Chapter 707: Luo Zhenting: My daughter is helpless!

Chapter 707 Luo Zhenting: My daughter is helpless!

"Mr. Ye, would you like to have a meal together tonight?"

After completing the formalities, Xu Baoqing warmly invited him.

Such a great opportunity, you can't miss it.


Ye Mo hesitated for a while.

"I'll call some friends, set up a game, and have a meal together, what do you think?" Xu Baoqing said again.


After pondering for a while, Ye Mo nodded.

Boss Xu is so enthusiastic, it is not easy to refuse.

"Then see you at night, and contact us when the time comes!" Xu Baoqing was overjoyed, got up again, and sent people out enthusiastically.

"Who is it called?"

Walking back, he picked up his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and pondered.

In this dinner tonight, you must call a few good ones, and your status must not be low, otherwise, you will be looked down upon by that person.

"Mr. Yu has to call, and Mr. Qian has to call..."

"And Mr. Luo!"

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered one person, the boss Luo of the Jufeng Group, who was about the same age as him and had a good relationship. The Jufeng Group was also quite famous, and Lao Luo had a bit of face in the city.

He must be invited to dinner tonight.

"Hey! Lao Luo!"

He made a voice call directly.

After a while, it got through.

"Old Xu, what's the matter? I'm playing golf, do you want to come over and play some shots together!"

"Hey! Where do I have this leisure!"

Xu Baoqing couldn't help but smile.

In the past two years, Lao Luo was in poor health and left early, and let his daughter take care of things. Now he drinks tea and plays golf every day.

His Jin Shi is still in some difficulties, especially his unsatisfactory son. After provoking him, the company directly lost one billion yuan, which made the company's situation worse. He had to worry about it every day.


The other end of the phone smiled.

"Lao Luo, I'm looking for you to invite you to dinner. I've called Lao Qian and the others to have a meal together. By the way, let me introduce someone to you. Let me tell you, this is not an ordinary person!" Xu Baoqing said with a smile.

"Oh? Who?"

On the other end of the phone, Luo Zhenting raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

"Didn't I say last time that my unsatisfactory son has provoked a powerful person! It's him! Today, he happened to come to my company to buy a house, so I invited him to dinner, you know he bought it in one go How many sets?"

"More than 100 sets, with a total price of 1.4 billion! Full payment! All in one payment!"

Xu Baoqing Road.


Luo Zhenting was startled when he heard it, and after thinking about it for a while, he remembered it.

He had heard of this and said that this Lao Xu's son was not good-looking, he was a powerful character, and he also implicated Lao Xu, and he was forced to sell the land at a low price, losing one billion yuan.

I heard that that person is very powerful. He is the boss of Yunhu. Moreover, he also recognizes Mr. Ding. He has a good relationship and is very strong.

"Okay! I'll be there tonight!"

He immediately laughed and responded.

Such a powerful character, he naturally had to meet and get to know him.


Xu Baoqing smiled and chatted a few more words before hanging up.

After all the contact was made, he went to book a hotel box.

In the evening, after six o'clock, he rushed to the hotel first to greet the guests in the evening.

"Old Xu!"

Before seven o'clock, a Rolls-Royce drove to the door of the hotel, the driver got out of the car, opened the door, and a tall figure walked down, a man in his fifties with a somewhat dignified face.

His appearance is Zhou Zheng, and between his eyes, he can vaguely see the demeanor of his youth.

He dressed very simply, just suit pants and a white shirt. When he got out of the car, he smiled warmly.

"Old Luo!"

Xu Baoqing greeted him and smiled warmly, "Looks like he looks much better than before!"

"Hey! Still not good, virtual!"

Luo Zhenting smiled wryly and shook his head.

His body is really useless. After being busy for a while, he will be tired. Sometimes, he will be dizzy for no reason. He has gone to many hospitals and seen many experts, but no problem has been found.

They all say that there is nothing abnormal, but unfortunately, the body is not good.

He felt that when he worked hard in his early years, he was too tired. Now that he has retired and enjoyed the happiness every day, it is much better.

"You! Make up for it!"

Xu Baoqing laughed.

"It's enough to make up, if you make up more, something will happen!" Luo Zhenting laughed and walked in, "By the way, where's the distinguished guest you said? Are you here yet?"

"Not yet! However, Lao Qian and the others are here, let's go up and sit first."


The two chatted and went upstairs into the box.

"Old Luo!"

"Boss Luo!"

In the box, there were already a few people sitting, chatting enthusiastically. When they saw Luo Zhenting, they all got up and said hello.

"You guys talk, I'll go down and wait."

Xu Baoqing went out again and waited downstairs.

In the box, Luo Zhenting greeted people and sat down, "When I came in, I heard you talking about who!"

"Yeah! That one is amazing. I know Mr. Ding and I have inquired about him. He said that that one is richer and more powerful than him." The man with glasses said.

He was amazed and unbelievable.


Luo Zhenting was startled and couldn't believe it at all.

Isn’t that a young man in his early twenties, can he be richer than Nading?

"Really, what Mr. Ding said himself is not humility. Mr. Ding said that that is the boss of Shenzhou Biotechnology. When it goes public, it will hit the market value of trillions of dollars. Also, that Dongteng Electronics is also his. All in all, that guy is amazing!"

The man said, showing a bit of excitement.

Luo Zhenting listened, and gradually opened his eyes, full of shock.

is Shenzhou again, and Dongteng, a young man in his early twenties, so powerful?


After a while, he regained his senses, and he couldn't help gasping for breath.

This young man is too amazing. Thinking of him, Luo Zhenting, he has worked hard all his life to form a Jufeng Group with assets of only 10 billion. The young people are only in their early twenties, and they are about to form a trillion group. !

"Amazing! Awful!"

He sighed and praised again and again.

"By the way, I heard that the guy is very handsome and a talent. That's not what I'm complimenting. President Ding, and Lao Xuhe all said so." The man said again.

Then, showing a bit of ridicule, he smiled, "Lao Luo, your precious daughter, isn't she about the same age, maybe there is a chance!"

"Ice face?"

Luo Zhenting was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly, shaking his head, "Forget it!"


The man was startled and said in surprise.

"My girl, I don't know what's wrong. I recently fell in love with an anchor. I watch it on my mobile phone every day. No."

Luo Zhenting sighed and looked helpless.