C143 Solve the Problem

After sending Li Shiyun off, Su Zixuan sat by the desk, which was still piled with books.

However, she wasn't in the mood to think about it right now. Her mind was filled with the words Li Shiyun had said before. Chu Yixuan's name also lingered in her mind, lingering for a long time.

The people in the court were watching, and Li Shiyun had repeatedly guaranteed that this was true. Chu Yixuan's actions were akin to adding her Su Clan to the list of disciples in front of everyone, but at the same time, the matter of the marriage would also spread throughout the capital.

As for the account books, the Yao family would definitely not let the Su family off easily. However, if the Su family was under the protection of Prince Jin, the Yao family wouldn't dare to go overboard.

What exactly did Chu Yixuan's actions mean?

"Miss, I heard from Ji Tong that Su Xue Ming died in prison." Lucky came in from the outside with the latest news.

"Dead …" The day of beheading would be three days from now, and there wouldn't be much difference between dying now and dying later.

Su Xueming hadn't made a move since Su Zixuan had left, and no one had treated her wounds either. He just quietly sat by the corner of the wall. Today, when someone went to the prison to take a look, they found out that she had already died a long time ago.

Su Zixuan didn't take this to heart. In any case, he wasn't someone that was important anymore.

However, this interruption told her to put the matter of Chu Yixuan behind her.

She began to immerse herself in these things again, and in the afternoon she went out to inspect the shop in a block.

It was only when he finished eating dinner with his father and brother that he remembered what had happened on the road back to the Xiang Garden. He quickly returned to the courtyard, intending to fix some books and send a letter over to Prince Jin.

But as soon as she walked into the courtyard, she knew she didn't have to do anything unnecessary.

Chu Yixuan seemed like a host waiting for his turn. On the side, Mascot was waiting for his tea to be poured, but there was no one else present.

Even Qing Yue didn't know that Qing Yue had openly called for two maids to serve her.

Su Zixuan gazed from afar. Since when had he appeared in her pavilion? She wasn't surprised, but since when had he bought her maid?

"Your Highness is so elegant, he would explore your room at night if he has nothing to do, and even chose to come when the master is not here." As Su Zixuan spoke, he sat down next to Chu Yixuan.

If it were anyone else, Chu Yixuan wouldn't have been happy at all. However, it was Su Zixuan who had said this. It was pleasant to hear.

"Your tea is so delicious that I can't help but come back." Chu Yixuan finished his cup of tea and looked towards Mascot. Just as he was about to ask Mascot to pour tea for him, he realized that the two maids were completely still.

When Su Zixuan saw this, she chuckled and said, "What, are my maidservants especially easy to order around?"

Chu Yixuan smiled awkwardly but didn't say anything. When he saw Qing Yue behind her, he couldn't help but say, "Speaking of which, your servant girl might be easier to use."

"I've known these two since Jiangnan. The one behind you is truly amazing."

Qing Yue was suddenly brought here, and raised her head, not knowing what had happened. She looked at the crowd, puzzled, before lowering her head again. She was still shocked at the sudden appearance of Prince Jin in the young mistress' room.

It wasn't just Chu Yixuan who looked stupefied, even Su Zixuan was amused. "You were talking about my maid earlier. What's going on?"

Chu Yixuan poured himself a cup of tea and drank two sips before saying, "The day your family was imprisoned, this servant girl arranged for people to stay in the courtyard without any hurry. In the end, everyone in the courtyard was neatly taken away."

"It's really admirable that he didn't panic in the face of danger." Chu Yixuan said with a smile. He was half surprised and half impressed by Qing Yue's actions.

This was also the first time Su Zixuan had heard of this matter. When she heard this, she glanced at Qing Yue in surprise, only to see that her expression was still the same as ever.

In her heart, she felt that it was laughable. In her previous life, not only had she not betrayed him, it was also reasonable for her to do so. Qing Yue was just like this. Although she was caught off guard, in reality, she was in a daze. She didn't have that many thoughts in her mind. She only knew how to do her job.

Su Zixuan remembered his purpose. He put down the matter of Qing Yue and said to Chu Yixuan, "I heard that Your Highness and I were engaged to be married last winter?"

Perhaps Su Zixuan's gaze was too serious, and the probing within made Chu Yixuan feel guilty.

"The situation at that time was special. Although I could secretly send people to protect your family, but what about the situation now? If everyone does not mind, then how can I explain this to you if your family suffers from any injuries?" Chu Yixuan spoke seriously, as if this matter was as simple as it seemed to be and it never lingered in his mind.

Listening to Chu Yixuan's words, Su Zixuan felt that what he had said about explaining himself to her sounded extremely strange, yet she couldn't put her finger on it in any way.

Suppressing the strange feeling in her heart, she looked at Chu Yixuan and asked, "Then how do we settle this matter?"