20 Episode 18: Side Story Men's Determination Part II

Side a geek determination

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'm glad you're okay. No, I was with Kashiwagi, so maybe not? Yeah, yeah? Okay, I'll see you later."

Putsch, two, two.

When I finished calling Yayumi and took a sigh of relief, I stared at her to eat the TV screen again.

Television has repeatedly conveyed patterns of incidents that occurred during the day, and attacks on urban museums. Among other things, he reported extensively on the mysterious figures who had defeated all the terrorists and solved the case, turning in footage.

"This costume is definitely mine, right?

I don't ask anyone, I speak without thinking. [M]

I mean, I'm the only one in this room right now.

The screen shows footage of a person wearing a temporary O Rider W O Zard costume kicking a terrorist and freezing his hands on the floor.

That's just terrestrial digital broadcasting with 1440x1080 resolution, which is clearly shown in detail. Of course, my TV was full-high vision compatible and showed no room for extra resolution.

When you look at it, the costume this person is wearing is definitely my thing.

If you've ever made things handmade, you know, but even if you make the same thing the same way on a model, you can see the maker's habits from slight differences.

So first of all, you can't mistake me for what I've made.

Well, Kashiwaki, I can't go wrong with the only thing that touched my hand until a few hours ago because of your resizing.

I see the costumes on the desk that are on the workbench.

This is my confidence piece made from scratch according to Kashiwagi's shape.

Wearing the costume used in the shooting on him, who is taller and firmer than the actor in the original show, makes him subtly different in scale and uncomfortable.

So including the size of the mask, I made a more authentic cos, adjusted exclusively to Kashiwagi-kun in detail, the closest satisfying piece I've ever made.

Plus, I look closely at him in this costume and his movements in the morning.

Then judging by it, it's definitely Kashiwagi in my costume.

"Kashiwagi-kun, can you do that?

Yes, assuming that Kos is my creation, Kashiwagi is the only one wearing it, but the repeated footage shows a movement that my friends know is very unlikely to be able to make and a phenomenon that I just can't imagine how I did it.

More than that, can you do that to humans, not just Kashiwaki in the first place?

Of course, as the TV caster said, I'm not using CG or anything.

It's not in the footage, but everything else, like flying in the sky, putting up a barrier to bounce off a bullet, crushing a gun with my hand, was also introduced as a witness testimony.

Think normally, such is only an event in the world of creation, such as special photography or animation, and it can't be in the real world. Should be.

Speaking of Kashiwagi, the atmosphere has changed a lot lately.

I've always been popular with women for their long and popular looks, but I've heard rumors about other undergraduate girls in college these days.

I wonder what it is, there was also a feeling that the presence and what I said was awesome when I got cosplay this time.

I felt as though I was letting Hollywood stars cosplay it too.

Kashiwaki and I first met in high school when we were in the same class.

I've been a bit of a jerk since I was in middle school because I'm not good at talking to people with my Galici glasses.

There was no direct violence or anything, but I was fooled or ignored all the time, and it was scattered, especially since they found out at school that I liked specials and cartoons.

Fortunately, I wasn't bad at studying, and I was able to go to a different high school than my classmates who had always abused me by passing a deviant school there in the prefecture.

Still, it doesn't change my appearance or personality, so I wasn't expecting to be able to have friends in high school or anything, and I was thinking of poking more hobbies and going and making friends with the same hobbies. That's why I was trying not to get too involved with people in my class. I just didn't want to be jerked off again.

I think I was isolated because it was dark. [M] Kashiwagi and I didn't talk much either. Of course, we talked a little bit because he was in the same class, but he himself didn't seem particularly negative about me. He was always treating me like I was talking to a normal friend.

The hangup I became friends with was Kashiwagi. When you were talking to your other classmates about the monster in the Circle Valley movie about whether or not there was a beard on 'Dada' 's face, I accidentally started talking. I thought, "Shit," right after my mouth, and I saw Kashiwaki's face, and before my other classmates said anything, Kashiwaki said, "Really? Well, then, how are Galamon and Pygmon different? He asked me questions, and he honestly impressed me when I answered them. My classmate seemed a little frightened, but Kashiwaki didn't seem to care.

Then, Kashiwaki, who also had many friends in his class, talked to me more often, and to others more often. I couldn't really talk to the girls, but the boys used to talk about comics, cartoons and games and play games with me.

