Chapter 1: Old Man

Chapter 1: Old Man

James always enjoyed the evening breeze and the fresh air of Mount Cremona. From there one would have a towering view on several towns of the valley down below; small villages on the slope and slithering mountain roads connecting them to the vast city covering the plain. On a clear day one could even see the ocean stretching out to the horizon.

Observing this natural spectacle had a soothing effect on James. One couldn't distinguish the humans from up there. James had to concentrate to make out the multitude of vehicles, the movement seeming strangely rhythmical and structured within this picturesque scene.

James could still be considered a young man but his greyish skin and puffy tired eyes aged him considerably. On this clear autumn day, he looked particularly pensive. His frown betrayed his inner turmoil or perhaps was it a sign of frustration? Finally, after a prolonged stillness he relaxed.

He let out a sigh.

"Ahhh, humans are but specks of dusts after all."

"What is one person? Not much. However, it is admirable that this group of inconsequential beings managed to build so much and change the world to this extent."

He took a pause with his inner monologue, enjoying for another moment the scenery.

"But damn it is annoying to be near death. Is my terminal cancer clouding my mind? I have so much left to explore to understand, why should I die so soon?"

Without realizing it, he was clenching his fists with the little force he had left. But he felt pain everywhere, just existing felt exhausting at this point.

"Argh what a weak body, how nice would it be if I could escape this constraint, be a free soul roaming in the skies!

Whatever it doesn't matter now... I can still observe this world with tranquility a bit longer and I guess that I am fairly fortunate to be able to do that after all. But I still wish I had some more time!"

As James was silently pondering, he didn't even realize that a white bearded old man sat next to him and began to imitate him as he pensively watched the valley.

"What a shame indeed" the old man mused out loud.

"Ah! you scared me there." James cried out, jolted out of his contemplation. "Um, excuse me, I-I didn't mean to scream."This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

James examined the old man who looked like he didn't belong to this world, with his long white hair and a pristine white beard that seemed to be his most prized possession. The man gave James a very strange feeling, his appearance seemingly incongruent with his disheveled hair. And yet he had some sort of aura, like the superposition of an untouched lake, a warm grandpa, and a confident king. James was suddenly distracted and thought this image fitted that of an angel if one ever descended on Earth. This idea was quite puzzling for James, who suddenly wondered why all these thoughts bubbled in his mind.

The old man laughed. "No worries, it was I who shouldn't have disturbed your reverie young man. It seems you enjoy this place very much, choosing to come here as your lifeforce is depleting."

James was shocked. 'Do I even know him? I have a weird feeling that he can see through me with a glance. Or am I just having hallucinations because I am dying? And why does he seem to be laughing about my death?'

The old man quickly retorted. "It's not allowed because I said it isn't allowed."

"Then senior that means this shabby genie cannot fulfill my wish." James gave him a puzzled look.

The old man felt speechless. 'Was I just called "shabby" by a mortal I want to help. If word ever spreads out those old fogeys would laugh at me for centuries. But I have to help that boy to perfect my dao heart and repay karma'. He even began to feel a little agitated.

"Come on young man, you must have something you want? Is it fame? Fortune? Having the company of a goddess? Don't worry about your illness, suppose that I could even grant you 50 more years of life as a little bonus?"

"Hum well maybe eternal life could be nice" James said half-jokingly.

However, he was surprised to hear the old man respond in a serious tone, in sharp contrast with his previous easygoing behavior. "Eternal life cannot be given; one has to find it in one's self, to find his own path and meaning, his own Dao."

James retorted without much thought. "Geeze, is this genie even a genie? Can he even fulfill any wish I have?"

Sensing the awkward silence and the old man's piercing gaze, James hurriedly continued: "Well Senior, I don't really understand what you are talking about, but if I want something corresponding to my path, it should be to understand the world."

The old man fell deep in thought. "Hum that is very broad, it seems you have yet to pinpoint your Dao. Well, that's pretty normal for a mortal. One cannot simply wish to understand everything, you have to make choices. But I shall give you an opportunity to find your path."

"What do you mean seni-"

The old man didn't give him the chance to continue as he placed his finger on James's forehead without letting him time to dodge. A gentle golden light appeared from his hand as it congealed to form a complex symbol on James's forehead, which promptly disappeared, as if absorbed by his skin. James appeared to be frozen in place, in fact he didn't even have any thought during this second. The old man the stood back up and gave a gentle smile.

"I wish we had more time to continue our little discussion young man but it appears as though your life force is rapidly depleting. I could slow down the process but that might hinder your talent. I'll instead give you a new opportunity. I wonder if this time your genius will blossom. Perhaps we will see each other again."

James, feeling a bit dazed, opened his eyes. He was still on Mount Cremona at his favorite spot but there was no trace of the white bearded old man.

'Was this a dream?' James touched his forehead but didn't feel anything unusual.

His thoughts quickly lingered away as he admired the scene one more time.

'Whatever it doesn't matter anymore. I feel like I have a better understanding of myself now that my life is ending. Ah, I feel sleepy, why don't a lie down a bit'

'Ahh it's much better, what a gentle breeze'