Chapter 846: That long sword is... it's a treasure!

After smashing the frost dragon with a punch, Mond slammed down to Norman's side.

The magic light in Norman's hand rose, and the khaki brilliance flickered.

But Mond slammed to the ground, and his right palm slammed down, directly smashing the khaki magic brilliance with one palm!

Immediately afterwards, Mond's right hand stuck out of Norman's neck.

Just as he was about to strangle to death with one hand, the old magician suddenly shouted, "I...I have a treasure!"

"I bought my life with a treasure!"

The strength in Mond's hand loosened slightly, and with a thud, the old Norman fell to the ground.

He sneered suddenly and said, "Tell me, what treasure!"

"If you lied to me, you know what's going to happen!"

Norman kept coughing. When Mond's right hand stuck to his neck just now, the divine power with the breath of lava and characteristics also rushed into his body.

The powerful dual laws directly shattered Norman's triple magic protection.

Moreover, the divine power and the source of magic in Norman's body were mixed into a mess.

"Cough cough cough-"

As he coughed and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he said to Mond: "Big... lord, that long sword is... it's a treasure!"

Norman weakly pointed at the source-devouring sword on the ground.

Ye Fan watched this big scene and kept changing.

"Norman, **** it!"

"That's my sword, that's my sword!"

"You can't take it away, it's my sword!"

Louis leaned limply against the mountain wall, his eyes were full of anger and madness, and he roared loudly with a pale face.

Mond glanced at the source-devouring sword on the ground, originally showing a contemptuous smile, but seeing Louis's appearance at this moment, he couldn't help but be interested.

Norman struggled to speak: "Big... Lord, you can pick up this sword and use it to kill someone!"

Mond smiled grimly, and his interest became stronger.

He strode to the side of the source-devouring sword, grabbed the three-foot long sword, kept moving, and came directly to Louis.

With a puff, the long sword pierced into the latter's body.

Louis' eyes were venomous, and he looked at Mond with wide open eyes.

His face, the corners of his mouth, and even his entire body were shaking.

His eyes were quickly filled with fear, fear, and despair.


The next scene made Mond's pupils shrink slightly.

Ye Fan laughed, and he heard the sound of the system.

[Ding, the sword master changes, Mond! 】

[Ding, absorb the source of the sword master's law, and the sword master dies, get 30,000 evolution points! 】

Mond was surprised to see that Louis, who was seriously injured and slightly thin, was instantly shriveled and old.

All the power in the god's body seemed to be swallowed up in an instant.

The sound of broken bones continued to be heard.

Hair dries out quickly.

His eyes quickly darkened.

Tooth and nails, all falling off.

In just two or three seconds, with a bang, it turned into a dry and gray human skin and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Mond felt a heat flow from the right hand holding the sword, emerging from the long sword and entering the body.

Under the scouring of this heat flow, all the fatigue in the body dissipated.

Moreover, Mond felt that he seemed to have a little understanding of the law of wind.

The cultivation of the second-grade primary level has also improved a little.

In Mond's eyes, the rays of light suddenly lit up and disappeared in a flash, whispering softly, "Sure enough, there is a way!"

"It's a good sword!"


Not far away, Norman saw the scene after Louis's death. Although he was a little sad in his heart, he was glad that he had made the right bet.

Now, just to see if Mond will kill himself.

This feeling of life and death being in the hands of others made Norman feel uneasy and fearful.

Mond turned around, swung the Origin Eating Sword, and came to Norman with a big laugh.

He held the long sword in his hand and swung it down.

Norman sighed, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

A cold touch appeared on the edge of the neck, but the coldness did not spread quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Norman heard a cold voice in his ear: "Old magician, do you know the master-servant contract?!"

"If you don't, you can die!"

Norman's heart was extremely bitter, but he opened his eyes quickly and replied hastily: "I know, I know, I will, I will!"

Norman not only knows the master-servant contract, but also knows that once this contract is established, life and death will be controlled by others from now on.

As long as the master contract exists, a thought, as a servant, can die directly.

But life and death are compared to freedom!

Undoubtedly trivial stuff!

As long as you can live, these are nothing!

Norman was in his heart, doing ideological work for himself.

Mond smiled grimly: "Very good, let's start signing!"

Ye Fan watched all this in the sword body, and when he saw the contract came out, he felt an aura of the origin law.

In Norman's mouth, the sound of obscure and mysterious incantations continued to sound.

In his eyes, there is endless confusion and despair of losing freedom.

Soon, a roll of parchment made of powerful and rich magical brilliance appeared in the air.

Presented in front of Mond and Norman.

On this roll of parchment, a rich purple glowed.

There are many articles on it.

These clauses, for the two parties who signed the contract, can understand all of them even if they do not know a single word.

When Norman gritted his teeth, he was ruthless, and in the face of death, signed his real name.

And Mond, glanced at the article on the parchment scroll, also signed his real name.

The moment the names of the two fell, a deep purple flame quickly burned.

This flame reflected a purple meaning on the faces of the two of them.

Mond's face was ferocious and happy.

Got a good sword, and got an experienced magician servant.

On the other hand, Norman's face was full of despair. In the end, he seemed to have figured it out, and it quickly turned into a touch of perseverance.

The parchment burned quickly.

Both of them felt that there was a contractual power in their hearts and souls, and they were entangled.

Mond clearly felt that as long as his mind moved, the old magician in front of him would surely die.

Moreover, even if he died, the old magician would die directly.

This master-servant contract is very overbearing.

But for Mond, he is very satisfied with this contract.

Ye Fan saw the whole process of the formation of the contract and thought thoughtfully.

Mond laughed, patted Norman on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you out!"

"Ha ha--"

Norman stumbled, feeling that the bones in his body almost fell apart.

But the lava divine power in the body was taken back under this shot.