He followed her gaze and saw Su Zixuan and Li Shiyun admiring the flowers beneath the tree. He was so shocked that his mouth dropped open. "Seventh Brother, Seventh Brother, you couldn't have seen her, right?"

Chu Yixuan's gaze turned hostile. He knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he still couldn't stop his curiosity. "Seventh Brother, you don't really like her, do you?"

Noticing that seventh brother was ignoring him, Chu Yixiu looked dejectedly at the woman in the distance.

He had been too presumptuous with the incident at Shang Shu Manor, so he couldn't help but take a closer look at his client's sister. At that time, he only felt that Su Zixuan's aura was a bit domineering, but also a bit breathtaking, as if Seventh Brother's face had sunk.

Previously, Chu Yixiu didn't believe in Chu Yixuan's marriage proposal. In his opinion, Seventh Brother was just like him, joining in the fun to end the engagement. Who knew that Seventh Brother would be so serious now.

Now that she looked at the person in question, she felt that he wasn't as good as the girl beside her. She didn't know why Seventh Brother liked her.

Chu Yixuan didn't care about his foolish little brother's resentful gaze. He admitted that he had felt a bit of affection for him just now. However, not everyone would understand Su Zixuan's kindness, and he didn't need to explain it to his foolish little brother.

The front yard was where a man should be.

Halfway through the feast, the main event of the day finally arrived.

The noble ladies of the capital usually stayed in their rooms for a long time, but the names of those talented girls had to be given out. The best would naturally be a banquet of this size and size. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to let others know what kind of painting he had made and what poems he had written at home.

This was not only a way for them to amuse themselves, but also a way for the madams to choose a good wife for their children.

After all these years of doing business with her father, she had learned a lot. She had also seen many things that young girls couldn't see, but it was precisely this kind of elegant feast between young ladies that was attended by very few guests. Today, however, it sparked quite a bit of fun in her heart.

Suzi Xuan naturally knew how boring and sad it would be if she stayed in the compound all her life. The treatment of women in the Da Qi Kingdom was much more open than before. However, the fate of women could not escape from those matters, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

Such a banquet could also be considered a form of entertainment.

She stood on the table and picked up her pen, as if she was trying to decide how to write.

Naturally, they knew that Su Zixuan was the daughter of an imperial merchant. Although she had also been appointed to the official position by the Department of Revenue, she was still a merchant after all. As the saying goes, a woman from a family like this would naturally lack in terms of education and talent.

They didn't miss a single thing when they saw Su Zixuan's etiquette, but it wasn't something that could be made up for by simply raising the family background.

Now that he saw Su Zixuan drawing on the desk, he couldn't help but look down on her.

Almost all of the girls at this banquet were from the big families of the capital. Only those who were confident in themselves would dare to compete.

As if Su Zixuan had drawn a brush, her manner was ordinary, and she walked away with a disdainful twitch of her lips.

Su Zixuan didn't know what these women were thinking, so she simply immersed herself in her own world and didn't want to think about it.

Even the men in the front courtyard were attracted by this scene. In succession, a few men stood outside the pavilion, waiting for them to finish painting.

Only when Su Zixuan put down her brush did she notice that the gaze of a man had already appeared in front of the pavilion. Only then did she understand. When he saw the other noble ladies put down their pens one after another, he felt embarrassed and helpless. Could it be that she was too thick-skinned?

"When we saw the ladies painting here, our curiosity was piqued. We wanted to have a look at it. We have offended the ladies." The person who spoke was the Second Young Master of the Department of Public Affairs. Having just said what he wanted and apologizing to the girl at the scene, it actually gave people a favorable impression of the Second Young Master of the Department of Public Affairs.

The girls here weren't unforgiving either. After greeting each other, they became part of the assessment.

They hung around the paintings, commenting from time to time, coming to see the good paintings, but at least they had some manners and wouldn't say anything they didn't like.

Seeing this scene, Su Zixuan felt that it was a little absurd. However, when he had participated in this earlier match, he had thought that it was just a woman fighting over beauty. She was just joining in for the fun, that's all. Right now, he felt that he shouldn't be involved in this. It was as if he had become the target of people's selections.

However, when he saw the expressions of the other women, he restrained himself.

He turned his head and saw that Prince Jin was also walking towards him. Like the other men, the woman who was praised blushed. Although she looked disappointed, she didn't miss a single glimpse of Prince Jin's eyes.

Su Zixuan found it funny. It was only now that she felt Prince Jin's popularity among the ladies of the capital.

She stared at Prince Jin without moving. She had just thought that Prince Jin had arrived later, but she didn't see where she was standing. She was rather lucky, but in the next moment, she heard Prince Jin's voice.