156 Episode 154: In the European Treasure Road of the Brave iv

Though southern Italy is known for its warm climate, it is cold in the middle of winter, in February, when the sun sets.

Even so, there is humidity compared to the area blown by the North Kanto air and I can handle it without wearing it enough for me.

One of the attractions in Naples, right next to Egg Castle, we get off in front of a luxury hotel that seems historic because it faces the Gulf of Naples.

We have never had a chance to come to these super luxury hotels because we are small citizens. Your father apparently does, too.

No matter how you look at it, it is a hotel that is said to be three or five stars.

"Hey, I don't care what you think, we're in the wrong place, right?

"Clothes are so normal, too, aren't they? I wonder if it's really good."

Both your father and Takao seniors are lumpy. Of course I don't feel comfortable either.

'I'll show you. This way, please.'

The driver of the car that brought us in was standing at the entrance to the hotel, Mr. Boy (?) The person approached us and prompted us.

More than I've come, turn around. I can't even turn right, so I go after Mr. Boy, who leads the way with a lot of people, and then I go around the inlet spinning door.

By the way, this boy, he was slutty tall and handsome enough to seem like an actor or something. The refreshing smile and casual atmosphere are going to be hot when you take them to Japan. Italian Dada man, no insult.

There seemed to be no one who cared about our outfits when we were walking past the front desk to the elevator or gathering any particular gaze.

When you get off the elevator, that's a hotel restaurant.

So Mr. Boy gives the waiter a baton touch to guide him further.

"Please wait, Sita. Go ahead, sit down, Cy."

It was the woman who was able to retrieve the silver pocket watch from the person who stole it at the Blue Sky Market (Mercato) who greeted us in fluent Japanese with a strange intonation characteristic of foreigners.

Give us this far, or you'll be wondering, but this is the one who invited us here.

She snatched us away before the disturbance got bigger, and she mounted a half-strong promise that she wanted to thank you.

Although she naturally tried to solidify herself, she found it was her father who had the right to make the decision. Speaking in Japanese, she asked me to invite her to come and pick her up when the sun went down, listening to the hotel she was staying at from her father, who had lost momentum and returned an ambiguous reply.

And to that extent, he went somewhere while being protected by a bodyguard.

Although it was a one-sided and forceful promise, my father is also a Japanese person who is prone to being flushed to the scene. In the end, he said, "Well, it's not like I have any plans, and it's Koch who didn't say no clearly," so he waited very long to be picked up.

Standing up, she smiles gracefully as she meets, urging us to take a seat.

Her outfit, uh, maybe, she said an evening dress or something, a dress with a long hem to the chest with both shoulders out.

I have seen quite a few women in these dresses in different worlds at royal aristocracy dinners, parties, etc., but for the first time since returning to modern times.

Or, in Japan, I think I'll only get about a chance to see a wedding.

This neighborhood feels just like Europeans and Americans.

In contrast... we dress as casually as we can, very normally.

I can't even look around and feel out of place with all the people in dresses and suits. Is there a problem with the dress code or something?

As soon as I get to my seat, the waiter brings me an aperitif.

Everyone took that glass and she opened her mouth again.

"Let me introduce myself again, Mass. S at Louisa Osti. Thank you so much for today, Sita. You can get your precious watch back with a lizard, Sita. Thank you, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Death."

That's what I said and my father responds with a dodgy feeling to her with a nickel and a grin.

"Yes, no, Yuya did it, so I'm ashamed to be thanked for it."

"It was your father who told me to help you. But, well, I didn't make a big deal out of it."

"Yeah, well, I'm not really doing anything about it."

"" Sure!

"Hey, align your voices there?!

Mr. Louisa calls the waiter to carry the dish, laughing elegantly at us as usual.

Dampen your mouth with wine while eating course dishes that look fancy.

Yeah. Lots of food I've never seen, but it's delicious.

Because of the port town facing the Mediterranean, there are many dishes with seafood, but they are all excellent.

We beat our tongues while we were careful to look classy to ourselves.

While enjoying the food, I also play a little conversation.

According to the story, she runs a company in Milan, and she visits the UK, the USA, and Japan from time to time, so she can speak not only Italian, but also English and French, as well as Japanese, if it's about the level of everyday conversation.

Hmm, this time he also said that he had been staying in Naples for a few days because of his work.

When visiting a business partner's company on the day the clock was stolen, did they suffer damage while parking a rental car in the parking space?

Though he was not harmed because he wore other valuables, he was alarmed that the clock was in another bag and because it was a short time, he was stunningly vandalized on the car?

"So, but if it was enough to thank you for such a fine dish, you could have bought it off a lot, even if it meant avoiding disturbances?

Senior Zhaoxiong asks about the extra because the alcohol went in and relaxed.

"I don't feel good, but if it was a small amount, it would have been good, but the price was 10,000 euros. I don't carry that kind of cash with me to Sasga, and I can't use my cards in Mercato, and I don't want to. Kara, there was nothing I could do."

10,000 euros, about 1.2 million yen?

Surely there's no way I can carry that kind of cash with me. Even when I had cash available, it felt like I was going to look under my feet and raise the price even more.

