Chapter 25: Edera Array Meet

Chapter 25: Edera Array Meet

The elder opened his eyes again and let out a dry laugh. "Hehehe. I'll tell you why they won't. They don't want to invest into disciples that would leave the sect when they turn 16 that's why. Only the best among those that remain after 16 will receive full attention. Those are called the inner disciples."

"But doesn't this hinder disciple development?" Han Lingyun retorted.

"Listen here little brat. If you're not good enough to raise the money to buy my stuff here, you better get out fast." Elder Guguai stopped paying attention to Han Lingyun and closed his eyes again.

Han Lingyun continued to browse the items. With his business scheme starting, those prices didn't seem that impossible to reach anymore. But what did he need urgently? A quick rise in cultivation? A body improvement? A slightly better talent? A new affinity? He made his mind to ask some advice from Elder Wen but he realized he found the 1st year's treasure vault!

Han Lingyun also realized that at 16 years old, a big opportunity might be in store for the best disciples of the sect. One so big that the disciples didn't mind to leave their sect and friends behind. Perhaps they would repay the sect later but the White Tiger Sect probably still preferred to rely on its own strength rather than wealth and reputation from disciples that moved on, in order to grow and maintain its footing.

After another hour of looking at all the articles present, Han Lingyun left under the menacing gaze of Elder Guguai and headed for the Array pavilion.

"Elder Wen left the sect 2 days ago to attend a meeting for array and formation masters." The bony disciple behind the desk answered honestly.

Han Lingyun looked dismayed. How was he so unlucky? "Senior, can I leave a message for Elder Wen? Also how was he for this last month?"

The bony disciple looked at Han Lingyun with a hint of suspicion. "Yes, I'll transfer your message when he comes back. But Elder Wen has been in a irregular state for the last few weeks. I believe he received some bad news as he looked terrible for 2 weeks straight. Then he gradually lightened up. I have never seen him in such a joyful state than during the last week or so."

Han Lingyun was taken aback by this revelation. He wasn't quite sure if any of it had a link with his bet with elder Wen though. He quickly scribbled a letter with the material on the desk and passed it to the disciple before leaving.

It would soon be time to meet Lei Weimin and go back to his house to train. He had learned a lot today!

A dozen cultivators came from the White Tiger Sect, and elder Wen was one of them. This time, about 300 cultivators were already waiting around a dome of fog.

Suddenly the fog receded and a majestic tower came into view. Many rushed forward to reach the entrance.

Today, elder Wen was confident that his recent ideas could warrant him advice from the master. He didn't mind sharing his findings with others too. He was convinced that no one in the assembly would understand more than him the possible ramifications of his ideas. Well, except for that mysterious senior. Also, he didn't mind the additional prestige that the cultivators that received the approval from that senior gain.

His position in the sect would increase drastically, his work would be valued higher and he would generally benefit greatly.

All this was still only wishful thinking for now. He still had to present his ideas to that senior.

All around, there was nearly no tension in the air at all. The cultivators attending this event were all passionate about their profession, had accumulated at least a small amount of prestige among their peers and were all excited to learn more. Not to mention, those that started a fight would immediately be automatically punished and thrown away by the invisible formations covering a large area stretching kilometers around the tower.

Some had already started to mix with different sects; others even started to sell rare materials: a great way to make connections.

About 1/5 of the cultivators waited in line in front of a closed door, where they would enter one at a time to present their research to the senior.

When elder Wen's turn finally came, he entered a small room in which an old man was seated on the ground in a lotus position. This man emitted no qi fluctuations whatsoever, making it that in elder Wen's eyes he looked no different from an ordinary mortal.

However elder Wen knew very well his place. To give an analogy with Han Lingyun's previous life, the man was a sleeping hydrogen bomb.

Elder Wen silently clasped his hands, bowed then took a lotus position in front of the senior. The old man was looking at him with a fatherly interest.

Elder Wen understood that it was his turn to expose his findings. "Junior Wen from White Tiger Sect has seen the senior.

I would like to start off with a little story. Around one month ago, I found a quite interesting new disciple. Brilliant in math. I decided to play a little game with him by giving him some problems. Then we decided to make a little bet. He gave me the hardest problem he could think of, but still comprehensible by another disciple that didn't specialize in math.

The discoveries I made in this last month trumps all my progress of the last decade! It all started by the problem he gave me."