167 Episode 155: The Body Is Dead

The story may have been separated. The grandmother exhaled greatly, then moistened her dry throat with tea.

"I'm going to talk about tea.

She told me to wipe away the air, but I couldn't nod.

Did this seem like it would be good to talk to Real without declining it? And as far as I can tell from now, Riadial's grandmother is the parent of Real. It was an intimate narrative, and it's justified.

"Well, how about talking about this?"

Although it was a fairly rich content to call it small talk. Tsukkomi declined because she agreed with her.

"Let's take care of it, let's get into the subject that called you." "So, what was the matter after all?" I don't have it. "

First, it's this guy, she took out an envelope from her pocket and gave it to me.

Upon receiving and touching it, it was found that it was made of high-quality material, and the seal of wax used for the seal was also elaborate as a dragon with eight wings.

Koibun "I don't feel like ..." "You arrived at me while you were falling for an escort."

Prompted by the old woman, I broke the wax and took out the letter inside.

"Well, what is it?"

────────── …………………….

When I was silently looking at the document for a while, I felt that wrinkles gradually came to my eyebrows. I put my finger on it and rubbed it off and asked my old woman.

"Well, do you know the old woman, too?" "Speaker-verbally-to a certain extent from the agent. I don't know the details."

The letter was a letter of appreciation from Imperial Pediagar.

Great Blessing 助 け Recognize here for helping Farmarias, the state guest and the princess of Jurphylia, to fight and reject one of the former.

This is a very simple summary. Carefully, the end of the letter is stamped with the same eight-winged dragon as the wax seal.

"This eight-winged dragon." "The wax and seal are venerable things that only the imperial family can use. If you try to counterfeit them, you will be charged with a felony."

In other words, it proved that this letter was officially sent by the Imperial family.

"This is a letter of appreciation that would normally be rarely received even by A-ranked adventurers.

I didn't know how to respond to the expression of a stupid old woman who was impressed, "What did she really do?" I thought it would be convenient, but I never imagined it would be this way.

It seemed that the old lady was told only "Thank-you", but she did not know exactly what she was doing. Even so, it seems that she is deeply aware of the significance.

"Even though the guild is a separate organization from the country, it cannot be without a letter of thanks from the imperial family. It seems that he has received the highest grade as an adventurer's achievement." "The Imperial Diagal, and thus this empire is a meritocracy, so the fact that he gave a letter of thanks acknowledged your work purely, not flattery. "Good." "But ..."

To me, which was still unacceptable, the old woman strengthened her tone a little.

"You might be praised if you are not arrogant, but your underestimation is your bad habit. It also acts to degrade the person who acknowledged you. Don't take it straight." Roger that"

It would certainly be my bad habit to be fairly appreciated and waisted, because there was so little in the real world that it was "accepted." After coming to this world, I have many opportunities to be praised, but I am still not used to it.

"... Well, I don't understand the feelings of the afraid kid. Anyway, he's the imperial family. I could only get one or two during my active era." I think it's too terrible, I said, "I was young at that time. I did various things with a gunless gun."

It's kind of scary, like wanting to hear about the "silkless gun". I lost my mind but decided not to listen.

"Along with this letter of appreciation, you will be paid a reward from the Imperial Family separately from the client." "Oh, how much? How much?" "One hundred gold coins." "

Nearly 10 million yen in Japanese yen. It shouldn't be my fault to be lightly transcending what high school students can earn.

"It's a good job at a mine and this work is good. If you limit yourself to earning, it's no longer comparable to the top ranks in B rank."

You don't have much opportunity to spend, so you're saving money. If you add up your savings, you have about 200 million gold coins or nearly 20 million yen in Japanese yen. It seems that you can buy a house or cash payment soon.

The grandmother continued to talk to me that he was pressured by the forehead's deca.

"And the next one." "Isn't it still? I'm a cup full of thank-you letters and rewards.

I left my back on the sofa and it was full.

B rank "I have you receive a promotion test request to"

The old woman cut her words off and said something outrageous.