Chapter 206: Ten Days in the Capital and the Truth About Orsted

Chapter 206: Ten Days in the Capital and the Truth About Orsted

Part 1

10 days have passed since Darius was defeated.

Defeating Water God Reida, defeating Auber, overthrowing Darius, and Perugius coming to the Asura Kingdom were enough to overwhelm Grabell.

Philemon was stripped of his position, and now he is under house arrest in his territory.

Luke became the Notus family head, and Luke's big brother seems to fill the role of his assistant.

Luke's brother is sociable, from that they can expect a smooth transition through the political turmoil.

He's the one who practically makes decisions instead of Luke.

Initially, Ghyslaine was still hostile towards Philemon.

But Luke's brother, who was praising Ghyslaine and even went as far as making a marriage proposal to her, helped dissolve the tension.

Like a dog being happily praised by its master, she looks somewhat proud.

By the way, Ghyslaine is still working as Ariel's escort.

She has already become a permanent employee now.

I don't know what her true feelings are, but let's say she is good at this point.

Part 2

Let me talk in order about what happened in the 10 days following the battle at the venue.

First Day. The matter with Orsted.

After defeating Darius, our triumphant return from the venue led to a victory celebration.

As expected from Ariel, but I was exhausted and retired to my room.

Even if I say that, after returning to my room, all I could think about was how Sylphy openly confessed her love for me by saying [I choose Rudi] in public.

Honestly, because I was dumped in the diary, I was feeling a little anxiety.

For her to proudly choose me in front of so many people...

She's a better girl than I deserve.

However, Sylphy also seemed exhausted, retiring after just a single bout.

She fell asleep peacefully.

I took a cold bath to calm myself back down.

But Eris bursted in, still running high on adrenaline from the battle, took me forcefully.

Eris has much to learn as a young lady.

The next day my spirit was so drained that I found even breathe difficult, shriveled up like a dried fish.

Then a maid came with a letter addressed to me.

The letter was sealed with a crest of a dragon.

No doubt, it's an office memo.

The contents of the memo were brief, expressing concern over any injuries and stating the location of today's meeting.

The conference room was in a cemetery located on the edge of the nobles' residential area.

Not only is the cemetery old and unkempt, it's also a wide and lonely place, like an island in the middle of the capital.

The conference room is in a crypt below one of the tombs.

This seems like a place that would be filled with the undead at night.

There one who is more frightening than the undead lurked.

"Have you come, Rudeus Greyrat?"

"Yes, I'm here!"

Sitting on the coffin, Orsted was waiting with one hand on his chin .

What he's doing now is disrespectful towards the deceased.

I cannot bring myself to sit on the coffin, so I begin making tables and chairs with earth magic and set up a candle that was brought.


"Oh, pardon me."

Under invitation from the chairman, I also sit after him.

Well, it's the start of the meeting.

"First of all, let me congratulate your hard work, Rudeus. Now, Ariel becoming king is confirmed "

"Can't it not be confirmed until the previous king's death? Or has it already been established?"

I heard that in his old age the King was suffering from an incurable disease... but, there is still time until his death.

During that time, Grabell's faction will definitely try to struggle to regain their position, and not just once or twice.

We can't let our guard down yet.

We still need to ensure Ariel takes the throne.

There are still uncertainties.

Water King Isolte whose teacher was killed in front of her eyes...

The Boreas house who sided with Darius...

I should be very careful of these two.

They've been forced into a corner, they will likely do everything within their power to lash out.

I had thought this... but.

"Well, by receiving Perugius' backing and defeating Darius, Ariel had already become king."

Orsted seems confident.

For me, I won't be sure yet, but he seems to think everything is already set in stone.

"You look confused, Rudeus Greyrat."

Oops, looks like he could tell from my face.

"I, eh, was wondering, Orsted-sama. There are still some parts that I can't be sure of."


Orsted is staring at me.

