Chapter 698: The United States is asking for help from New Tuvalu!

Name:King Who Will Cross Author:She Da
In the absence of any preparations in the world, New Tuvalu not only launched a rocket, but also directly used this carrier rocket to send a satellite belonging to New Tuvalu into the sky.

More importantly, the name of this satellite is - Tianji!

Since humans have satellite technology, communication satellites, weather satellites, navigation satellites, reconnaissance satellites and other types of satellites have been sent into orbit around the earth one by one!

Human beings who have always liked to apply technology to the military have also regarded satellites, which have been staying in orbit around the earth, as the direction of weapon research!

For example, reconnaissance satellites can provide strong technical support for ground strikes!

Of course, technical support alone cannot satisfy human ambitions. Experts from some countries have proposed that weapons be installed on satellites and then attack the ground!

However, the cost of transporting the weapon to space is too high, and the controllability is very low! Compared with intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads, this theory has not been successfully applied by any country so far!

And the name of this theory is - space-based weapons!

The weapons launched based on satellites in the sky are called space-based weapons!

A weapon system name that only exists in theory or science fiction, was used by the genius king of New Tuvalu on the satellite they just launched successfully, which can't help worrying many countries!

United States, Pentagon.

"Have you got the information? Where was the satellite launched by New Tuvalu manufactured, and what function does it have?"

The U.S. military pinned its hopes on the CIA, which is in charge of international intelligence activities. Unfortunately, the "omnipotent" CIA did not get any meaningful intelligence!

"Australia did not know that New Tuvalu had launched a satellite. The manufacturing process of that rocket was completely an experimental rocket. No one thought that it was a real launch vehicle, and the satellite it carried, We don't even know when it was shipped over, and our intelligence system didn't even find out about the installation process!"

"Waste, it's all a bunch of waste."

The sudden roar of the Pentagon is not unique. The intelligence systems of many countries have heard similar roars!

And these intelligence systems are also very wronged. Who the **** would have thought that the rocket launch site in New Tuvalu had just been built, and the first rocket launched contained a satellite?

Under the circumstances that many countries that have launched hundreds of satellites cannot guarantee that every launch vehicle can be successfully launched, how can New Tuvalu dare to conclude that its first launch vehicle will be successfully launched?

The price of the rocket will be lower than that of the satellite, I don't know how much cheaper it is!

In the absence of intelligence, all countries have also started analyzing the 'space-based' satellites!

In a meeting room of the Pentagon, some staff officers and experts are already seated!

"New Tuvalu has a fully stealthy transport aircraft. Because of the application of the Ark reactor, it can be used as a strategic bomber. Therefore, the space-based satellites of New Tuvalu will definitely not be aimed at launching missiles!"

"Could it be a laser weapon?"

"Impossible. Laser weapons are currently in the experimental stage, and this is true of any country. Lasers fired from orbit around the earth want to hit the ground, and there are many difficult problems that need to be solved!"

"So, what about the tungsten rod? Isn't our country researching a space-based weapon called the Scepter of God, projecting a very hard tungsten rod from space to the earth to strike the ground with kinetic energy?"

"Actually, the kinetic energy strike that a tungsten rod can provide is far less than that of a nuclear warhead. If the tungsten rod concentrates on the target, the kinetic energy it releases is half of the product of its mass and the square of its velocity. In other words, a 8,000 kilograms of tungsten rods fall freely, and then reach the power of the 'Little Boy' nuclear warhead of about 15,000 tons, and the final kinetic energy must reach 63*1012 joules!"

A general in the Pentagon frowned and said, "Can you make it simpler!"

The expert shook his head helplessly, and said: "To put it simply, the speed when it hits the ground must reach 125 kilometers per second! And this speed is impossible to achieve! This has not yet calculated the energy lost by the friction of the atmosphere!"

Another expert added: "Transporting 8,000 kilograms of tungsten rods into space and then dropping them down, the kinetic energy that can be released is only equivalent to the power of 3.5 tons of TNT explosives. What is the use of this weapon?"

