Chapter 201: Ars, the Royal Capital

Chapter 201: Ars, the Royal Capital

Part 1

The Imperial City Ars.

The world's largest capital.

The city was named after the hero who led the Human race to victory in the Magic War.

A city that takes your breath away.

High up on the top of a hill sits a majestic castle, the Silver Palace.

Surrounding the castle are the huge mansions belonging to the higher nobles.

Boulevards extend out of the surrounding city wall.

A huge coliseum.

A gorgeous training ground for knights.

Beautiful temples for the Saint Milis religion.

An aqueduct system that spread throughout the city.

Headquarters to the world's largest trading companies.

Dojo and headquarters of the Water God style.

A packed opera theater district.

A Tavern district filled with decorations and the scent of beautiful women.

A Gate that was made to commemorate the victory of the Laplace Campaign.

Spreading far without end in sight, no matter how far my eyes can see.

Beyond the Aruteiru Mother's river, and on and on...

It is said that this is the oldest city of the Human race in the world.

Excerpt from 『Walk the World』 written by adventurer Bloody Kant...

Part 2

When I saw the Imperial City from a small hill in the distance, Eris and I were shocked, with our mouths agape.

The Imperial City is huge.

Bigger than any other city I have seen in this world.

First, about the castle that was built on top of the hill.

This silver shining castle is as big as or bigger than Perugius' Castle.

Surrounding it are thick fortress-like walls.

Walls high enough that they appear to be more than 20 meters in height.

Even if a stray dragon were to attack, it would not be able to break that wall.

Surrounding the wall are many extravagant mansions.

It is a place where a majority of the high nobles live.

Brilliant mansions the size of castles.

This district is also enclosed by a wall.

Ordinary streets extend from there,

And every so often, a new wall encloses everything.

The city has probably expanded gradually over the years.

Layers of new walls were added to accommodate the expanding city.

However, the city walls stopped after the fifth layer.

From that point on, the buildings simply sprawled out in all directions.

Going beyond the horizon.

It was getting too expensive to build new walls,

So in lieu of walls, knights are instead assigned the work of subjugating the monsters regularly.

Compared to the mega cities in my previous life, this city seemed small.

I felt this in my chest as I take in the view of this fantasy-esque city in the horizon.


"I'm home."

However, each one of us wore a different expression

In a solemn mood, we all glared at the castle.

Even Ariel got down from the carriage, and looked at the castle.

"Let's go."

At Ariel's request, we entered the capital.

Part 3

The city seemed intimidating from the outside, it wasn't the case inside.

The city entrance is the same as anywhere else.

There were peddlers and adventurers everywhere.

Compared to the other towns though, the adventurers in this city seem to be younger.

While veteran adventurers were visible, they looked like they didn't have any energy or heart left to continue adventuring.

Speaking of the differences, the roads here are considerably wider.

At least six wagons can pass each other.

That's three lanes in each direction.

This road seems to continue until the city's main square.

"We'll head to my second house, that will be our base. We must have everything ready before we enter the Royal Palace."

At Ariel's words, we continue on.

Our destination is located in the high noble district.

Having said that, just moving through the city takes about half a day.

With Luke leading the way, we press on in the order of Eris, Sylphy, Ghyslaine, the horse-drawn carriage, and I.

Traveling in a single file.

Although the road is plenty wide,

we don't want to get in the way of some noble and cause trouble.

Although one usually doesn't give way to lower nobles, Ariel wasn't displaying her crest on the carriage.

Showing each other's crest would simply take too much time.

Like that, we continued to move into the city.

At some point, the surroundings changed.

From a city of adventurers, to a city of civilians.

At that point, curious townspeople appeared and looked our way.

"Hey... Isn't that Fitts-sama and Luke-sama ...?"

"You're right...then that carriage must be...?"

"Is Ariel-sama inside it?"

"She probably returned after hearing about his Majesty's illness!"

Sylphy and Luke's faces gave away the contents of the carriage.

In other words, hiding our identity was no longer necessary.

Nor did we intend to hide Ariel completely.

For someone like me to represent a princess would seem unfitting.

