232 Story 215

His voice, unknown or unknown, was heard by young and young, mature and mature, and old. It was a strange voice.

"Can you recognize that you've been manipulated all the time?" Bowel "Um. I was ruled by [Yatsu] and had been sealed for a long time so far. I will boil back and forth. "

"Gurururu ..." groans from the back of the dragon's throat. Apparently it seems quite angry. I do not know the feeling. However, the hatred that came out when he was rampaging might have been because he had been manipulating, but his man and his emotions were leaking.

As you might guess from the story of the dragon, my quick blow seemed to trigger the dragon back to sanity.

It's no wonder I don't fix old TV.

"To be precise, it's the power of a strong spirit. It shook my soul and got me out of the spell that controlled me."

Apparently I happened to beat the best way to save the dragon.

"But such a powerful blow is the first time I realize my existence. I was about to lose my consciousness." "I'm sorry."

I just broke with my usual momentum. I'm really sorry about that.

"Well, that's how I got away from the puppet and I woke up like this."

I apologized while scratching my head, and the dragon smiled bitterly.

But why have the spirits begged to help the dragon?

Until now, I had spoken in response to my intentions, but there was almost no call from that side.

No way to help the demon beast?

"What happened?" Ryu "Yeah, I've seen it so far, the impression is quite different and it's a bit strange."

I've seen dragon monsters several times, including flying dragons like Vallier. But the dragons in front of me are all different.

It's not that simple, being intelligent or speaking.

It can't be helped to seem more fundamentally different from the Demon Beast framework.

"I'm really a child of 'Kanna'. Do you read as you are with 'intuition'? Only then would Sylvait recognize you?" "── !?" "You release Sylvait Thank you very much for that. "

Why doesn't this dragon know, even though he doesn't tell Real about the existence of Sylvait?

"I feel her strong from you. I'm glad that the wind spirits are on your side. And, oh, apparently, you're giving" Science "from outside Sylvait."

I'm finally getting lost.

What is the existence of this "dragon"?

I finally came here to realize that Sylvait's name wasn't correct, and that it was abnormal before the spirit could be recognized.

Fantasy Even though some people have known the existence of the "spirit" as knowledge since they came to the world, they have never met anyone who actually recognizes it.

And he called me "Kannako".

The word came out of the mouth of Seraphide and Sylvait. A name that has the same sound as my name, but has a firm meaning.

"Well, don't you notice yet?" "What?"

The dragon barked high, spreading its wings wide.

──The back trembles.

Not because he felt fear in the direction of the dragon. Rather, on the contrary, a feeling of excitement erupted throughout the body.

In response to his screaming, the Wind Spirit surrounding me became more and more sign. Feelings close to the delight of the spirits overflow.

── And the strongest sign of the spirit was felt from the front.

An overwhelming storm gives off a solid presence, giving you the feeling that you are “looking ahead”.

"No way!"

I was making a big mistake.

I knew the answer from the beginning. However, I was too obsessed with the common sense of this world to accept it.

I just wanted to be able to feel as it was.

Yes, as if I felt Sylvait.

"No way!"

The dragon looked straight at me, who opened my eyes.

"My name is the wind spirit dragon" Framiris. "I am the guardian of the spirit."

In front of me was a connection to the Spirit.

This also explains why the spirits were so desperate. I wanted to be helped by being manipulated.