Chapter 229: Aftermath

Chapter 229: Aftermath

Part 1

I went to take care of cremating Pax.

Bake him and bury him.

It's the common method for memorial service in this world.

However, Zanoba, shaking his head, stopped me.

Without Pax's body the revolt won't be settled.

In a flat voice he told me that, in order to take care of this internal turmoil, we should leave his corpse.

You shouldn't hand the body of your King over to the rebel army either.

That's what I thought, but Zanoba was incredibly coercive.

In the end, I cleaned Pax's body with water magic and then we carried him to the fifth floor.

When we reached the fifth floor we saw Randolph carrying the Queen Benedict on his back like luggage.

Roxy was helping.

Randoph seems to have relied on her.

She helped dress the naked Benedict and made a backpack from the sheets to carry her with.

Silently she worked to fill a bag with cloths from the closet.

"Your Majesty?" was the first thing Randolph said.

"The King is dead. I'll carry his body to the rebels to stop this chaos."

Zanoba's reply was indifferent.

Randolph's expression did not change.

It was like he immediately understood the plan.

"I have been tasked by His Majesty, to escape with his Queen, and then to escort her to KDK."

Randolph knew.

He knew Pax intended to commit suicide.

I can't say why he didn't have the decency to stop him.

"Then you should follow Myself."

"Yes sir, Your Highness Zanoba... for your forethought, thank you."

At the end of that very short exchange, Randolph bowed.

That Randolph who had just been trying to kill us is now accompanying us.

Ordinarily I would be cautious of him.

That last battle may have just been the preamble of Hitogami's trap.

But I can't believe that is the case.

I feel that Randolph does not want to fight.

It's a strange sensation.

But, it's not like I can be sure.

He's the fifth ranked Seven Major Powers: Randolph Marian.

That man who I couldn't even compare to had such a tired look on his face.

However, Roxy and I, we both look just as tired.

Even if someone said, 'We have to fight Randoph here.' I would just weakly shake my head no.

Everyone was tired.

Even Zanoba was quiet as a mouse.

The four of us... no, it's five people once you include Benedict.

With heavy footsteps, we five escaped from the royal palace using the underground passage.

We came back into the watermill.

There was still time until the darkness makes way for daybreak.

When the spirit of light broke the darkness, I cheered up as the Magic Armor was illuminated.

I didn't have to use this for anything other then movement after all.

"This... could this be the Fighting God Armor?"

Randolph abruptly asked me.

He was gazing up at the Magic Armor with a stunned look on his face.

"No, this is a magic tool which Zanoba and I have made for decisive battles, it's the [Magic Armor]."

"I see... If you had employed this, I would have been in trouble."

"Is that so, but in the end I couldn't do anything about your [Bewitching Sword]."

Randolph responded to that with a 'Ha' kind of laugh.

"Well I was cornered before I used that."


"My body was becoming worn out from your formation, and negating that Rock Cannon had used almost all of my magic power..."

He told me this as if he was comforting me.

Maybe, in that place, I would have had some more flexibility if I had not allowed myself to be intimidated by his talk, stance dancing, and bewitching sword.

If I had attacked him there, victory would have been possible... maybe?

No... anyway it's nothing to sigh about.

The correct answer was to not fight at all.

To win, to lose, in the end there wasn't any meaning to it.

"Now that I think about it, Randolph, you had said that you were aware of Hitogami."

I need to hear about this before I forget.

Someone who knows about Hitogami could be valuable.

We came here, but Pax died.

We failed to achieve results; it's pathetic.

"Yeah, but I do not know that much."

"Just in case, can you tell me what you know?"

"Sure thing... It's just about someone related to me, a long time ago I heard a story that they managed to fight against a powerful enemy with the help of Hitogami."

"A powerful enemy?"

"In order to protect his fiancée, he stole the Fighting God Armor at the suggestion of Hitogami, and it seems he fought in it. The person said to be the strongest at that time: the Dragon God Laplace.

In the end he failed to protect the fiancée, and the two struck one another down."

Randolph punctuated his story with, "Sounds fake, huh?" and then laughed.

