143 Episode 141: College Festival of the Brave

Episode 141: College Festival of the Brave

Ju... patapata.




"Burned. Next"

"Yes, brother!

Kachakacha (the sound of arranging skewers on a baking table)



I keep burning skewers silently.

"Oh, hey, something Kashiwaki, you're in such a bad mood, huh?

"Yeah, well, since I came to the office."

"That cold gaze sounds exciting!

"" Urse, pervert!

Yamazaki, Aigawa and Totsuka are talking about something in the back, but ignore the cancer.

"... Dabamboo, how many should I bake?

"Huh?! Oh, hey, come on, considering yesterday's sale, I want 200, yes"

"Nomura, what's going on with the planting?

"Yes! The rest of yesterday was 1200 skewers, so the addition of 2000 skewers is complete. We are still purchasing until the girls run out of the rest of the ingredients in the department room! Sir!!"

Nomura answers aloud with Dabamboo and upright immobility, who for some reason is a classmate but becomes a salute on the way.

"Hey Kudo Shin, what happened? When I came back yesterday, it seemed like something was depressing, but you weren't so grumpy."

"Uh, my sister stayed at Brother Yu's yesterday..."

"Stay?! Damn it! How envious, no, jealous!

"I wish I were dead"

"You're ugly today."

"Yes, no, leave that alone, I was in a better mood in the morning, but when I got to college, another student rumored about Brother Hiro."

"... hey, mistress, are you the one with the kids?

"(Cochlear) It's like, you know, taking a woman or flirting with her, making kids all over the place, it's like it's spreading awfully."

"" "Ahhh, I see" "

Fuck you! Fuck you!

Unexpectedly, the magic leaks.

"Wow! No, no! There's gonna be dead people like this."

"Somebody call Kudo and Leiria!

"... Omae et al., work without talking"

"" "" Sir, YESSER!!

A familiar voice echoed from behind the circle members who all respond strangely with care.

"Lord, keep it around."

"Ugh! Hiroya, you don't hit eight!

Leiria and Sy approach each other as they say they are frightened and are forced to mist their magic.

I calm Yamazaki and the others, who turn their gaze to the two of us to see the Savior, taking a bit of a moyah but deep breath.

Well, I'm aware that it does hit eight, so there's no excuse.

The reason for the displeasure is as the faithful told Yamazaki and the others earlier.

Having taken a lot of mental damage from yesterday's twin disturbances, I managed nevertheless to work hard on the rest of the trouble-handling role and circle stalls to successfully finish the first day of the Festival.

Moreover, due to the influence of "Cosplay", which is the plan of Yamazaki and Kubo, we were able to close to 4,000 skewers in a single day.

Sales are constantly over 1.1 million yen, with gross margins close to 400,000 yen, even including the cost of ingredients in the inventory. In addition, considering that, today's sales are all profitable.

It is a situation in which a significant black deficit has already been finalised even considering that, although it is not included with regard to the cost of cosplay costumes, it seems that the story has already been told by paying Saito for the materials of the costumes and a little gratuity.

As far as I'm concerned, I have a lot of grievances and things to say, but as a circle, it's a great success.

Therefore, everyone is still in cosplay today, and I am also continuing the 'Chronos' cosplay without leaking into the example and very unwillingly.

The mental damage inflicted by the twins and seniors Okazaki, as promised, came to heal last night by Cee and Leiria.

Girl motherhood is great. Puff puff, it was great.

After spending the night nurturing my acumen again, I came to college with Sy, Leiria and the faithful, but what I encountered there was the appearance of students who were interested in rumors.

Says, "Kashiwagi, known for his real harem bastards, was actually a livestock that took or snagged a woman", "There's already a double digit hidden child, and the upbringing is throwing a round at a woman", "He's looking to plan Mr. Light Source to tutor a young girl to his own taste", "He uses yakuza to grip the girl's weaknesses and hangs them in one poisonous fang after another" and so on...

I accidentally tried to erase a student who was rumored to be fully capable of bravery, but Leiria stopped me.

There were believers, so I couldn't move on any further, and my mood went down to the bottom while I was walking my finger stabbed and rumored to be a piece of shit.

It would be a matter of humanity to want forgiveness for about eight hits.

"It's just a misunderstanding, so rumors will soon disappear. So calm down."

Seems to have established my 'right-wife' position these days. Sheesh brews. Piercing locks are attached to the board, and I am completely laid on my ass and in a mood.

"That's right. And no matter what others say, I'm sure they're with our Lord, so don't worry about it. If that's what you really want, it's the same as last night, no, plus Tia and Mersuria. Let's comfort as much as the four of us. Ukane."

"Ah, uh... That's good, if Hiroya will give me a break. It was awesome last night."

A man is simple.

If beautiful girls tell you so much, no matter how grumpy you are, it's something that will cheer you up. No, not just part of it.

"Dabamboo, relax!

"Get off him! Give him the blade of justice!

"I know how you feel, but you can't! Don't let Nomura knife you in silence!

"Heh, heh, I feel like today at midnight I can contact the Hell O Girl at" Hell O Shin ""

"... Tonight's five nails are starving for blood"

"Oh, I don't care if she's here."

