Since they were to investigate the case, the first investigation would naturally be the first victim, Zheng Wan of Right Fufeng.

The author has something to say:

This time the two people sharing the same bed can still be barely considered straight, but the next time…cough cough, just goes to show that things of this world are really fickle and wonderful.

(T/N: I’ve been holding back on reading this novel so I can read it along as people get the translated version,….but there’s no one talking in the comments either hahah ;=;)

1.游子归乡 – literally translates to wanderers’ return to their hometown, but in general these ‘wanderers’ refer to anyone who had to live outside their hometown for work/ travelling merchants etc.

2. 从了你 – meaning that you’re willing to get married to the person (as a wife or concubine).

3. 叔父 – father’s younger brother, though I’m sure you could tell from the dialogue.

4. 《月上重楼》which is the title of a xianxia novel by 南夜公子.

5. 光漏入绮户 – the “Qihu” refers to a doorway ornamented with paper decorations, may be a reference to a poem on a sleepless night by Su Shi (Song Dynasty poet): “转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。”

6. 恨铁不成钢 – to be disappointed by

7. 服丧期 – this is a period after the passing of close relatives where one cannot become engaged or marry an engaged spouse, nor take concubines. It’s usually 3 years for parents’ death, so it has been nearly 4 years since Shiyu’s parents died.