Chapter 35: assassin

At midnight, everything is quiet.

The predators in the dark night mercilessly harvest life, or are harvested by more powerful natural enemies. The natural law of natural selection is vividly displayed in the dark.

On a tree not far from Willy, a hunter leaned on the broad trunk and was sleeping.

Suddenly, the sleeping hunter shuddered. He opened his eyes and looked around, as if he felt something was wrong.

"Is it an illusion..."

The hunter muttered to himself, and was about to fall asleep with anxiety, but suddenly felt the sound of leaves rubbing from the top of his head.

He raised his head subconsciously, but suddenly found a figure descending from the sky.

The figure was holding a short blade and his eyes were cold.


The hunter reached out to touch the knife, but the movement was too slow. The figure waved one hand, and the short blade in his hand fell from top to bottom, piercing the chest from the hunter's throat, and blood spattered.

The hunter let out a shrill scream and fell directly from the tree trunk to the ground.

He twitched a few times, with panic and unwillingness in his eyes, but in the end he was unable to struggle and lost his life.

The figure on the tree trunk then fell from the tree. He stretched out his finger and probed the hunter's breath. After confirming that the hunter was really dead, he got up and walked into the darkness to find the next target.

Under the starlight, his eyes were cold.


In the tree hole, Willy suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now, in his sleep, he seemed to hear a strange sound.

"It seems that someone is screaming..."

Willy recalled the vague voice, much like the wailing of a human being before death.

"Did a hunter die?" Willy frowned. "Did he get attacked by a nighttime predator? Or did he discover the trail of a snow-patterned deer and was killed?"

Thinking of this, Willy has lost any sleepiness.

The hunter who screamed was not far from him. If he continued to sleep on his own, he might become the next target to be attacked. Instead, it is better to go to the place to investigate. If it was really what the snow-patterned deer did, maybe he could find any traces.

Thinking of this, Willy packed up his belongings, climbed out of the tree hole, and walked towards the place where the screams were made.

Willy gropes forward in the dark, and his rich hunting experience allows him to move freely even in the dark night.

"It should be not far from there..."

Willy observed the terrain and the surrounding plants, and continued walking.

"It smells of blood..."

Willy smelled blood, and he became very cautious at this time.

Ten minutes have passed since the screams were made. Perhaps the corpse has been eaten by the beast meal, and the beast may even be nearby.

Willy moved forward a little bit, and sure enough, he saw a gray lone wolf gnawing at a corpse that had been disemboweled. With the help of starlight, Willy recognized the face that had not broken yet and found that it was indeed a familiar hunter.

"This hunter was killed by this lone wolf?"

A hint of doubt appeared in Willy's eyes.

This is against common sense. First of all, an experienced and well-armed hunter is unlikely to die in the hands of a lone wolf, and even a lone wolf will not even get close to him. Secondly, Willy found that there was no trace of fighting around the lone wolf and the hunter. This is even more unreasonable. Even if the hunter is attacked and bitten, it is impossible to be slaughtered. Even if it doesn't move, there should be traces of dragging.

In this way, the only explanation is that after the hunter was killed, the lone wolf came to pick up food.

Thinking of this, Willy took out his longbow and bow and arrow.

He drew the string with his sword, and the bowstring was full of moon.

With a swoosh, the bow and arrow shot out, directly piercing the lone wolf's eye socket, piercing the back of its head. The strong inertia caused the lone wolf's body to fly directly and hit the tree trunk behind. The lone wolf's scream was only briefly, followed by a few convulsions, and there was no sound.

Willy didn't hesitate, and went straight forward to investigate. He needs to move faster, otherwise the smell of blood will attract other predators.

Willy carefully observed the surroundings, and after approaching, crouched down in front of the hunter's corpse.

Originally, Willy didn't feel anything, because the junior hunter gave him the ability to keep calm in times of danger. But when he got close to the hunter's corpse, he suddenly felt nauseated. This was the first time Willy had approached a corpse so closely, and human instinct made him uncomfortable.

Willy raised his head, took a deep breath, calmed down, and lowered his head again.


However, when Willy saw the tragic state of the hunter's body, his pupils shrank suddenly.

On the hunter's body, he found a long scar. From the neck to the chest, it is caused by the penetration of a sharp instrument, which is a fatal injury.

"How could this kind of wound happen? It's obviously man-made!"

Willy was sure, because it was impossible for a beast to make such a neat wound. Even the snow-patterned deer with supernatural abilities kills things like this.

"Why did someone kill him... Who would do it..."

Willy's body was filled with a layer of coolness, and the atmosphere of the Pohler Forest seemed to drop ten degrees in an instant.

The Boler Forest, which was already full of crises, has become even more dangerous. There are not only man-eating beasts, but also murderous executioners.

"Will it be the hands of other hunters?"

Willy's eyes narrowed slightly. He was guessing whether it was a contradictory hunter who, after entering the Boler Forest, killed him in a place where no one else was.

If it was really a hunt for revenge among hunters, it would be fine, but what if it wasn't? That means that all hunters may be the target of being hunted.

Willy's sense of unease grew stronger.

"I can't stay any longer..."

Willy got up, he was about to give up this search for the snow-patterned deer. At the very least, Bamos must be informed of this abnormal situation first, and Bamos will make a decision.

Willy hurried out of the Boler Forest.

However, just after walking a few steps, Willy suddenly felt a thorn on his back, as if something dangerous was staring at him.

For a moment, Willy shuddered, this is the sixth sense bestowed by the hunter's instinct.


Willy almost subconsciously got out of place.

Just as he dodged, a figure fell from the tree, a short blade slid past, and made a sound of breaking through the air.

Someone wants to kill himself!

Willy turned around and saw a thin, pale man. He was about thirty years old, his features were cold, and his eyes revealed undisguised killing intent. After his first move was empty, he unhesitatingly delivered the second strike.

Willy quickly took out the hunting knife gifted by Baron Kells from the lower back, and made a block action.