A staff officer suddenly said: "If the object dropped is hard enough, will the kinetic energy it carries give it a very strong penetrating power? It's like... an armor-piercing bullet!"

The words of this staff officer made everyone in the meeting room shine!

At this moment, a piercing siren sounded in the Pentagon! The senior military officers who participated in the meeting rushed to the command hall immediately.

"We found the monster Muto. It just appeared on the east coast of our United States. Looking at the direction it is traveling, it is likely to be one of our bases for storing nuclear weapons!"

Seeing Muto appearing on the screen, everyone in the command center couldn't help being terrified, because compared to ten days ago, this monster didn't look much different.

You know, ten days ago it was attacked by three nuclear warheads with a total yield of 500,000 tons.

"Ask for attack instructions!"

"Attack? With what attack?"

Even the nuclear warhead can't hurt this monster. What kind of weapons can be used on the continental United States?

The Pentagon hastily issued an order to contain the attack, and then reported the situation to the White House!

U.S. President Connard, who was watching the monster on the TV screen in the White House, asked with a confused face, "What did you say?"

The chief analyst of the president's staff said with embarrassment: "We suggest that you immediately seek help from New Tuvalu!"

Conrad's face instantly became extremely ugly, even uglier than when he just learned that the monster appeared again, and it appeared in the United States.

"Our United States is the world's largest military power. Now you ask me to ask for help from New Tuvalu? Do you know how old I am? Do you know how old the king of New Tuvalu is?"

The chief analyst continued to persuade: "However, none of the weapons we currently have can destroy Muto and can be used in our homeland. Muto's current route is near, although most of them are no-man's land, but there are Cities. If you wait until Muto reaches the place where we store our nuclear weapons... the consequences will be disastrous!"

Conrad roared: "Then what can New Tuvalu do? Do you want New Tuvalu to drop a large number of nuclear warheads on our continental United States? Do you think they have them?"

The chief analyst said calmly: "Mr. President, the Pentagon has just submitted an analysis report. They believe that the space-based satellites in New Tuvalu are specially used to deal with monsters. Moreover, they will not cause large-scale damage! "

Konrad sat down on his presidential chair. After hesitating for more than a dozen seconds, Konrad ordered: "Help me contact the new King of Tuvalu, immediately, immediately!"

When Li Daniu received an emergency contact application from the President of the United States, he was watching Muto on the screen.

"Ao Chuang, tell me, can our weapons destroy it?"

Ao Chuang replied: "The possibility of success is Li Daniu said with some emotion: "I never thought that Muto's vitality is so tenacious, and he can become so powerful. Moreover, after withstanding that kind of attack, he recovered so quickly! "

Ultron said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry, even if our space-based weapons can't destroy it, we can still let the micro robot in its brain explode!"

Li Daniu was about to speak when he received an emergency contact request from the President of the United States.

"The President of the United States asked me for help? Hahahahaha..."

Amid wild laughter, Li Daniu agreed to the request of the President of the United States, and immediately arranged...a reporter from TC Entertainment to start a live broadcast!

"America's request for military help is really rare in a hundred years, so why not tell the world about this rare situation?"

Many people from all over the world who just learned that Muto appeared again heard the news that shocked them when they turned on the TV.

"Dear viewers, what you are watching is a live report brought by the US branch of TC Entertainment Television, a subsidiary of the New Tuvalu TC Group. The monster Muto once again appeared in the US, and the US government responded immediately to We in New Tuvalu ask for help. And our great King of New Tuvalu, in view of the humanitarian spirit and the safety of the human world, responded to the US government's request for help immediately!"

The whole world is in an uproar!

The United States asks for help from New Tuvalu? Did we hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong?

However, watching the U.S. troops starting to evacuate in the camera, audiences all over the world could only choose to believe in shock.

"The world's number one military power is the United States? Hehe..."

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