Honestly, does just saying that mean I don't trust my president?

All I'm trying to say is that it's not over yet.

"Iya~, look, Orsted-sama, are you sure that you didn't miss anything? Maybe if looks like the end, but we can't make sure that Hitogami didn't leave anything behind as parting gift right? So, there is no reason to say that this is already over."


That's all I can say, I have no choice now but to remain silent.

Orsted is still hiding something from me.

Surely, he won't tell someone like me what it's is.

"I'm formerly Hitogami's apostle anyway, you don't need to tell me..."

Those words came out clearly from me.

Words that I did not intend to let out.

A slip of the tongue.

Hearing that, Orsted rises.

Observing me with his oppressive power.

"Iyaa, I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that... It's not like I'm unhappy with things that you didn't tell me."

"Certainly, Rudeus Greyrat, I did not trust you completely."

While fully opening my foresight eye, I'm looking for a way to escape.

It is useless, I'm surrounded by Orsted's shadow.

When I run away, he will catch up to me immediately.

It can't be helped, showing my belly is the only way.

"This time, the likelihood of you betraying me was also taken into account, I was constantly monitoring you."


Well, I can believe it.

Orsted's mood, even Auber, everybody seems to have been watching me while I was on the job.

"But you have proven that you are not a man that's just all talk, you can be trusted."


"I must also apologize to you, Rudeus Greyrat. I have lied to you."

After having said that, Orsted sat back down.

"You lied?"

After asking again, Orsted was showing a scary face.

Well, he has a difficult face.

This man, I think he must put a little more time to practice his smiling face.

Smiling is a cornerstone of communication.

Then again I've been told I'm not very good at it either.

"Yes. I told you before that in exchange for obtaining the power to see fate, by using the secret technique created by the first generation Dragon God to fight Hitogami, I am separated from the principles of the world."


That was how he could see a rough version of the future.

"Half of it is a lie. I don't have any power to see the future."


"So, the part about being separated from the principles of the world is true, right?"

"Yes. But, Rudeus Greyrat. What do you think it means to be separated from the principles of the world?"

I wonder if there's a hint somewhere.

For example, the curse.

Orsted has been cursed to become hated.

No, that shouldn't matter.

"The slow recovery of magic... is a side effect, I suppose."

"Yes, my magic recovery is significantly slow and in exchange Hitogami can't interfere with me. But, did not you think this was strange? Hadn't you questioned why the first generation Dragon God included a disadvantageous trait like that in his own secret technique? "

Even if you ask why...

In order to avoid Hitogami's interference, weren't you forced to use the technique despite such a disadvantage?

But no... When using Orsted's bracelet for protection, I don't have such a disadvantage.

"The first generation Dragon God devised a secret technique to win against Hitogami with absolute certainty."


"That secret technique sacrifices my mana recovery rate in order to, no matter when and where I die, let me redo things from the beginning with my memories intact."


In other words, Orsted really is...

"The beginning refers to the winter of Dragon Armor Year 330. The northern part of the central continent, inside a nameless forest. My time extends for about 200 years. Once I've exceeded that time limit, if I haven't killed Hitogami, I'm forcibly reset to that point. Even if I die along the way."

Time jump.

I thought that it was possible, but...

To think that was really the case.

"You who have already witnessed the time teleportation ought to believe it."

"Yeah, true..."

The future me, got the inspiration to travel through time from a Dragon Race ruin.

The Dragon Race had arcane magic that could reincarnate one into the future from the past.

In that case, the Dragon God being capable of time leap magic, is not strange at all.

Anyway, It could summarized into something like that.

"Um, then, about how many times has Orsted-sama already resetted?"

"I stopped counting after 100 times."

Orsted hatefully spits out words like those of Rashou.

Well, that's 100 times 200 years, 20,000 years.

He's been continually looping for more than 20,000 years?

It feels like I'm getting dizzy...

