Chapter 105: Recovery

Chapter 105: Recovery

Han Lingyun woke up feeling groggy and disoriented but as he opened his eyes, he realized he was in a natural pool of hot water, his head resting on a rock. The water was so soothing and warm that he couldnt help but close he eyes for a second and sink further into the pool. As he lay there, he became aware of an intense itching sensation all over his body.

He scratched at his arms and legs, trying to alleviate the discomfort, but the itching seemed to only get worse. It borrowed deep into his being.

Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and stood up, deciding to step out of the pool.

A voice drifted to his ears amidst the steam. I wouldnt recommend going out, this pool is extremely beneficial to our bodies, reforging our bones in a short time.

Only now did Han Lingyun remember that he was supposed to have his bones broken by this Senior Lu. He squinted his eyes but couldnt see through the fog. Han Lingyun decided to walk in the direction of the voice.

Another boy was sitting in a lotus position in the hot pool. Drops of water kept falling from his forehead. It was unknown if it was his own sweat or from the condensation.

Han Lingyun clasped his hands. Thank you for the advice, brother Su. Do you know where we are?

Su Xialu opened his eyes and beamed. I do! Its my second time here already. Well, we are somewhere underground

His smile became a bit forced. Im not too sure how to enter though. Senior Lu will come pick you up when you come out of the pool or when he judges you have stayed long enough. Dont make the same mistake as me last time. I walked out to have a look around but was directly brought back to the surface by Senior Lu. At that time, my broken bones hadnt completely recovered yet and I suffered quite a bit.

This pool is a great opportunity, it would be a true shame to miss it. This time, not only have I recovered completely, but I can also sense that my bones are sturdier than before, my skin and pores are further cleansed!

Han Lingyun eyes shone. Brother Su has a great heart, helping others not repeating his own mistakes.

Su Xialu laughed. What are you saying, brother Han? Come, lets cultivate and take advantage of this natural wonder!

Han Lingyun sat in a lotus position too, only his head remaining out of the water. The itching sensation remained but it now felt less unbearable. However, trying to fall into a state of absolute serenity seemed impossible. The tingling came in waves, accompanied by an intense desire to scratch all over.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Han Lingyun realized that if things remained like this, he would never be able to calm his mind sufficiently to be able to actively cultivate. He opened his eyes to observe how Su Xialu was faring only to discover him eyes open, looking back with a somewhat awkward expression. Han Lingyun wanted to laugh but kept it in.

The intensity the itch immediately sky-rocketed, becoming unbearable. Han Lingyun let out a shout in pain and jumped in surprise.

Su Xialu was giving him a weird look. The itchiness was a real discomfort, but for a qi condensation cultivator, it wasnt to the point of being painful enough to scream in agony.

Han Lingyun laughed out of embarrassment. Sorry for disturbing you, brother Su. I was trying out different methods to fall into a cultivation state. Unexpectedly, this time, I felt a sudden pain.

You are able to have a reaction from the pool?

Indeed, I am trying to use my comprehension to alleviate the stinging sensation.

Hearing those words, Su Xialu began pondering.

Seeing this, Han Lingyun focused back on his task. He was slightly excited by his discovery just now. Like Su Xialu pointed out, at least there was a reaction! It was a good start. Recollecting the short experience. It was as if the flow of whatever came from the pool to his body suddenly increased.

However, Han Lingyun didnt dare to attempt the same experience right away. First of all, the pain he had felt was truly hard to describe, even if it was for a very short time. It even eclipsed his terrifying memories of the bone flower he had once eaten. Secondly, increasing the inflow wasnt necessarily beneficial. Just like medicines, the quantity was often the differentiation with poison. Han Lingyun had the intuitive feeling that trying to increase the flow in bursts by using his understanding of wood could injure his qi passageways. It was too violent. And trying to control this flow wasnt possible for the current Han Lingyun, his understanding was too shallow.

Therefore, Han Lingyun decided that it was wiser to first try out his fire comprehension.

It would be great if I could emulate Senior Lu and form a fire dancing at my fingertips. But lets walk step by step and start by trying to increase the temperature a bit.

For the third time, Han Lingyun did his utmost to concentrate on a rune. He willed his qi in close proximity to his body, wanting to agitate the surrounding molecules.

*Woosh*. A giant flame suddenly enveloped Han Lingyun and bellowed. In instants it spread in all directions, uninhibited by water.

Su Xialu, was shocked out of his contemplation and cried out, being assaulted by the heat. He immediately rushed in the distance. Looking back, the fire had stopped spreading but still furiously raged on the water of Han Lingyuns general area.

Su Xialu looked blankly, not knowing what to do.