But I've heard that story somewhere.

That's right, it's someone that both Orsted and Kishirika have said.

Dragon King and Fighting God battled...

"When I was younger, I was told this over drinks. Although it is probably a myth... thanks to growing up listening to that story, I am familiar with the name Hitogami."

No, this is valuable information.

If he says this, then it's a story about a former apostle of Hitogami.

Well, it's something Orsted likely already knows.

Our information may overlap to some extent.

"Could you tell me the name of that relative?"

"The Biegoya region Demon Lord, Badigadi."


Well, huh.

If that's the case, then the story seems suspicious.

That Demon Lord-sama was a lighthearted and vague gentleman.

It could just be a tall tale.

Though I don't think that Orsted would lie...

Well, each person might tell a famous heroic saga differently; things are lost or added in retelling.

"Thank you very much..."

I suddenly felt worn out.

I lacked the energy to continue talking.

I was influenced by such a thing...


Without thinking, I just want to go home and sleep in my own bed.

If I think about it, it's been a full day, I have not slept today.

"Randolph, what will you do now?"

After our conversation was concluded, Zanoba asked Randolph.

"I will go to the KDK from here."

"And then?"

"I will protect the Queen until her delivery and then teach the art of the sword, erudition, and cuisine to her child."

Childbirth, that would mean that Benedict is pregnant?

You can't tell by looking at her, but...

"Because I was told to raise it with praise, it might grow up to be a little selfish."

"Is that so."

Benedict bears it, and Randolph raises it.

Was Benedict aware of the fact that Pax was going to die?

Randolph is similar and won't say why he didn't stop it.

I should have stopped him.

It might be that these two people are the most miserable.

"Randolph-dono, would it be fine for me to hear one thing?"

Zanoba suddenly brings out a question.

In the darkness, a face like a skeleton cocks to the side.

"You, why did you follow Pax? Was it just on the orders of the King of the King Dragon Kingdom?"

Randolph faintly laughed.

"No. I liked him, that fellow."

"Well then... if that's true, you have my gratitude."

"Thanks huh. Your Highness Zanoba, you are an interesting person."

I could see the remains of a thin smile on the face Randolph presented towards me.

"Oh, that's right, Rudeus."

"Yes? What is it?"

"About that matter with Hitogami.

My relative had said too, to not make an enemy or a friend of him.

Neither would end with a good result."

I nodded.

I'm well aware of that.

Also, it's too late.

If possible, that's a thing I would have wanted to tell myself ten years ago.

"My relative, it seems like he also experienced something severe because of the influence of Hitogami."


Come to think of it, he had talked like he might have known of Hitogami.

I have no idea where he is now but...

"Well then everyone, stay healthy."

"You as well Randolph-dono."

He shook hands with Zanoba, then finally turned heel.

That skeleton disappeared into the dark night.

" ... "

" ... "

Then, with nothing left to say, our group returned to the water mill.

I slept like a rock.

Part 2

We didn't wake up until around noon the next day.

Already, the royal palace had been occupied by the rebels.

The blockade at the gate seems to have been taken care of while we weren't looking.

[Absolute Void Eye] Folloow current novÊls on nov3lb((in).(com)

The demon eye which Randolph posseses is that kind of thing.

I don't understand what kind of principle it works on, keeping the enemy from entering the royal palace.

However, the effect might have faded with the passage of time or when he left the royal palace.

Things like cooking smoke could be seen coming from the occupied royal palace.

A lively feeling could be felt from inside.

Like the soldiers from Fort Karon, I wonder if they are drunk on victory.

Anyway, you could feel their energy.

The reign of the foolish King has ended, and now their bright future can begin.

The strength of that feeling comes not just from the palace, I felt it from all over the town.

On the contrary, there is only one place in the entire town that isn't bright and vibrant.

It's the town square.

It's the place where the corpse of Pax has been displayed.

No one will pay homage to his dead body, it is naked with a cut across the shoulder for some reason.

When I last saw it there was no such wound.

They might want it to look like they defeated him themselves.

