Chapter 289 289 – Terror

Name:Kill the Sun Author:

Chapter 289 Chapter 289 – Terror

?289 Chapter 289 – Terror

On top of one of the big buildings, Nick looked at the Dregs, which were slowly getting filled with red mist.

"What is this?" Nick said to himself in shock.

The people of the Dregs looked with confusion and concern at the red mist.

They had never seen anything like this before.

Was this some kind of new thing the city was doing?

"Ah, it burns!" a six-year-old child shouted as it scratched its arm.

When the child scratched its arm, a red paste seemed to appear on top of its arm.

Everyone looked over at the child... The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

And its bone sticking out from beneath the red paste that had once been its blood, skin, and muscles.

The next moment, everyone else started to feel a burning sensation, which spread all across their bodies.

Then, it started.

The hair of all the people started to get thinner, and several strands fell down.

Nails were getting discolored.

Clothing was turning black and becoming thinner.

Shoes were starting to smoke.

Skin was turning red.

Eyes were turning red.


The screaming began.



Thousands of people were running around in horror as they tried to escape from the red mist.

Some of them were climbing up buildings.

Some of them entered buildings.

Some of them hid behind other people.

Some were jumping into piles of rubble.

Many were running towards the Inner City.

Many more were running towards the city's exit.

Wailing filled the city.

One man was running away in a panic and accidentally collided with a malnourished boy.


The boy's body split into clumps of flesh, covering the man, who just stopped running in shock and horror.

"Mommy! It hurts! Help me!"

Some didn't have any skin on their face anymore.

Some were trying to keep their organs in their torso.

People were climbing over each other.

Children and weak people got trampled to death.

On top of the walls, the guards were nearly as nervous.

What were they supposed to do?

They were not allowed to open the doors.

But the people were dying!

Was it safe for the guards?

Many of the guards had already jumped over the wall into the outside world.

Some of the guards tried to reason with the mass of people, trying to calm them down.

One guard even opened one of the doors for the people.

Sadly, only about 10% of people could enter through that door.

The others couldn't reach this location due to the red mist.


The distant sounds of powerful explosions continued.


The people on the edges of the walls heard the sound of a lot of metal straining under stress and creaking.

And then, many of the buildings began to shake.


The buildings broke apart, and the streets collapsed.

The people watched as the place they had called home collapsed into the sewers.

Surprisingly, the debris fell for over 50 meters before touching anything.

Had the sewers always been this far away from the city?

Yet, before anyone could even think about this, they were confronted with an image of what could only be called hell.

A swirling red mass.

Over 50 meters lower than the ground was a swirling mass of liquid red faces.

They were smiling.

They were laughing.

Arms, over 20 meters long, stretched out from the swirling red mass, trying to claw at the survivors.

Thousands of arms.

Millions of faces.

The red mass of faces illuminated the darkness of the sewers.

Viscous red liquid was falling from the parts of the floor that still held.

The people wouldn't forget this image for their entire lives...

However short they might be.