"However, in these hundreds of loops, I've seen the battle of Grabell and Ariel many times. Who is necessary, who is unnecessary. What is needed for Ariel to win, what is needed for Grabell to win. And at this stage, Grabell can't make a comeback. Ariel's victory is guaranteed."

"Is that true even if Hitogami is involved?"

"Yes. Because Hitogami doesn't carry over his memories, he doesn't know that I reset, but I know of his existence, and ever since I began fighting him, I've participated in battles like this many times. And in all of those patterns, at some point Hitogami backs away."

"... Then, allow me to tag along."

With that said, we started exploring the Imperial City along with Isolte.

Despite my concerns, Isolte guided us around the town normally and seemed to have fun spending time with Eris.

Acting like this just a few days after her master had died...

Well, it may just be her personality.

Part 4

Fifth day.

A dinner invitation came from the Boreas house.

The invitation was for myself and Sylphy.

It was an invitation to dine without Eris.

Is it poison?

Needless to say, we were very vigilant.

Based on their story, it seemed they wanted to get close to Ariel through me.

They didn't include Eris because they still feel wary.

If seems that they're holding a little grudge towards Eris, but they've decided to let it go for now.

Eris and Boreas are already opposing each other.

It would be annoying for them if Eris tried to return to Boreas after this long.

Though that doesn't matter. Eris is mine.

At that dinner, I gave them some vague answers.

Part 5

Day 8.

Let me take the time to recount the current state of affairs.

Tris has returned to the aristocracy.

Her standing is the same as Elmore and Kleene, Ariel's longtime servants.

Ariel seems to think that a back door to the thieves' group is viable, so plans to have Tris broker deals with them behind the scenes.

Luke and Ariel are moving energetically toward the future, they likely have no time to spare.

Darius's death caused no small turmoil in the Royal Palace.

Though that's not important, because Ariel is steadily progressing toward kingship.

Perugius returned to the Sky Castle, leaving one familiar behind in the Royal Palace.

When I sincerely gave him my condolences the two familiars killed, he replied that they could be revived in the Sky Castle.

Familiars sure are convenient.

As you said Orsted, everything is progressing smoothly.

It looks like there's nothing left for me to do anymore.

My work was over.

So let's go home soon.

After sending that message to Ariel, she immediately scheduled to meet me the next day.

Part 6

Night time.

Ariel's boudoir in the Royal Palace.

Sylphy accompanied me.

I want to avoid being suspected of cheating on my wives as much as possible, so I decided to visit Ariel with her.

I wasn't asked to come alone.

Ariel's boudoir was ultra-luxurious.

Of course, it's part of the Royal Palace, but it's as big as a house.

The furniture's fluffiness is the highest grade. The sofa feels like it will melt.

Everything was shining brightly even though it wasn't metallic, probably because it's top class in this world.

Usually a room like this would be filled with maids.

But it seems that Ariel dismissed them for our meeting.

In a cold and empty room lined with luxurious furniture, Ariel poured wine for me.


"Thank you."

Purple liquid was poured into a set of golden cups.


I wonder if it's high quality.

"So Sylphy also came."

"Yeah, because if Rudi is meeting alone with a beauty in the middle of night, a strange rumor might spread."

"Well. Certainly, I don't know what will happen in a private meeting."

Ariel laughed, but Sylphy was not laughing.

I wonder if she didn't think that was a joke.

"If it's Rudi, it will somehow really happen."

There's no trust in my lower body.

Well, there is no way there would be.

But, I have confidence in Sylphy.

That time she said that she was prepared to pick me over Ariel...

Honestly, my heart skipped a beat then.

But it seems that to Sylphy, Ariel is a praying mantis that wants to eat me.

"Now then."

After having finished pouring the wine, Ariel also sat on her seat.

"Rudeus-sama. I would like to show you my appreciation once again. Thank you for what you've done so far."

"No, it is the result of your efforts Ariel-sama."

Ariel's personal connections in Ranoa kingdom have proved useful.