What, did you seriously think you could sell it for that price?

"But the clock came back safely with your lizards, and we met nice. I appreciate it now."

That's what Mr. Louisa sees his father in a flush.

It's a pretty colorful trick for the difference in experience. You won't be able to get this color out if the Syes do the same thing. But, well, it doesn't matter because it's out of my defensive range.

... Really?

"Oh, whoa, no, what, well, it was a disaster, but if you'd told me so, Yuya would have been worth the pounding in her mouth, too. Isn't that right, Yuya?

There's one Osama who's upset.

"... Father, I'm going to tick your wife"

Just like your father, your father's wife takes care of you. Even if you float on a trip and make mistakes, you'll look good.

"Bullshit, dude, if you say anything extra to the snow painting, I'm gonna bust you! Beh, I'm not trying to cheat on you, okay?"

"You're upset. This is quite interesting…"

"Zhaoxiong, Temehe, if you say anything more than that, when you just got into college, the bad little girl in the neighborhood's elementary school was about to take your pants off and you're gonna cry. I'm gonna bury you."

"Hey! Dad, you said it already! I told you to keep that a secret! Aren't you the only one who can handle me?!

"Ugh! Hiroya, who doesn't care, has been weak since high school! Sacrifice him instead!

"Too outrageous!

Let the gangsters go.

"Please don't tease me too much. It's a pain in the ass."

Instead, I'll complain a little to Mr. Louisa.

"Woof, I'm sorry. But it's not even a joke, is it Death? I grew up in Milan, and my father was a leather man. Neither did my previous husband. That's why I love my craftsman's hands and heart. That's why I like Mr. Jinnai very much. You look stubborn and you look exactly like my father."

Even though he is in the conversation, his name is the first. Yotaro Inouchi, that's your father's real name. It's just, well, maybe they'll just call me 'Dad' up ahead.

Anyway, I find it surprisingly difficult to confuse my pure and romantic father too much.

That's how you indulge in the kind of gastronomy rarely eaten in a luxury hotel restaurant, and move to a bar where the story gets excited thanks to a good listener, Louisa.



"Father! Hey, hang in there."

Senior Zhaoxiong shook his father's shoulder but never returned a decent response.

No, you can't.

My father drank too much, stirred up by Mr. Louisa, who drank alcohol and got even more colourful. Completely drunk and glocky.

Until I broke up with her in front of the bar, I was nervous or decent enough, but because of the floating feeling of the elevator or because I walked, when I reached the hotel entrance, I was job-changed to a fine drunk.

"Eh, what shall I do? You want a cab?"


My distracted father dressed up and said he would arrange a ride as well as when he came and said no.

Of course it is a luxury hotel. If you ask the front desk, they'll call you a cab or so.

But maybe if I let you stay in the car, Dad, you'd throw up?

I can't magically break down alcohol, but it doesn't mean I'll wake up drunk soon.

Besides, I have an image of a taxi in Naples.

"Well, it's about three kilometers to the hotel, do you want to walk"

"I wonder if you're okay. Security, it's not very good, is it?

"It's not that late in the day, and I'm asking for a relatively safe route, so maybe you'll be okay. You can take a taxi back first."

"No, you can't! If I take a cab on my own, they'll definitely rip me off!

I don't know if I can say it with confidence.

"Do you want to go anyway? Please walk on the building side, not on the driveway side."

I give him a word of caution, and then I walk out with my dad on my back so he doesn't shake me.

Seniors who walk beside me normally, mindful of kirokyo and front, back, left and right hiccups. That's suspicious.

When I checked the tourist route map of the city in advance, I naturally checked the Egg Castle route from the hotel we are staying at. So I know the path, and I know the path that is considered relatively safe.

Besides, the city is still overflowing with artificial light, and there are many cars and people's streets. I think it would be fine if I just paid attention to pulling things off.

"But come on, unlike I imagined, I don't see a motorcycle."

You were anxious to be silent, Senior Zhaoxiong, who desperately twisted the subject.

Nevertheless, I had that feeling, too.

"Sure, there are a lot of small bikes running, but you don't see big bikes."

When it comes to Italy, there are many manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles that have produced numerous famous cars.

Automotive is famous for Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Rancha and Lamborghini, which became familiar with the supercar erasers that raccoons used to collect when they were in elementary school, and high-end bikes such as Motogucci, Apulia and MV Agusta are on sight, including Ducati, where Senior Takao is riding if you are a motorcycle.

Nonetheless, even in Rome, which I saw just a little while ago, these cars and motorcycles have never been hung by your eyes in this Naples.

Instead I saw quite a few small bikes like Vespa and Piaggio. And also HONDA and YAMAHA scooters.

"I knew it would be stolen or something? The vandalism in the parked car is amazing."

Car rental is also very expensive in the south.

Initially, we were going to rent a bike for the trip, but the agency told us that there was a high risk of theft in Italy because of poor driving and traffic.

Because of this, foreign license (the official name in Japan for the so-called international license. In fact, an international license is a license for a licensed person to drive in Japan), but the driver is kept in the UK.