As a result, my rating among everyone changed jobs from "Root Dark Geek I Don't Know What I'm Thinking" to "Various Knowledgeable Sub-Cal Lovers".

Besides, I was talking about, 'It'd be fun if there was a game like this,' and I said, "No, Saito, you're smart, so you can make it yourself, right?" Or Kashiwagi-san said that my classmate had a father planning and developing a game production company, and then the game was made with my idea in a tongue of clapping to the point that it hit me pretty good.

I don't think I would ever exaggerate to say that I owe it to Kashiwaki to have me now.

If it hadn't been for him, my high school would have been a very miserable thing, and it's behind him that I'd be earning money as a game creator in the first place.

So I always think I have to repay Kashiwagi when I get the chance. [M]

I also started out asking for a comic book cosplay because I was originally looking for a good part-time job in high school, Kashiwaki, and I was thinking about using a cosplayer for Booth's appeal, so I was just fine.

Actually, it's hardly payback, and it's helping me attract customers. We're getting more.

Uh, I'm totally out of my mind.

What I dare to think now is that this person in the costume of Temporary O Rider W O Zard, who solved today's case, this is definitely Kashiwagi-kun first. So.

Why are you dressed like this, perhaps, to hide who you are.

Yayumi and Kudo were being held hostage, and he had the power to help. But I couldn't let anyone else see that.

I'm sure that's what you're saying.

I'm sure the public will make a fuss just about what could be on TV, and I don't think we'll be able to at least have a normal life about why we have that kind of power, or someday.

... Oh, my God.

Save people by hiding who they are with power beyond the ordinary.

You really are a special hero!

I never thought such a presence would appear in real life.

In me, "Hero" has a condition.

We must not paint on greed, we must not fight cowardly battles, and we must hide who we are.

Of course, you can have all kinds of characters on the show, and dark heroes are OK, but at least I want those three ready.

There are times when it's most cowardly to fight one villain for five, like a squad object, but that's because if you don't take hostages or deceive them, you're safe.

That's why I'm a little dissatisfied with heroic things that don't hide who they are yesterday.

Of course, we can't do creation and reality together, and we don't think we can.

But I think his powers are comparable to those of creative heroes.

If so, what I should do as a friend of his (...) is to back it up with the utmost respect for his will.

Even old feature hero objects were always available to help you find out who your hero was.

Now I wish I could be. [M]

And if you support him so that he can play an active role while hiding who he is, he should be able to leave it to me, my best friend (...), to be safe and detailed.

In that case, my pride won't allow me to finish with such a confusing costume.

I have to get him the costume he deserves.

It would be good to have a modern smart feel rather than an upright armor style. Nothing. You don't have to be flashy like TV specials, but at a glance you have to know you're a hero. Since the material is the limit to the amount of aramid fiber fabric and titanium alloy available to the public in Japan, what should we do about processing it?

The design must also be considered from scratch.

We don't have enough time because we have a pile of things to think about and we need to get ready for the commune from now on.

Still, we have to make the best things in Teota's name!

Wait for me, Kashiwagi-san!

Be sure to create the costume that I deserve for you, your big best friend (...)!!

I was beginning to think of design proposals with determination. [M]

SIDE Determination of a Terrorist

Oh, there you are.

There's one more today.

Heh! Are you a public safety guy?

When it comes to public safety, it's like the secret police, right?

It's worse than a mafia when it comes to secret police in Atashi country, but you seem so sweet.

Maybe a bit of a preference.

You don't have to look like that.

So, what do you want to hear today?

Huh? Atashi's in the organization. Cut?

What are you gonna do when you ask me that?

... Well, fine.

I don't know what to tell you.

I'll introduce myself again.

Atashi's name is Leda Magdawell.

I'm 24 years old.

When Atashi was born and raised, it was a small settlement in country I. It was close to the desert, so I was poor. I only managed to get enough wheat to harvest to starve, and I had a hard time growing livestock. Neither Atashi nor his parents were indispensable in prayer, but you weren't so devout. Everyone lived to the best of their ability.

Every few months a government official would come, but at that time they would hide the food so that we wouldn't all find it. The women would never leave locked in the house except for the old people.

Why is that?

If they find food, they'll take the root "it's taxes," and if there's a young woman, they'll take her, even if she's a man's wife.