The story that the Warlord Jade is spreading seems to be, 'Pax was a foolish despot who I have punished while bringing you a true King as a replacement.'

It's something said under pretense.

It may be no more then comfort.

I might just be cheating.

"Sensei, even if you fail, experience will still pile up."

I do not think it is wrong to just pay lip service.

"Assuming the teacher does not repeat the same mistakes,

the students of the teacher will be brought up magnificently and find happiness like me."


Roxy, she looked at me intently.

Her blue hair, her eyelashes, her small lips trembling.

It was something which I couldn't reach at one time, now it is different.

"Rudy, are you happy?"

"Yes, there have been painful things, but thanks to Roxy-sensei's teachings, I have been able to experience happiness."

"Rudy... always says that."

Quite right.

What I say won't change from day to day because it is the truth.

"I can't explain it well, but I was able to take my first step as a human being thanks to Sensei placing me on the horse."

"That's an exaggeration... since that was all such a long time ago I'm convinced it's that way."

"Certainly it might be an exaggeration, but I remember Roxy moving forward after failing some things, and there is no doubt that I've been encouraged by that."

I told her that seriously.

Indeed, by the teacher Roxy, the life of one student might have fallen a little out of order.

'Roxy, it's not your fault.' I'm not going to say that kind of consolation.

Beyond a sense of responsibility, she feels that she killed Pax herself.

But conversely, there is even a student that has been kept alive by Roxy.

It's me.

It isn't Roxy alone who has kept me alive so far.

But, the fact that Roxy deserves the credit doesn't change.

"I won't tell you to forget about this time.

Rather, not forgetting it might be best.

But also, don't forget that there are people like me who have been kept alive thanks to Roxy."

I'm aware that I said a self important thing there.

But that is my true feelings.

Roxy, you should not deny yourself the life of a teacher.

" ... "

Roxy gave me a blank stare.

She has a half opened mouth and wide red eyes.

What with her trembling body, she just then noticed her running nose, and flustered, hid it behind her knees.



"With Lara, surely I will get a chance to make amends for what happened with Prince Pax..."

I do not know the answer to that last question.

Only Lara will be able to answer it.

Hers may be different than my answer.

"... maybe, I can't say."

Afterwards, Roxy cried for a while.

She continued to stick to me.

From the next day on, Roxy regained her vitality.

Part 4

Five days passed from then.

The warlord Jade seems to be planning a coronation.

It's something that should be flashy, but there isn't room for that in this country.

However, it is important to show the rest of the world when the head of a country changes.

I heard the rumor after meeting up with Ginger.

After her stamina recovered she immediately left Fort Karon chasing us.

She was only a bit late because she rode her horse into the ground coming.

After seeing the state of the town, and listening to our story, she just said, 'Oh, is that so.' without changing her expression.

Still, when she heard about Pax's death, her face showed that she felt he deserved it; it was impossible to miss.

Well, because Pax did some terrible things to her, it can't be helped.

It can't be helped, I understand, but it's still sad.

"Thereupon, Zanoba-sama, how will we proceed from here?"


"Also... how do you plan to charm the country?"

I think when she heard about it, Ginger was calmed.

Pax is dead.

There should be no one left threatening the life of Zanoba.

The next king might view Zanoba as a risk.

But, Jade shouldn't kill the guy.

Unlike Pax, they should not harbor any personal resentment towards Zanoba.

They should also know the usefulness of a Miko.

It can't be said that he isn't dangerous, but both parties should be able to approach the situation reasonably.

But Zanoba shook his head helplessly.

"No, I'll go back to the magic city Sharia."

"... yes sir."

Ginger gave an exaggerated nod.

Just a bit, her face is a happy one.

I had thought that Ginger's hope was for Zanoba to become a respectable royal but...

More than that, she wants him to live.

I was honestly relieved by that.

If he remained in this country, it's likely he would be killed.

While I was thinking that, I looked at Zanoba's face and got a bad feeling.


For some reason, Zanoba had a face full of determination.

It's the face he made just before his journey to Shirone.