Nevertheless, I thought foreigners were the only ones in such circumstances, apparently not. I just thought I could see HONDA and SUZUKI motorcycles running in Japan in the same way.

"There's a lot of cars, too, like Fiat. Unexpectedly, Japanese cars are running. I imagine a luxury car when it comes to Italian automobiles, but so far I've seen it...... oh, there it is. Kashiwagi-san, isn't that Maserati parked over there?

Uh, is it an automotive brand that even has the lowest rank of about 10 million yen?

You do stop in front of Ristorante facing the street. Features a mythical Neptune trident emblem.

Metallic grey sedan type. There are two bodyguard-like people standing right on the side of the car, whether it's a rich lift or a driver in it.

"It's like a tall handsome bodyguard in a luxury car or a scene in a movie. Oh, but it's a classic movie about explosions and raids after this scene."

Oh, I flagged it.


Shortly after a group of men and women showed up from Ristorante, a small bike ran past us and stopped.

With two passengers, the person on board is wearing a full-face helmet. And what's in the hands of the guy on the rear...... machine gun?!


In a hurry for a sudden assassination scene encounter.

It's definitely a situation where you're in extra trouble from the pattern you've been in, but I still can't help pretending not to look at it.

About 20 meters from us to the small bike.

Run that distance at all costs (...).

When you line up beside the bike at once, you first kick the machine gun directly up in the hand of the man behind you.

In case the muzzle kicked up to face upwards, there was no finger hanging on the trigger or it would not erupt.


Then kick the body of a small bike and bounce it off. Then only the motorcycle blows up like a reach drop, and the two people on board fall on the spot according to the laws of inertia.

A special junior crash that hastened to get up and became the norm no longer.

He collapsed on the spot without even being able to give him a groan.

Take the machine gun, which has fallen in good time, with your toes so as not to shock it, then drop it to the ground and step on the barrel of the gun.

I am relieved that the machine gun broke into a gnarly sound.

"All right! It's over! Well, that's what I'm talking about."

I'm done with what needs to be done, so just go around to Senior Zhaoxiong's place. Right.

I just took a step and my voice hung up.

'Wait! Let's not get you moving from there!

... I knew it wouldn't work?

I don't know, I don't feel like getting involved, so I was wondering if you could leave me alone. That wouldn't work......

Damn, this has definitely happened because Senior Zhaoxiong said something weird and flagged it. It is so decided.

I have no choice but to sigh and turn around slowly.

Super luxury car Maserati ahead of you when you turn around. I don't know about the grade, but yeah, it looks like a very expensive car up close.

Mm, just the men and women who came out of Ristorante earlier on the other side of the car, the men of. The woman seems to be in the car.

Then a long handsome man seen as a bodyguard in a position that shelters men. There's another handsome bodyguard who's been traveling around from the side of the car....... Naples has too high a good-looking ratio.

Both of the handsome men have their pistols pointing this way.

Well, what shall we do?

Even though I repelled the men and women who attacked him, who were probably the target, I can understand being alert to the guy who suddenly broke in.

But as far as I'm concerned, I can't be glad they pointed a gun at me.

Nevertheless, I don't care what happens to Azhu, who tried to raid with a machine gun that could involve an unrelated person, but I can't beat anyone else that way even though I don't know what's going on.

I don't even want to involve your father or Mr. Zhaoxiong.

"Put the gun down. Let me start by thanking you. You must have helped us, right? Appreciate it '

With a heavy and deep stunning baritone voice, it was a man protected by a bodyguard who had been so vocal.

If you look at it again, your age is probably in your late forties. He's not that tall for a foreigner, but he's muscular and disappointing enough to tell from above the suit he's wearing. The outfit looks fancy too.

My face builds up a bearded beard that is beautifully groomed...... I am handsome. Somehow it feels like actor Gary Oldman.

I haven't really wanted to see my face in the mirror since I came to Italy, but wouldn't this kind of thing certify me as an occupational accident?

Words are thrown at me even more by men when I think it's hard to do that in a way that escapes reality.

'It's just true that I appreciate it, but I want to hear it first. Who are you?' Cause you can't care less if you're close enough to see it as instantaneous travel, and you knock two guys out in an instant with just your legs. '

'... a passing traveler, no, you're not a traveler because you're here at work, well, you're a foreigner who just happens to be on the street. Why, I don't know who you are, and I don't know who you attacked. Don't worry, I'm not even going to get involved.'

I'll be honest with you because it's nothing to mislead. I don't know if I believe it or not.

'Very incredible, but, well, let's put that aside. But I'm still the boss of the camouflage that divides the neighborhood. I have to return the favor I received. Because it's Camorra's code to pay back your grudges and gratitude. "

It's so hard!

'No, because we're going to have Naples tomorrow, and seriously, we don't need it. And... "

In the middle of my words, which I admire with all my strength, my father, who had no presence on his back, wandered. You woke up?

"Ugh, wow."

My father, who was semi-awakened, metamorphosed by Marrion because of the intense movement he kept on his back.

Stay on my back.


My screams stick to Naples at night.