Chapter 265 265 – Shots

Name:Kill the Sun Author:

Chapter 265 Chapter 265 – Shots

?265 Chapter 265 – Shots

'Is it a Specter or a human?' Nick thought.

'Is it one of Envy's servants? If so, I have to escape immediately!'

Luckily, nothing had happened yet.

Another lucky thing was that Nick always walked around with all of his weapons.

By now, Nick's strength had become so powerful that he could throw his heavy spears like they were sticks.

Nick smoothly took out one of his spears and held it in his hands.

'No one has attacked me yet,' Nick thought as he covertly glanced around his backyard.

Slowly, Nick started to walk around one of the big piles of rusty metal.


The entire backyard was silent, except for the sound of Nick's steps.

When Nick walked to the other side of the heap of metal, his ability still hadn't deactivated.

'They're not looking at me from above. The walls are behind me. The floor is closed with no openings. That means that they are seeing me through the heap of metal.'

'Well, this is as good of a time as any,' Nick thought as he narrowed his eyes.

About two years ago, Nick had decided to wear a uniform with an added red coat that extended up to his knees.

Manufacturers were allowed to produce these kinds of uniforms due to popular demand.

The reason why many Manufacturers wore these kinds of uniforms was the ability to keep weapons and useful trinkets secret. Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

The uniform naturally also came with an advanced and very practical toolbelt.

Nick covertly moved his free hand to the back of his pants, his body slowly getting filled with adrenaline.


Nick heard the extremely subtle sound of leather boots slightly scraping against steel from the other side of the heap of metal.

Up until now, there hadn't been a single sound, and the chances of one of Nick's attackers slipping up were minuscule.

This meant that the other side was getting agitated.


One of the bullets was about to hit Nick's leg, but then, a small green forcefield appeared.

Naturally, with his wealth, Nick had bought a far better Barrier than his trashy old one.

This one was perpetually active, and it used a negligible amount of Zephyx to stay ready.

Additionally, the Barrier encompassed his body at a distance of about ten centimeters.

Like this, his Barrier wouldn't waste Zephyx blocking attacks that would have missed Nick.

It was far better than his old one.

Sadly, it was still worlds away from Wyntor's and Ardum's Barriers.

For example, the Barrier didn't cling to his skin perfectly, and it also couldn't reshape itself to redirect attacks or diminish the attacking force.

Naturally, it also didn't have any of the fancy features that Ardum's Barrier had.

When the bullet hit Nick's Barrier, Nick could see the light of his green Barrier taking on a slightly black tone.

'That's the Zephyx on the bullets. Probably some kind of debilitating or poisoning effect,' Nick thought.

'I feel some drain on my Zephyx, but it's manageable. That probably means they are a Late or Peak John.'

'That's someone I can kill.'

'But is the gunner the only attacker, or are there more?' Nick thought.

Finally, Nick landed over five meters to the side, away from the lump of rusty metal.

Yet, when he landed, Nick seemed to collapse into himself.

Nick's body turned into mist, and he rapidly slithered forward, close to the ground.

Right now, Nick was at the northern edge of his backyard, with his house being at the southern edge.

The shots had come from the direction of Nick's house, and Nick was slithering towards the northwestern corner of his backyard.

Step, step!

But then, Nick heard steps coming from in front of him, and by the sounds of things, they were moving towards the place where Nick had just been.

'They're not alone,' Nick thought with narrowed eyes.

This was troublesome.

There could be two, but there could also be 200.