After hearing this, Su Zixuan fell into a long silence.

I can also think of the grievances in Princess Yang's heart.

It is clear that she has the identity of eldest princess and princess, but because she has no holy pet and no support from her husband's family, she is even remembered and targeted everywhere.

This is a great irony for their identity.

Su Zixuan leaned against Chu Yixuan and thought that power was really charming. Not to mention Chu Yixuan's consideration of serving the people, she also felt that right was the greatest freedom.

Chu Yixuan tucked Su Zixuan's gauze wrapped palm into the quilt. Just as he said this, he found that Su Zixuan fell asleep. He carefully took off her jewelry and strode out of the camp. He had to patrol the paddock again in the evening.

The dialogue between Chu Yinan and Jiahe over there has just ended.

Jiahe raised his lips and watched Chu Yinan leave. What about his terrible? It's the best.

In this way, not only herself will suffer, but Chu Yixuan and Su Zixuan will suffer in his hands. She can't bring them down herself, but Chu Yinan can.

When Chu Yinan left, he really met Chu Yixuan who came out for inspection. However, while no one was paying attention in the dark night, he pretended not to see it and walked aside.

"Brother five." Chu Yixiu stopped and stopped Chu Yinan.

"It's the seventh younger brother," Chu Yinan pretended to see Chu Yixuan at this time. He saw that he was well dressed and equipped. "Are you going out so late?"

Chu Yinan has just finished talking with Jiahe. She will be escorted to shuntianfu later. Chu Yixuan won't go out to see Jiahe at this time.

Chu Yinan narrowed his eyes slightly. Because of a series of things tonight, he was too lazy to disguise the gentle smile he had always been used to. At this time, his face seemed a little deep in the night. In particular, his eyes, which were always covered by a warm smile in the past, now appear gloomy and obscure.

If he is going to see Jiahe, what is the purpose? Is it to find himself. Chu Yinan's heart was slightly pulled up. He couldn't find it at this time.

"Just walk around the paddock for a week." Chu Yixuan has just solved Jiahe's trouble. Now he is in a good mood. He doesn't think of Chu Yinan talking to Jiahe for a moment.

But he found something else. Now, although the moon is dim and can't see a person's face clearly, Chu Yixuan can still feel that Chu Yinan's aura is wrong, which is really strange compared with ordinary virtuous kings.

"It's just for the servants to do such small things. Where you need to go out in person." Chu Yinan was relieved to hear that he just went to patrol the paddock, so he had the heart to talk to him.

"This is not a trivial matter. My father and Emperor are staying in the paddock now. We need to pay attention to the safety here," Chu Yixuan said slightly. "But why is brother Huang still here at this time? He should go back to rest earlier at night."

Chu Yinan couldn't figure out what Chu Yixuan meant for a moment. Now he can put forward what to do about what he knew and asked.

"I've just met Jiahe, and now I'm going back to rest." his voice was full of fatigue, and then it seemed to think of something. "The emperor's brother had to apologize to the seventh brother here. Today, the younger brothers and sisters were frightened because the emperor's brother didn't discipline Jiahe well, so the younger brothers and sisters were innocent."

He said he would bow to Chu Yixuan. He looked most sincere.

But how could Chu Yixuan accept his worship like this? He gently held Chu Yinan's hand up, and Chu Yinan couldn't hold it down. "What does the seventh brother mean?"

Chu Yixuan just smiled. "It's all Jiahe's business. It has nothing to do with brother Huang. If you say that you don't discipline properly, it shouldn't be brother Huang's fault. Brother Huang really doesn't have to apologize to his brother for this."

"Having said that, I owe Jiahe and I share the same account, but I don't know that she harbors such a evil heart." Chu Yinan sighed deeply, and at this time he shared the responsibility with himself.

Chu Yixuan looked at his hypocritical appearance and was bored with ideas. He thought that he would not just tell her something about children's love when he went to meet Jiahe.

Moreover, he and the nominally fifth sister-in-law should have no marital relationship.

What you put on can't be true even if it's more like it.

Chu Yixuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. It's all from experience. With his way of getting along with Su Zixuan, he can tell whether others really love each other at a glance.

"These things are not important. Now Jiahe deserves it, and there is no need to guard against such people in the future." Chu Yixuan smiled low and came close to Chu Yinan's ear, "but as long as he doesn't hide such a evil heart, he doesn't have to be afraid of what others do. After all, evil is invincible since ancient times."

This sentence is extremely thought-provoking. Chu Yinan hears that the speech is stiff for a moment and knows that he has noticed himself, but it's interesting, isn't it?

Tomorrow, it depends on who laughs last.