's eyes.

Just yesterday, Baron Kells sent a guard to tell the people in Fandoutun that from now on, they were Willy Phelan's subordinates, Willy Phelan, their new master, Fandoutun. 's chief.

Others who were cultivating the land noticed that the old man had stopped working, and followed his gaze to the carriage of the Willy family.

Everyone's eyes showed worry about the unknown. They were not sure what kind of person the new colonel was. If he is an irritable village chief, then all the villagers have to endure harsh reprimands and even beatings from their superiors. In this world, the commoners at the bottom have to accept all the will of the lord. Although Willy is only a colonel, it can be said that he is the lord they must obey.

"Don't stop the work at hand, so as not to be scolded by the new colonel after seeing it, I will go to meet the new colony."

The old man was obviously more prestigious among this group of people. After everyone heard his words, they started to work again, and they were more diligent than before.

There was a trace of apprehension on the old man's face, but he still braved and stepped forward.

"A villager came over."

While talking, Lake stopped the carriage.

Willie also jumped out of the carriage.

"Excuse me, are you Lord Willy?"

The old man glanced at the supplies on the carriage and knew that they were moving, so he immediately determined the identities of several people. He saw that the carriage was carrying a total of four people, a middle-aged couple, and a pair of children. He almost subconsciously regarded Lake as the colony chief.

"Willie is my son, and I am his father, Lake."

Lake explained to the old man. Although he is not the head of the village, he is just as proud as the father of the head of the village.

There was a hint of surprise in the old man's eyes. He never imagined that the new chief was actually a young man.

He hurriedly bowed to Willy and saluted Lake and the others. Although he was very old, he still showed a very low posture. Here, it is not age but identity that determines the superiority and inferiority.

"Master Willitun, you are welcome."

There is humility in the old man's tone.

At this time, his heart was relieved, because the chieftain's family didn't look like a vicious guy. In this way, the villagers of Pandou Village should not have to live so frightened.