There's some noise around here.

"What are you doing? With that in mind, it's time to start entering. Come on! Stick around and make money today, no, encourage circle activity!

Kubo, the real deal is leaking.

It is the beginning of the second day of the Festival of Sciences with the same guddying members.

Today I am starting from the grill manager at the stall.

Originally, it was only my role to deal with any problems in this courtyard area where the mock stores in each circle were gathered.

Plus, even though they're running out of hands, a few other operational personnel are touring the area, so if we get there after trouble, we should make it.

It's too sad to join the circle even though it's a scholarly festival in the corner. That's why I decided to stand in the stall today as best I could.

Currently, there are ten people in the stall who have added me to Sy and Leiria, Kubo, Michinaga, Otake, Nomura, Tanyo, Seto, and Youngbayashi.

Kubo is taking the initiative to offer us a discount on the rotation because he is supposed to take a break in the first half but is concerned about sales.

At the corner, I made it the same rotation so I could go around the festival with the faithful, but it went to waste. I thought so, he's promised to tour the festival with me in a little while.

Mr. Sakaguchi plans to come in for help in the afternoon.

It was supposed to be the morning of both days on the original schedule, but yesterday's preliminary vote for Miss & Mr. Campus (qualifying) seemed to have decided that Tia would also move on to the main game, even though she was not at the Sy and Laylia, and that's why she rescheduled it for the two of us who would skip the afternoon.

This contest, therefore, has not been refused.

Even so, there are people who don't want to go out in public, so in that case, the disclosures of the main battle contestants & the main battle won't be forced to participate. However, since the vote itself will be cast, it is theoretically possible to be chosen as a miss campus without having to participate.

Well, it's not actually any different from a de facto resignation because it's natural to choose someone who reveals himself over someone who doesn't come out as a human psychology.

Sy was also shy to say that she would not go to the main battle, but reluctantly decided to participate in Leiria's phrase, "It will be a restraint against my daughter trying to get close to the Lord's Hall". Apparently.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm afraid some strange men will try to get close.

Well, that's good.

It is now a stall.

I flip the skewers arranged on the grill table and move the grilled items to the grill table for Don't Book Grill.

Is yesterday's reputation affecting me or is it selling and going with little accumulation even if baked?

However, there is not as much confusion as there was yesterday, there is not so much waiting for customers and we are not queuing. Besides, it is calm because it is also baked in front of the room yesterday.

Still, there is a bit of traffic in front of the stall because of the men who are watching Leiria and Sy's cosplay in the book burn.

"Whoa, bro, you're doing it"

Called in a sinister dami voice and looking over at you, there is an unnatural space in front of the stall.

"Grandpa? There you are. I mean, Mitsuoka's not over here. Senior Keung is retired."

You know, the folks at Shinghua Manoka's house, the girlfriend of Senior Zhaoxiong. It is the face of the Manoka group.

He's Manoka-san's grandfather and meets with him (team leader?) Grandpa Xuangwu also has Mr. Chang, Mr. Xiu, and Mr. An on the lower end.

Because of the appearance of THE YAKUZA to see, the men who were swarming in the baking table of the book have also fled far away.

"I know Kiyoka and Kid because I just met her. I thought I'd just take a look at your face."

"Brother Kashiwagi, I'm sorry to interrupt your business. My head just said hello."

"It doesn't matter if you buy it for me. I'll make it 400 yen a bottle specially for the price I know."

"Isn't that an increment? Come on, it's okay. That's a pretty good story the kid says. Bake me all 50."

"Half salt and sauce, please."

"Oh, I want that big chili guy over there"

The price increase is a joke, but it is a large order.

Let's also be sure to accommodate Xiu and An's orders.

Half salt sauce...... try halving it up and down, no, let's stop it. Kubo is going to piss me off more than my grandfathers.

"Even so, I've never been to a college festival, but you're dressed very strangely. My daughter is adorable."

I raise an unpleasant topic as my grandfather looks at me.

"It's the idea of a bad rider circle member. Well, they're actually visiting."

"Isn't that good? Only young people can be stupid. Old age will be a good memory, too."

I think it's only going to be black history.

The order is burned up within such a conversation and handed to Chang.

When he finally handed the grandfathers one at a time with an omelet, he left with teeth that looked so healthy that he didn't think they were jizzy.

Something looks strangely good, like a leader in a time play. Japanese-style clothing, and I wonder if you would call that "pure”.

Oh, I have to pay for four bottles.

"Thank you ~!"

Customers have been coming to the stall since then without much interruption.

As long as some of them are happy "because it was delicious when I bought it yesterday".

But it seems that the more things go well, the more problems there will be. I also call it a good thing.

"Senior Kashiwagi, please help me!

Suddenly, a sophomore from Cultural Circles, who is running a mock shop a little further away, jumped in.

"What's up?

"That's a terrible customer. Looks like another college student."

Apparently, a pair of four young men are repeatedly annoying each other while filming videos on their smartphones.

Ha, here's your job, too.

What choice do I have?

"Yoshi! We're out of Kronos!!