No matter how hungry this one is, it's none of my business.

The women who were taken once will never come back.

There's nowhere else to live for a woman who's been played by officials most of the time back.

That's why we hide the food separately and everywhere in the state of the species. So that you can make excuses for seeding even if you find them.

And the women hide their knives in their clothes. If they take you, you go. Make sure you die right ahead. Huh? 'Cause if you die before they take you, somebody else will take you this time.

Protest the country?

No use. If you want to do that, go to jail with no questions asked.

There was nothing the country could have done for us.

When Atashi was 11 years old, the organization occupied the area, including the settlement.

Atashi's life has changed.

The organization gave a lot of food and weapons to Atassi and the others.

And Atashi was soon trained as a soldier. I wasn't forced to, but I had no other choice.

'Cause you do, don't you?

Food and family safety are guaranteed if you join the organization. If you don't join us, you're dead. For a country, we only see all humans as enemies in an occupied area once.

I trained you well, too.

I studied hard not only combat techniques and weapons, but also language and calculations.

Fortunately, Atashi only had a good memory so much that she never forgot what she had seen or heard once, so she was immediately recognized and adored.

Thanks to you, I learned English, French and Russian quickly.

I've also been taught a lot that it's an organizational philosophy and doctrine, but that didn't matter to Atashi.

'Cause you haven't even read the classics before, have you?

You can't have faith even though you can't do one thing about your own will.

People around us are more or less alike.

What makes me laugh is that people (aunts) who don't know any hardship from developed countries by such an organization of athletes say, "I'm impressed with your philosophy. I want to fight with you."

Organizations have money and technology, too. High-value people take care of it, but most people are just fighters. No, most people are useless in battle, so treat them like slaves.

Of course I don't think you're one of them. 'Cause there's no need for any organization to just entrust people to kill people because their self-esteem won't be met.

Atashi was flying over there in charge of gathering information and negotiating with agents from other countries on the orders of the organization.

I came to Japan three years ago.

I came here to gather information in anticipation of Atashi's language skills, but I had a hard time at first. Japanese is hard.

They ordered this raid three months ago.

Then I started sourcing weapons, but I couldn't get enough of them. About a pistol would have had quite a few of them, but other than that, it was difficult to smuggle themselves, and sometimes they picked them along the way, so I ended up having to have fewer people.

If it's true, Atashi wasn't planning on taking part in the raid, but I couldn't get some people into the country.

I also thought about reviewing the plan, but I enforced it on the orders of the organization.

It went well along the way.

I detonated a bomb outside the building, turned my consciousness towards you, and went into it all at once.

The Japanese are really relaxed. I'm flabbergasted that you didn't know what was going on when you came in with your little guns fired.

Thanks to this, I was able to hold the ambassador and senior officials of this country hostage without much difficulty.

But I was worried that Atashi was doing too well.

I have a bad feeling about it.

Still, I guess I was also caught off guard.

I was watching the stairs, and I was shocked right after something suddenly jumped in, and then, as you know.

Now you're a prisoner.

But I'm grateful to you, aren't I?

He treated me for my injuries, and he hasn't been tortured. It's more comfortable than my normal life.

Besides... I feel like Atashi has come across her true self.

It's true you have something to lose and gain for the first time.

This country is really beautiful.

Hey, I need to talk to you.

I'll provide you with all the information you know about the organization and the countries, organizations, and individuals you support.

So if you can get out of jail, why don't you give this country asylum?

Of course I won't tell you to provide all your clothing and accommodation.

There's a place in Shinjuku in Tokyo where people like Atashi can work, right?

I want to work there.

Of course you're not going to spare Atashi as much cooperation as you can, are you?

Yeah, that's not a quick answer, is it?

But I'd like you to think about it.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Well, come back if you need anything.

Later on, the trial took place and accused Leda Magdawell was sentenced to five years in prison and imprisoned immediately.

However, he is released on parole at six months. The reasons for the unusual early release have not been revealed.

There were also reports that a large number of inmates in prison refused to be in the same cell as Magdawell inmates, but it is unclear whether it is relevant.

After his release, a former Magdawell inmate moved to a government-prepared residence and allegedly worked as an unofficial external collaborator with the National Public Security Commission beside working under the name 'Linda' at the gay bar 'Blue Heart' in Shinjuku, where he had long hoped.