Even if Darius doesn't catch wind of her sighting, I wonder if he is ready to launch an attack on Ariel.

Right now, we're not in a hurry.

"Kyaa, Luke-sama!"


"Ariel-sama! You have returned!"

Still, they're very popular.

From here and there, cheers come flying.

Sometimes, flowers are thrown.

Not everyone, but about one in five people reacted when they saw us

Ariel is idolized more than I thought.

Luke also waves back.

Ariel has been away from the royal capital for 10 years already, and yet they are still this popular.

She is amazing.

What's really interesting is that our path is suddenly cleared.

I wonder if there's a rule that says a path must be cleared for a noble's carriages.

Those that interfere with the Daimyo will be cut down immediately.

"Look, it's Fitts-sama!"

Every time she receives a cheer, Sylphy scratches and plays with the back of her ear.

That's Sylphy's habit when she gets flustered.

I'll tease her later.

When we passed the square, the cheers became even louder

People rushed here hearing of the news about Ariel's return.

With the increase in commotion, I wonder why the guards haven't come out yet to calm things down.

What if Auber takes advantage of the commotion and attacks from behind.

... Scary.

Though I was afraid of that possibility, no attack came.

That doesn't mean there are no soldiers.

They're cheering with the civilians.

Guys like the commanding officers took the initiative.

Including the common soldiers, it seems that these people are Ariel's supporters.

Even in the Asura Kingdom, there are those unhappy with the current political situation.

We're receiving a hero's welcome.

I don't handle attention well.

"I feel great!"

Though, Eris gave off a different impression.

As we enter the noble's district, the cheering subsides.

I guess Ariel is popular with commoners but not with the nobles.

" I see. It's good that you get along with each other well."

"Well, but..."

Cutting her words in the middle, Eris looked at Isolte.

The silver armored platoon moved away and disappeared into the alley.

"She may become our enemy... "

Oh, is that so?

Water King Isolte Cruel.

I heard from Orsted that she is a person that may show up as an enemy.

In the first place, I have already informed Eris about the high possibility that the Water God Reida will be our enemy.

At that time, Eris might had already presumed that Isolte will also become our enemy.

Since her position is that of an apprentice knight, I don't think that would be the case... but anything is possible.

Her position may be low, but her skill is still King rank.

If it becomes a battlefield, the possibility that it'll come to that is high.

" ... Eris, are you okay with that?"

"I can't wait. The debt I owe her in the Holy Land of the Sword shall be paid."

"Is that so?"

I don't know myself, but those kinds of words came out without hesitation, in other words, these two people have such a relationship.

It's a rivalry.

I don't understand it that well.

However, when it comes to giving up your life, it's not something I understand at all.

If possible, I want both of them to survive and continue to compete.

Because it will all end if one of you dies.

Part 4

We turned right in the middle of the road and continued uphill.

Huge walls are being guarded by soldiers, but when Luke showed his crest, we're allowed through easily.

After we passed through the district of intermediate nobles, and under a wall again, we were surrounded with houses that were as large as the castles of a small country.

It's the district of the upper nobility.

The second house of Ariel was in a somewhat distant position from the royal castle.

Despite being located within the city, it is five times larger than my house.

Not as big as Eris's family home that doubled as a fort in times of war, but way too big to be a private home.

It was already evening.

Since we entered the city in the early afternoon, we've spent half a day already.

When we were entering the building's garden, people that looked like butlers came out.

Seeing Luke, they immediately went inside and collected the maids in a hurry to greet us.

In total, there are around five or so people.

Even during her absence, they continued to manage Ariel's house.

We are greeted by the servants and moved into the building.

Inside, it was gorgeous.

Although the furnishings in Perugius's castle are also top tier, it gave off a vibe of being a fine arts gallery, this feels like a villa belonging to an Asura noble.

The rank of the place is on par with Eris's castle.

After being assigned a room, I wash away the fatigue of travel by bathing.

The bathroom had decorations made of metal, even on the pail that is used for bathing, was glittering.

There is a bathtub right in the room, but there is also a bathroom as well.

