Chapter 233 233 – Conviction

Name:Kill the Sun Author:

Chapter 233 Chapter 233 – Conviction

Nick looked with terror at Simon.

"That is, when you fail," Simon added.

Nick felt like his emotions were going crazy.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked nervously.

"Your perception of the world and powerful people is correct," Simon said.

"I would exchange a John for a city."

"I would be willing to kill you for the good of Crimson Fungus City."

"Your death would stop Envy from trying to get here."

"Right now, getting your power is probably one of Envy's highest priorities."

Simon sat back down.

"Envy's ability is the absorption of human abilities," Simon explained. nOvelbIn

Nick blinked a couple of times in confusion.

"The Zephyx Synchronizer below your neck can somewhat copy the ability of a Zephyx, and Envy can absorb the Zephyx Synchronizer of a human and obtain a blueprint of whichever Specter acted as the blueprint for the Extractor's ability."

"Envy has consumed hundreds of different abilities, giving him an incomparably vast arsenal of different powers."

"However, the powers that Envy absorbed can't grow past the base level of the original Specter from which the power came."

"Because of that, most of Envy's powers aren't even useful against Protectors on their own."

"He has to use tens of abilities at the same time to endanger a Protector."

"However, he also has five abilities from Fallen, which already make him extremely dangerous."

"If Envy were to get the power of an Eternal, his power would rival the power of an average Adversary without even being one, and even worse, he would be able to more easily become an Adversary."

"Essentially, Envy would transform from the servant of a very powerful Adversary to a new very powerful Adversary."

"That might actually be the very thing that breaks the balance of the war."

"If Envy manages to consume your power, all of humanity will get endangered."

The more Nick heard, the more he felt like he should die.

Just by existing, he was endangering all of humanity.

He definitely didn't represent what humanity needed.

"Because of that," Simon continued talking, "I am willing to trust you."

Nick just looked at Simon with uncertainty.

"If you were willing to sacrifice yourself for a city that has not shown its nicest side to you, I know that you will be willing to sacrifice yourself for humanity as a whole," Simon explained.

Simon stood up again and walked to Nick.

"Nick, I will put a considerable amount of Zephyx into your mind. If Envy ever catches you, he will make sure that you can't speak the Sentence. He's used to doing that."

"However, he won't stop you from thinking. He enjoys humanity's suffering too much to do that."

"And if you ever find yourself in Envy's grasp," Simon slowly said as he put his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"I know that you will have the conviction and strength to trigger the Zephyx."


"When you activate the Zephyx, your head and torso will explode into a storm of fire, killing you instantly and incinerating your Zephyx Synchronizer."

"Your death will be instantaneous, and Envy won't be able to absorb your power."

Nick looked in shock at Simon.

He could continue living?

He didn't need to die?

"You showed me your conviction and selflessness, and I will never betray those," Simon said with conviction.

"I will never forsake someone like you!"

"If humanity ever wants to escape the grasp of the Specters, we need people like you!"

Nick just looked at Simon.

He had never met anyone like this.

Almost everyone he had met in the Dregs was selfish, and the few people who weren't outright selfish were still morally grey and apathetic.

In the Outer City or Inner City, Nick had seen more nice people, but none of them were willing to lower their own standards of living to help the ones weaker than them.

Even more, the Manufacturers were squeezing every bit of money and health out of people in the Dregs.

The entire world was filled with selfishness and greed.

Nick had even thought that he might be the only one who wanted to help others.

And today, he had finally met someone like him.