Chapter 224 224 – Entering

Name:Kill the Sun Author:
Chapter 224 Chapter 224 – Entering

"You don't know?" Nick asked in surprise.

Wyntor just shook his head.

Nick just kept looking at Wyntor in shock.

After a while, Wyntor looked at Nick, and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "What's with that expression?" he asked.

"I'm just surprised," Nick said. "You always have an answer. Whenever I ask you something, you have an answer."

"It's just weird seeing you not have one for once."

Wyntor snorted. "I'm not all-knowing, Nick. I know more things than normal people due to my background and my familiarity with Kugelblitz, but I still don't know everything."

"I've never heard of anything that a Specter would value more than their own life."

"Getting captured by a Manufacturer is essentially dying to a Specter. I have no idea what a Specter would value above that."

At that point, Wyntor moved backward and scratched his chin.

"But I wouldn't rule that possibility out either," he added.

"So, how do you want to proceed?" Nick asked.

Wyntor remained silent for a while.

"I want to talk to dad first," Wyntor said.

Nick nodded.

"I will talk to him during the evening, and I will tell you what to do tomorrow," Wyntor said. "Just keep observing the Riker Strikers. Also, I want you to make sure that there is truly no opening for light to enter the room. I don't want to worry this much about something just to find out that you overlooked a hole in the wall."

"Of course," Nick said.

The two nodded, and Nick left Wyntor's office.

Nick went back to the Riker Strikers and made sure that he hadn't overlooked anything.

He even climbed all over the house to make sure that there were no openings for some kind of hidden light shaft.

After over an hour of searching through everything, Nick was certain that there was no way for any kind of light to enter the room.

Eventually, Nick went back to Dark Dream and worked normally for the remainder of the day.

The next day, Nick met Wyntor in his office again.

"So, what's up?" Nick asked, sitting down in one of the chairs in Wyntor's office.

Wyntor looked a bit annoyed.

"Dad kept deflecting," Wyntor said.

"Deflecting?" Nick asked. nove(lb-1n

Wyntor nodded.

"When I asked him if there is anything that a Specter would value over their entire existence, he looked at me with this expression that means he thinks I found something out that I shouldn't have," Wyntor said.

"He kept asking questions, but I refused to tell him any details. After all, this is about my company. If this is something that's worth a lot of money, I'm certainly not going to hand it to Kugelblitz."

"He kept assuring me that he isn't trying to steal my Specter and that he only wants me to stay safe, but I'm not buying that," Wyntor said.

"So? Is there something that a Specter values more than their life?" Nick asked.

"Dad didn't deny that there was," Wyntor said.

A moment later, Wyntor took something out and put it on the table.

It was some kind of red stick that was barely 30 centimeters long.

Nick created several more cuts in the floor to make sure that Riker's room had enough light for Nick.

And then, Nick turned into fog and floated into the room.

Now, Nick could finally see the room.

It was empty.

No desks, beds, chairs, or whatever.

It was completely empty.

Except for one thing.

In the middle of the room was some kind of... stone circle.

There were four big stones in the middle, which were surrounded by seven stones in a circle.

Outside the stone circle was another stone, but this one was quite bigger than the others.

It was almost perfectly round and nearly 20 centimeters high.

Nick did not like what he was seeing.

It felt insanely creepy.

Eventually, Nick turned back into his human form and landed in the room.

'Is this what Vernon talked about?' Nick thought.

Nick wasn't completely sure.

He thought this would be what Vernon meant.

'Vernon said that I would know without a doubt if I had to use the signal, and right now, I'm not sure.'

Nick looked around the room.

Eventually, Nick gritted his teeth.

He had to confirm it.

Nick took out the signal he had received from Wyntor.

And then, he moved his hand towards the stone circle.


The hairs on the back of Nick's neck stood up as he saw the big stone in the room changing shape.

A moment later, the shape of the stone had changed into the shape of a starving child sitting on the ground.

The statue of the child looked so real!

It was almost like Nick was looking at a real starving child!

And then...

The statue's eyes opened.

And Nick's ability deactivated!

The statue looked at Nick, its eyes completely black.

Nick felt like he had been flung into eternal darkness.

"You have the power of the Eternal."

The child's voice echoed throughout the room.

"I will take that power from you!"

"Your power is mine!"