Chapter 364 364 – The Mountain

Name:Kill the Sun Author:
Chapter 364 Chapter 364 – The Mountain

"Let's go," Nick said from behind.

The three at the front wanted to look at each other for reassurance, but that was quite dangerous.

Sure, right now, the Crimson Sea wasn't looking at them yet, but it was better not to get used to looking at each other.

Eventually, Clayton stepped forward, and the other two quickly followed.

Jenny kept her rifle ready and also walked forward.

As the four of them walked forward, Nick felt his ability reactivate again.

'Means nobody is following us.'

Then, Nick also started to walk forward.

Nick's goal had actually been the mountain from the very beginning.

The Swallowing Swamp had only been a short pitstop for him since he just wanted to confirm if it really was just a Force Specter.

There were a couple of reasons why Nick wanted to look for Specters on the Mountain.

The first was that he was certain that not many people looked at the mountain after the city gained access to the outside again.

Even Specialists weren't safe from the Crimson Sea, and any wrong turn was fatal.

The second reason was the fact that the Desert was directly adjacent.

Since the city was so interested in the Desert, many Experts and even the occasional Specialists were there.

With so many powerful people there, why would they need to send a weak team of Extractors to the mountain?

The Specialists would just look at it from the ground, and that would be search enough.

Maybe some Experts and Specialists also looked around a bit, but that was it.

What if there were a Specter here?

What if it were a Hatchling, Adolescent, or Adult?

Obviously, with only Experts and Specialists appearing here, the Specter wouldn't dare to show itself.

But if there were a couple of Initial Johns...

Nick was hoping that there was a Specter here and that it was desperate for some food.

Sadly, the chances were higher that there was simply no Specter here.

While the effects of the Specters could be seen all over the world, finding weak Specters that were easy to catch was still very difficult.

The five of them slowly climbed the mountain.

Suddenly, Nick's ability deactivated.

However, he had been prepared for that.

After all, the Crimson Sea, which was about three kilometers away from their current location, could probably see them by now.

At this moment, several eyes were probably looking at the five of them from a distance.

Luckily, the five of them couldn't be seen by anyone in the city since the red mist completely blocked them.

The five of them continued climbing.

Naturally, all of them were nervous and even scared.

Then, Nick slowly walked backward and grabbed the edge.

Climbing down without looking down was stressful and strange, but thanks to their powerful bodies, it wouldn't be very problematic.

Their descent was many times slower than their ascend, and Nick saw the four of them slowly descending.

His ability was still deactivated, making him nervous.

What if there was a Specter standing right behind him right now?

Nick did his best to remain calm and vigilant.

They continued descending.

Nick's ability would soon reactivate ag-




All hell broke loose.

Nick saw four long and thin appendages shooting out of the mountain.

These four appendages surrounded Petra and immediately pulled back into the mountain at insane speeds.

Nick could only see the light of Petra's Barrier shining before she was gone.

The scream had come from her.

As soon as Nick had seen what was going on, he had screamed not to look.

It was important that nobody turned around to look at Petra during this crisis lest they see the Crimson Sea.

At the same time as Nick shouted, Jenny jumped backward, away from the mountain.

And then, she fired her rifle.

A cloud of grey dust had appeared as soon as the four appendages shot out, and it was difficult to see whether or not Jenny had hit her target.

However, Nick trusted in her aim.

Most likely, she had hit the enemy without hitting Petra.

"I'm fine!" Jenny shouted from above Nick. "I can land on my own!"

Clayton and Jason had been slightly in front of Petra, and they had jumped up the mountain a bit to get away from whatever had just happened behind them.


The stone below Nick exploded as he shot forward.

In an instant, he reached the grey cloud.

And then, he saw it.

A hole leading into the dark mountain.

There would be no sunlight in there.


Without hesitation, Nick charged in.