All utensils in the slave shed are recycled.

The animal pen remains the same, the cage can be removed, it can be used as a stable, and mounts can also be placed.

The warg and the magic horse are all tied inside.

Mond also brought a hundred magic horses from the residence of the Blood Knife Merchant Group.

After Norman counted all the supplies in the ten carriages with his people, a happy smile appeared on his face.

With this batch of materials, Mond's forces can be small and large.

One hundred prisoners were directly planted with slavery contracts.

In the same way, after knowing that they had killed 20 enemies, they were able to regain their freedom, and that the rewards and punishments were clearly defined, these barbarian warriors and prisoners quickly accepted them.

The strength of Mond's men swelled to 1,110.

Among them, there were 800 barren warriors, 650 infantrymen, and 150 magic horse cavalry.

Two hundred werewolf cavalry.

A hundred barbarian warriors.

After Norman checked all the supplies, he said to Mond, "Sir!"

"I saw a lot of precious ores among the materials!"

"I suggest that we sell directly to some local forces in the original water oasis, and exchange them for the barbarian's heavy weapons and armor!"

"The light armor of the wolf cavalry is also the equipment that needs to be exchanged!"

"The armor of the desert warriors, with this wave of supplies, is almost equipped!"

"Everyone has weapons!"

"As long as the barbarians and wolf cavalry are equipped, our team's combat effectiveness can definitely be doubled!"

Mond nodded in approval, and immediately asked Norman to take someone to trade.

He himself began to practice with others.

This time, when the branch of the Blood Knife Merchant Corps was swept away, the guards who had been charged by Mond and killed with just two or three moves threw away their armor and armor.

Even Lanny was killed by a few swords, which made the subsequent offensives of the barbarians and werewolves become overwhelming.

But Mond was keenly aware of the inadequacy of his soldiers.

The two battles were based on more and less, and it was Mond who went directly to kill the Quartet.

In this way, the tailwind campaign is basically a one-sided massacre without resistance.

But Mond found that the barbarians, werewolves, and barbarians, after all, were transformed from slaves, and most of them charged directly.

There is no military discipline at all, and naturally there is no military formation.

Mond started training from the simplest array, demanding and cruel, and quickly polished the military spirit of the soldiers under his command.

At the end of the day, even the most physically powerful savages were exhausted and nearly paralyzed.

When it comes to food, Mond isn't stingy, and it's simply open to supply.

This made all the soldiers finally feel the long-lost feeling of fullness.

Among them, the warriors who were transformed from the barbarian slaves had the most profound feeling.

They have been hungry all the time and can't get enough to eat. With this meal, they felt the happiness of being full for the first time.

There is food and hope.

At this moment, the loyalty of these desert warriors to Mond has risen rapidly.

And in all the training, Mond did not shirk, training with everyone.

The training volume is even more than double, or even several times more than everyone else.

This convinced the barbarian warriors and werewolf warriors who worshiped the strong.

In the evening, all the exhausted warriors ate and drank and went to sleep.

Mond arranged for the patrolling guards and began to negotiate with Norman.

Norman went out with ten wagons.

Under the circumstance that Mond showed enough fist and force during the day, other forces in the original water oasis also gave Mond, the new force, enough respect.

The quality and fineness of these ores collected from the branch of the Blood Knife Merchant Group are very good.

The power of these acquisitions also gave a very fair price.

To settle the settlement without using Originium or all kinds of equipment that Mond and others need.

After all the ore and other materials were sold, the barbarian's armor and weapons, as well as the wolf cavalry's light armor and strong bows, were all purchased.

There are now a hundred barbarians, each in heavy infantry armor, with a large square shield and a heavy axe.

Each is definitely a killing machine on the battlefield.

The two hundred wolf cavalrymen, in addition to the saber they had already equipped with, also had a strong bow in their hands.

The werewolves were wearing light armor, and the wolves were also wearing light armor.

It does not increase the burden much, and the most important thing is to protect the key points.

As the top class of light cavalry, the wolf cavalry can provide maximum protection while exerting their flexibility.

In addition, Norman bought food for three months, pulled out supplies one by one, and exchanged them for one by one equipment and food.

Finally, the two took stock.

After these ores were sold, in order to gather equipment and buy enough food, a lot of Originium was posted.

Now that both Mond and Louis are full, there are only 20,000 first-grade Originium stones left.

The old magician looked sad.

Mond had a hearty smile on his face: "Old man, don't worry!"

"You can rob and earn money when you're out of money!"

"But soldiers, equipment, food, these are the most important things!"

"These are the capital to settle down in the blood-soaked land!"

Norman nodded, relaxed, glanced at the two fox girls and cat girls who were serving next to Mond, and said with a smile, "Sir, it's easy to want money!"

"If you sell these two stunners, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

The action of the two women pouring tea for the two suddenly paused slightly, and looked at Norman and Mond with pale faces.

In Chu Chu's moving eyes, a pleading look immediately appeared.

"Sir, don't sell us!"

"Sir, we will serve you well!"

Mond laughed and slapped lightly on the plump land behind the two women.

The two girls blushed.

Seeing this scene, Norman immediately resigned.

The place where Mond lives now is exactly where Benny used to live in the camp.

The front is the meeting room for office meeting, and the back is a very spacious and comfortable bedroom.

Mond looked at the two girls playfully.

Erin and Lena blushed and lowered their heads slightly.

Mond took the two daughters and went into the house.

Ye Fan was placed on the table, helplessly watching the clouds and rain in the house, and scolded for a while.

What a beast!

Mond naturally couldn't hear Ye Fan's spit and curses.

This night, there were guards patrolling closely outside, and Mond, who enjoyed the blessings of everyone, had a good night's sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Mond, with a refreshed face, got up under the service of Irene and Lina, dressed neatly, and walked out with the Soul Sorrow Sword in hand.