She's filling the hole left behind by the deceased Darius.

She promoted talented people to replace the important posts held by the Grabell faction.

If she keeps up her current pace, Ariel will have complete control of Asura Kingdom soon.

"Giving me advice to convince Perugius-sama, for the trip, for other cases... If I didn't get your advice at that time, Rudeus-sama, I would still be frustrated even now."

"I'm quite embarrassed now."

"Really, like Sylphy said. It might be good to spend one night together."

While saying that, Ariel sent a bewitching glance to me.

My eyes quickly wandered to certain places, like Ariel's nape, but after being glared at by Sylphy, I hurriedly hung down my head...

Ariel returned with a smile.

"Well, though that part was a joke, the part about my thanks is true."

"Your gratitude is, well..."

Because of this incident, I got a house.

That house would probably be good to use as my vacation home in the future...

"Is there anything you want? You promised in front of Luke that you wanted neither a title nor land but, is there anything unusual that I may freely provide?"

I have considered this.

What I can obtain from Ariel...

Basically anything.

Asura Kingdom has just about everything.

Maybe magic manuals?

Oh, no.

There was one.

One thing to ask.

"There is one thing, at first this will take some time, but I have already planned it out. Please set up and put up for sale my figurine and book set. It is in the image of the Supard Race, but if I have Royal authorization it will be easier to do business."

"Oh, is that what you were talking about with Perugius-sama?"

"Yeah, is that difficult?"

In Asura kingdom, the Millis religion is popular.

Even with permission from the royal family, selling the likeness of a Magic Race...

It's possible to cause some friction.

"It is not that difficult. It's important to prepare workshops as well for mass-producing."

"What about the Millis doctrine, will they be all right with it?"

"It's all right. That sort of thing can be solved with money."

O~h, the power of money!

That's good.

Becoming the Asura Kingdom's King is equivalent as becoming the richest man in the world.

"So, if there is progress after I return..."

"Yes, I will wait."

I got a studio and a sponsor.

After that the plan's growth depends on Julie.

It certainly was written in the diary, that I successfully make a picture book and sell it.

...Also, I must find a painter.

To interest as many people as possible, the best option is still a picture book.

There are many people who can't read, but picture books can be viewed by anyone.

While I was starting to see dollar signs, Ariel straightened her posture, and turned to Sylphy.

"Sylphy, thanks for the hard work."

"... Yeah. Ariel-sama, also cheers for your good work."

Yesterday, Sylphy officially ended her job as Ariel's escort.

It seems the takeover procedures were also finished yesterday, so she has a lot of free time.

"After the other day, I guess there's no more need for me?"

"Yes. It is all right now. Thank you very much for protecting me for such a long time."

As she said that, Ariel bowed deeply to Sylphy. Really deeply.

Ariel lowering her head was an unusual scene.

"Ariel-sama, please raise your head"

"But, I do not want to lie to you, I really can't think of any reward good enough for Sylphy. This feeling is the only thing that I could give you. I want to tell you, with my feelings and words. You've helped me very much."

"It's okay, because we're friends, of course I'll help you."

While saying so, Sylphy continued to grip Ariel's hand.

A friendship for ten years, right?

It's nice, a relationship like this.

"But Sylphy, I'll come to play some time."

"Yeah, well, if you have any errands towards the Ranoa... I doubt it's a place you can just show up at."

"Well, when I visit Ranoa Castle. At that time, I will send the invitation."

"Haha, that's like a VIP guest."

Then, Ariel and Sylphy spent some time talking and laughing together.

While listening to them, I was reminded of when I met Sylphy for the first time.

It was an image of Sylphy walking all alone.

The Sylphy who was pelted with mud balls by other children, failing to offer any resistance.

That Sylphy was now talking and laughing with the princess of a country.

Such a thing, was somehow, quite the happy scene.

Then, the day I leave Asura kingdom arrived.