I probably wouldn't use that.

After bathing, I had a meal.

Present are four people, Ariel, Eris, Sylphy, and I.

Ariel's attendants seem to be dining at a different location.

"Well, Rudeus-sama"


"With your help, Rudeus-sama, I was able to come here safely"

After the meal is over, Ariel called me again.

"I will begin my operations from tomorrow.

To welcome Perugius-sama, and to prepare the 『Venue』 where I will bring down Senior Minister Darius.

To verify the nobles' request during my absence, and to gather information.

Make contact with allies that have been lying in wait for us, strengthening our foundations... We will be busy "


"Before Darius makes his move, let's get the 『Venue』 ready as soon as possible. Fortunately, the powerful nobles have already gathered here in the capital at the news of father's illness."

Soon, there will be a decisive battle.

"How much time will you need to make your preparations?"

"Ten days"


... Ten days.

That's fast.

"I have all the pieces gathered here.

It'll depend on how the other side plays this, but I believe our victory is assured.

Although I think that the possibility is low,

but the possibility exists that the 『Venue』 might unfortunately become a battlefield."

Honestly, we should try to preserve our strength, but that's determined by what the other side has planned for us.

"I think our strength here is enough, but you can't be too sure. Before that, lets reduce the enemy's main force as much as we can first."


"Rudeus-sama, Eris-sama, and Sylphy, I would like you to play that role."

Preemptively depleting the enemy's forces...

Indeed, our opponent may have employed many from the North God Style.

"However, it will be difficult to launch an attack and ensure the safety of Ariel at the same time."

In this city, Ariel has many allies.

But, there is no one at the North Emperor level.

Eris, Sylphy, and I are the offense team, while only Ghyslaine and Luke will protect Ariel.

Ghyslaine is dependable, but if they send more than a North King, she might be in trouble.

"Therefore, I will act as the bait."

"The bait... ?"

"I will reveal an opportunity for them to attack this place on purpose. I'll be safe thanks to the magic items in my possession"

Like that substitution magic ring, for example.

Someone can use it to impersonate Ariel.

Create a situation where we look vulnerable and strike the opponent back.

In that situation, Ariel will make her move.

Returning from meetings with nobles and behind-the-scenes work.

During morning, evening, late at night.

It would be possible to feint vulnerability in our movements.

If the other side comes to us, it saves us the trouble of finding them.

"But Sylphy, it means that you will have to play a little dangerous role..."

"I have no objections."

Sylphy answers back immediately.

"This is the last push, so let's do our best."

So Sylphy will be Ariel's double...

Well, if it becomes a battle there is no safe place anyway.

After coming this far it doesn't matter where you are.

Since the person herself is willing to do it, I will protect her with all my power as well.

"Will they take the bait?"

"It's about... 50-50 I'd say."

After all, during our journey to the capital, we weren't attacked a single time.

Although we were on alert and the journey lasted almost a month. There must have been a chance to attack.

If it happens that Ariel's 『Venue』 is not anticipated and the enemy is crushed with overwhelming force, I would feel highly motivated.

"It'll be good if we can bait them out. If not, you'll at least be safe."

"Unless I get caught ... if I do, it will be an all-out war."

"I think in that case, Rudeus-sama will be more burdened."

I will be.

... I wonder if it will okay.

"Do you not have reinforcements here?"

"The Ranoa Kingdom have prepared some in advance. But, they are only advanced level swordsmen, and advanced level magicians at best. Since the other party has the North Emperor and the North Kings, at the day and place of the 『Venue』, we will be under-powered. "

That's true.

"If it comes to that point, we will borrow that person's power."

"That person?"

Is it Orsted?

I wonder if he has already arrived in this town.

We still keep contact, but there is only a few thing to be reported since he is a man of few words.

Since Luke is wary of me, Ariel may not meet Orsted again.

"Well, when it comes to that, I will request his help."

Sylphy had tilted her neck at this exchange, but well it's fine.

"I will need your help in that regard."


Things to do in the next 10 days were also decided.

Starting tomorrow, the battle for the Asura Kingdom begins.