He's up to something, it's that kind of face.

"I... will discard this country for the moment."

"You're going to, discard the country...

Ah, you mean you'll take refuge?

I think it's a good idea.

Ranoa, for us, would gladly accept the likes of Zanoba-sama.

With a word from Rudeus then even Asura would..."

"No, I will not go into exile."

Again, Zanoba shook his head.

And then, he looked down upon Ginger who had taken a knee to persuade him.

"I intend to abandon my position within the royal family.

At this time let them believe that I died during the rebellion. Rather than Shirone Kingdom's Third Prince Zanoba Shirone, I'll just become Zanoba and try to live a fulfilling life in the future."

Ginger's face is hard to read.

I wonder if she's disgusted.

Throwing away his social position, it's a feeling I'm familiar with.

I also have something like status which was thrown away.

"... I also think that it's a good idea."

However, Ginger did not stand against it.

The Zanoba back in Sharia, every day was having a good time.

Now that he has returned to Shirone too late, it becomes a humiliating thought.

Even taking exile in other countries is only an option available because he is a Miko.

If that's the case then why not throw away the position and lead an enjoyable life.

Without being part of the royal family money might be a problem... I can probably throw some work his way though.

Something like being the Magic Armor's full time mechanic with salary would be possible.

He could also do mercenary work if he finds that unpleasant.

"Yes. Ginger, I would like to thank you for your help so far."

"I am truly grateful for your words..."

Zanoba then nodded with a satisfied look.

Ginger's body relaxed and a feeling like relief spread over her face.

"So then, Ginger, after this, what do you intend to do?"

"... Of course, I plan to continue to serve you, Zanoba-sama, on into the future."

Ginger said that as if it was a matter of course.

But Zanoba frowned.

"However, although you have been this one's bodyguard as a knight of Shirone.

If I am no longer part of the imperial family then you are left without a reason to serve."

"No, whether Zanoba-sama is a part of the royal family, for me, it is irrelevant."

"Hmmm. But I can not give remuneration for your labor and help. How would you continue to support your family?"

"They are all self-reliant adults already. I am no longer the bread winner."

Those two continued with questions and answers for a while.

Zanoba was reluctant, but Ginger had a hold of him.

And, as the questioning continued, Zanoba gradually lost ground.

"Furthermore, you are at a good place in your life; won't you miss your chance to marry?"

Zanoba's final question was this kind of thing.

Marriageable age...

Now that I think about it, that Ginger, I wonder about how old she is.

If I think about the normal marriageable age in this world, I feel she may have already missed it.

"The likes of marriage... !"

At this point Ginger became impatient as well.

Violently, she raised her hands up in front of her face.

It turned into kneeling.

What happened was... she slammed her body heavily into the ground.

She was prostrating herself.

In Shirone Kingdom, I wonder if throwing your entire body on the ground is the way you show maximum respect?

Zanoba, he does it properly.

"I was asked by Minerva-sama directly, to look after Zanoba-sama!

Even if Zanoba-sama is not royalty, it does not matter!

But, even if I'm not a guard, I would be fine as a mistress!

Please! If I think about my future there is only one place for me; I beg you, let me stay by your side!"

He did not hide his puzzled, surprised reaction.

The name Minerva, I wonder if that is Zanoba's mother's name...


Placing his hand on his chin, Zanoba squatted down.

"Ginger, I understand your thoughts. Raise your head."

" ... "

He lifted her upper body and exposed Ginger's tear filled face.

"I won't push the matter forcefully if you say it like that.

However, I won't take you as a follower.

You can stand by my side as someone who understands me, alright?"

Tears began to spill from Ginger's eyes.

"Yes sir!"

Then, she returned to throwing her entire body on the floor once again.

It's a beautiful scene... don't you agree?

Just by the looks of it, it's a little surreal.

Anyway, this is case closed now that Zanoba has decided to return with us.

I can't say that we settled the case well.

Nothing was really resolved.

Also the affair left a bad aftertaste.

We are left with only a sense of futility, defeat, and stress.

But it's done: the end.

Let's go home.